After hearing Wang Moyu's relaxed tone, Ye Tian felt a lot more at ease.

It seems that this little girl should have extraordinary means, the original violent power of space is so insignificant in her mouth.

Feeling that there may not be much room for him now, Ye Tian always sits on the ground and continues to meditate.

The damage to his mental power by the power of space just now was more than that on the surface. At this time, he also immersed all his mental power in the compass, intending to give himself a deeper recovery.


Time passed by every second, Ye Tian finally opened his bright eyes.

Although the control of the depth of the compass has caused some damage to his body, Ye Tian can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. At this time, he feels that the connection between himself and the compass is deeper, and it seems that there is a kind of power dormant in his body. When it is in danger, it will come out immediately.

"Finally woke up, I've almost dealt with the outside affairs, let's go quickly."

Hearing Wang Moyu's words, Ye Tian also nodded and immediately followed.

After walking out of the cave, Ye Tian realized that he was now in a completely different environment. Although it was still a mountainous area, both the climate and the type of vegetation were very different from before.

Looking at the empty sky, Ye Tian also sighed slightly, it seems that now he can only take one step at a time.

The two walked silently on the path between the mountains, even though Ye Tian said a few words from time to time, Wang Moyu seemed to be indifferent.

It seems that the formation of the two of them is high, and their strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. After the two of them rushed to the road with all their strength, it didn't take long for them to feel the breath of magic in the air.

"It seems that someone passed by here, and our direction should not deviate too much.

"Well, someone should be fighting here, don't worry about it, keep going."

"I said, Miss Wang, it's okay to continue walking, but it's really in front of that treasure..."

Seeing Wang Moyu pretending to be calm, Ye Tian also laughed.

"Hmph, even though you have some means, but if you really do something, I'm not afraid of you! Ouch..."

Before Wang Moyu finished her words with a confident face, she saw that her feet seemed to have stepped on something soft, and she jumped back a step.

Looking down hastily, Wang Moyu's expression also became a lot more solemn.

"Ye Tian, ​​look..."

"Why isn't it just a corpse? It is estimated that the one who just fought here should be the enemy of life and death. It should not be surprising that a few lives were lost in such a big event."

"I tell you to look carefully! This corpse, something seems wrong..."


Seeing Wang Moyu's seriousness that didn't seem like a joke, Ye Tian also quickly leaned over and looked at the bodies of the young men in front of him.

I don't know how long the corpse has been here, but the whole body has begun to become limp, and the facial expression is very natural. It should be a powerful man far exceeding his own strength.

As Ye Tian's eyes slowly swept across, the doubts in his heart became deeper and deeper.

Although the corpse didn't seem to have any major problems, the faint disgust was unknown.

Could it be that there is something strange here?_

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