The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 510: : Down's scam


Lewis was very face-saving, and pushed Tang Dao out at the most lively time of the reception, mainly because he also wanted to see what Tang Dao's plan to make a fortune was.

"Gentlemen, I am honored to invite Mr. Nicholas Tang, the chairman of the Savior Company, who will show me the weapon sales mechanism in the new era." Lewis applauded lightly, and everyone who knew or didn't know followed suit. Someone also asked privately who this Nicholas was.

King of Africa!

Somali Eagle.

Behind the scenes.

The nicknames and so on began to be spoken from the mouths of the people below. Didn't Tang Dao know that he was so mysterious now? Standing on the second floor with a gentle smile on his calm face, he raised his glass to Lewis confidently, "Thank you very much Mr. Lewis for the invitation. I am just a small businessman compared to everyone. Speak out your own ideas and share them with others.”

The people below both listened and sneered.

The influence caused by the savior company has already made people a little jealous, especially after the failure of the US military mission in Somalia, it has caused a great impact. If it were not for the help of the savior company, I am afraid that the corpse would not be found. With time, public opinion will definitely The pressure is huge. It can be said that Tang Dao saved some people's political lives.

This is also one of the reasons why Tang Dao was able to get so many orders, and why there was no obstacle when the f16 production line was taken. In the eyes of some people, the savior company has already been tagged as a close partner.

After about ten or twenty seconds, the people below slowly quieted down.

Tang Dao also waited patiently, and only after the noise disappeared, he began to speak.

"Everyone knows that as long as you are one step faster than others at any time, you can get business, but our shortcoming is that the goods are piling up like mountains, but we can't find buyers. For this reason, our savior company has a big deal against such companies For example, we provide you with the goods! Of course, we only charge channel maintenance fees, we don’t charge other fees, and in necessary business, we are willing to bear the transportation costs.”

No matter how extravagantly Tang Dao said, the greed in his tone could be smelled.

Obviously, this is advertising, and many people don't take it seriously.

"The Savior Company has business dealings with more than 20 countries in Africa. We have a strong OEM base. Moreover, I have a huge fleet of transport aircraft, and I am fully capable of transporting your goods to all parts of the world." Tang Dao's tone was full of Temptation, "Our company can find orders for you, all you have to do is produce."

This style is too much like Ali!

The original franchise fee is gone, so how much does it cost? This channel fee is the most expensive, Tang Dao is not afraid that no one will be fooled, no, no one will join, as long as he promises to give them a bottom-up order, some people will fight for their heads, but this is suddenly strangely quiet, and Tang Dao is completely confused Yes, you should make some noise.

His facial expression was stiff, and he looked down, "Gentlemen, do you have any doubts?"

"You said to introduce the order to us? Can you guarantee it?" Finally someone asked.

Tang Dao also took a special look at the other party. He was a short and fat man with crew cut hair and slightly long cheeks, which meant he was a bit ugly. Tang Dao held on to the railing with one hand and replied with a smile, "Of course."

"Why?" Humpty Dumpty asked next.

"Because my name is Nicholas, and my company is called Savior, because in Africa, I am the largest private weapon supplier." Tang Dao said very simply, and it seemed to be expounding a fact, but the people who hate jealousy think he They are bragging, but more people are thinking with their heads down.

"We, Lockheed, have decided to cooperate with the Savior Company to build an F16 fighter jet production line, which is in Zaire." Lewis suddenly said at the back. The news was like a blockbuster, which made everyone dizzy. Tang Dao was surprised Looking at him, the former blinked.

Obviously, Lewis intends to push Tang Dao out, and he wants to give the latter a platform.

F16 fighter jet!

One of the best-performing fighter jets in the world, there is no shortage of orders, but only the production speed. This is a business that can only make money. Was it taken away by this Asian?

Now even those who are jealous of him are starting to re-examine. Such a person must have greater qualities. Even if you are against him, you have to think about what ability the other party has, otherwise it is stupid.

Tang Dao also took advantage of this place to draw his future big pie, "In addition to f16, our company will also establish several factories specializing in the production of tanks in Zaire, and will build a complete and sound transportation system." The system, with Zaire as the center and Somalia as the core of the radiation zone, binds all the countries in Africa again."

This is bragging.

The most important thing is money, all the working capital has been paid to Lockheed, and now there is still money to make these? But you have to show that you are awesome, otherwise, how will people know that you are awesome? If it weren't for technology not allowing it, Tang Dao would have wanted to blow it to the moon.

With Lewis giving him a platform, his credibility was immediately high. In addition, the blueprint drawn by Tang Dao is very beautiful, and he said that he has the bottom line, which makes everyone a little bit moved. Of course, there are also calmly asked, "Mr. Nicholas , How much is the channel fee you said?"

"30% of the order!" Tang Dao thinks that this is already very low. After the millennium, those Internet companies with a large number of channels can be around 50% or even higher. That's called black, but his appetite It's too big now, at least even Lewis thinks so.

There were mixed voices on the first floor, and even people on the second floor were talking to each other.

"This appetite is too big." Someone next to him complained, just overheard by Albert Charles. He turned his head and looked at the person who spoke, "Does Mr. Bilson think so too?"

"Well, it's like a commission, 30% is really too much." The old guy named Bilson saw that someone answered and then he started to get excited, facing Elbert. Charles was like, "10% is the best."

"But I think the channel is in the hands of Mr. Nicholas. If he wants higher income, he can only sell your goods at a higher price. In terms of income, you are actually a win-win situation. Isn't that good? ?”

What Elbert said immediately caught Bilson in a daze, and after thinking about it for a while, it seemed to be the reason, and he frowned, "Isn't this just cheating the seller?" After he finished speaking, he felt a strange look in his eyes Looking at him, he suddenly came back to his senses, and was about to slap himself.

Where is there any deception in the mall? Only dumb and smart people.

Want to make money, is it still clean? Of course, maybe some fools will believe it if they play it up in the newspapers.

As long as it makes money, it's fine.

Bilson also found out that Tang Dao's business could really be done. If it were someone else, there would be no such channel, and this would almost be a monopoly industry.

"If anyone needs to know, you can find me after the reception, thank you." Tang Dao raised his glass, saluted everyone, and then took a sip. It is impossible to do it, it would be too much trouble.

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