The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 1003: : You don't understand it!

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Tang Dao of course ignored Herman's words.

Are you kidding me, you're covering the Alps?

The next day, the savior company will really fall into an extreme "difficulty". No matter how great a company is, it is just a car company!

Tang Dao told Herman about his helplessness, the other party was silent for a while, and nodded, "At any time, the country is the largest power organization on this planet, but there is actually another way, the genetic modification route of the Superman organization is wrong , but they also have many advantages. My researcher found that the survival rate of artificial DNA cultivated according to the data is about 9.8%, which is also one of the unstable factors, but again, the purity of these DNAs is very high, that is, Say, DAN for auxiliaries or synthesis isn't as filthy as our future."

"Nature has a very strong self-healing ability, and the same is true for those animals. Our era has long been destroyed by careless technology, so...the number and quality of animals in the wild are seriously reduced!"

Herman spoke very carefully.

Tang Dao understands that the raw materials are contaminated. In this era, although the technology is not good, there are not so many impurities in the DAN of those animals. After all, people don't eat junk food.

The current evolution should be the most "reasonable" and "perfect", but it cannot be said to be perfect.

Tang Mou nodded his head half-understood, "You want me to continue to improve?"

Herman snapped his fingers, very satisfied with Tang Dao's IQ, which is what he likes most when dealing with smart people.

He pondered for a while, and after considering the friendship between the two parties, he said, "I can give you some experimental data about monsters in the laboratory, but you know, I need funds."

"Of course it's no problem!" Tang Dao nodded with a smile, and the rich man answered decisively.

I agreed without asking the price.

This made Herman, who was suffering from financial troubles, very envious, and then looked around, as if observing. In Tang Dao's eyes, he was dangling around on the virtual screen alone, as if he had some secret .

"Actually, if you are willing to increase the price, I can find someone to help you research artificial DNA that is more in line with your era."

"Can you still ask someone for help?" Tang Dao was slightly surprised.

Herman looked at him with some doubts, "The essence of the birth of basic UC is to help each other, why not?" When he said this, seeing Tang Dao's blank look, he immediately understood, "I'm afraid you haven't Have you really understood it?"

Tang Dao smiled awkwardly.

"Basic UC includes a lot, communication tools, shopping malls, and even business summaries. You can meet them here. Here you can see many factories or research institutes accepting various businesses, and even... human trafficking!"

Herman blushed a little when he said this, someone Tang spent at least billions on him, but those things... In fact, according to the market price, it is impossible to say that they are waste paper, but as long as it is a Qualified undergraduate graduates can make it freely, and the value depends on the author.

And now that he said it again, he was actually a little guilty. After all, he is a scientist, so he still needs to show his face. If he had changed to Tang Dao and compared his heart with his heart, he would have lost all the underpants that the other party had cheated on him.

Boss Tang suddenly realized!

Although Herman felt guilty, he didn't say to refund the money. What a joke, so much money can buy more equipment.

"Then it's okay if I customize a monster?"

Herman looked at the other party, reached out and pushed his glasses, "In principle, it is possible, but... it is against the law!"


Ah bah, I, Tang, have never respected the law!

No, your future law wants to control my current people? As for the great official authority, times are changing, but the pursuit of profit remains the same, that is to say, there are also people who specialize in doing this kind of business.

Space-time smuggling?

Tang Dao felt that his head was amused, but seeing Herman like that, he didn't know what to do, so he planned to study it later.

After the two agreed to introduce him to a "lack of money" scientist next time, they hung up the communication. Tang Dao rubbed his chin, squinted his eyes, first made himself a cup of coffee, then sat on the balcony, carefully Continue to examine the system carefully.

It's quite complicated, and there are many things that I haven't seen before.

For example, in the list of scientists (living), the first place on it is Tesla, followed by a series of values ​​and introductions, including the advancement of lightsabers, human exoskeletons, etc., which gave him extra points. The two are world-renowned physicists, Hawking who knocked out the "black hole" with three fingers.

Of course, the gap between the top 100 is not that big.

Tesla was a spoiled child and a giant in a certain era, but talented people emerged from generation to generation. He was able to reach the top thanks to the savior company, who spent money on it!

The entrepreneur has a big business, enough for him to do experiments.

This is also a concept that Tang Dao believes. Why do some people say that the founding monarch is surrounded by famous ministers? Is it because they are born better than others? Of course not, but in the pursuit of success, they are learning and improving each other. Mister is just a mercenary captain. Always on the battlefield, he can only be a commander.

Tang Dao checked the ranking list. Among the top 100, he saw many familiar names, all employees of the Savior Company, occupying about 30 places, which made him very excited, but he has more If you say that the top 100 are all from the company, wouldn't it be ridiculous?

He sniffed and grinned.

I don't believe that there are still people who are indifferent to high salaries.

But now Tang Dao wants to know more about other functions. After searching a few times, he was eye-opening. He also saw a selection of shops in it. He found a shop at random and entered, and his eyes widened immediately!

A gigantic dinosaur head.

"This is the head of an Aeolus pterosaur from the Cretaceous period, with complete nerves, and has high research value and collection value!"

Favorite this thing?

Someone in Tang gasped and looked at other items, they were all related to dinosaurs or animals that had disappeared, and even sold small herbivorous dinosaurs. The seller said that after genetic modification, they would never It will grow up, and the tallest is only more than 1 meter, which can ensure safety.

He was curious about the name of the shop.

"Specialty store!"

If you realize it, it's International Genetic Technology Corporation!

Oh shit!

It turned out to be them!

That group of self-proclaimed space-time hunters?

Tang Dao seemed to think of something, exited the store, and then entered the ranking according to sales in the search.

Suddenly, a familiar name appeared on it.

Tenth: Tyrell!

Business scope: high-tech biochemistry

Well-known products: humanoid robots

Company slogan: "Morehumanthanhuman"

Ninth: Company Name: Ankang (EN)

Business Scope: Electronic components, computer hardware and software, program development

Well-known products: TRON

Eighth: Company Name: Resource Development Authority (RDA,)

Line of business: Anything from non-terrestrial planets like Pandora

Well-known products: various tanks, aircraft, weapons

Second: Company Name: Wieland-Yutani (-YutaniCorp, aka Thepany)

Business Scope: Known extragalactic human immigration

Known Product: Acquiring Living Alien for Research

Company slogan: "BuildierWorlds."

First: Company name: "Umbrella" Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.!

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