The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 611: Everything will be fine

Hufflepuff lounge.

Gabriel got up as early as in Beauxbaton.

She quickly changed into her uniform and stacked the quilts neatly, but when she looked up again, she met the strange eyes of her roommates.

Gabriel didn't respond to this, but just walked out of the bedroom with an indifferent face.

Her Veela blood and her long silver hair make her the focus of attention no matter where she is.

She has long been used to this, after all, she had seen even more disgusting eyes and expressions when she was in Beauxbaton.

It has been more than a month since Gabriel came to the country.

For more than a month, Link placed them in a small manor on the outskirts of Cambridge.

It was a small but beautiful manor.

It is said that it was once built by a member of the Wizengamot, and it was planned to be reserved for retirement.

But for some reason, it fell into Link's hands.

I still remember that when the real estate certificate and various identity certificates were handed over to her parents, they were so excited that they could hardly extricate themselves.

They kept running from one end of the manor to the other, and from the other end to this end.

During the period, I touched this for a while, and touched this again for a while, and my eyes were full of happiness.

Still sighing, they have a home again.

About to start a new life.

Indeed, as they said, a new life has begun.

Father was assigned a job at Gringotts. The salary was not high, but he was very leisurely.

This is already an unimaginable preferential treatment for the father.

After all, when he was in France, his father was engaged in the hardest and most tiring work.

This is not because the father's ability is insufficient, or the nature of the work he is doing is special.

It was because his father married a woman of Veela blood like his mother.

The French wizarding world is open, but this openness is actually aimed at Muggle-born wizards.

Behavior like my father is still not accepted by society.

The price of his father's apostasy was that he also became a different kind, and became the object of being excluded and suppressed.

Father never said any of this at home.

He has always been very optimistic and happy, and he looks cheerful all day long, which can even be described as heartless.

But Gabriel knew very well that what was hidden under her father's smile was extreme pain.

Because she had seen with her own eyes the scene where her father and mother hid in the room and cried.

I saw my father standing alone at the door of the house, his face was full of sadness and frustration, but when the door opened, he put on a smile instantly.

She even saw her father being abused and teased by colleagues with all kinds of foul language at work. Those people were so unscrupulous that they even used their mother as a 'joke'.

At that time, the father just smiled awkwardly.

Gabriel didn't want to admit that her father was too cowardly.

Because my father once resisted.

As a result of the resistance, the father of that time would always have scars all over his body when he returned home.

And he will lose that job immediately, and the whole family will lose their source of income.

So the reason why my father endured those insults was only for the stability of the family.

He is not cowardly at all!

On the contrary, he is very brave!

The really cowardly ones have long since abandoned them and started over with their mothers!

Only those who are truly brave will stay and support this family!

But all this changed after coming to the country.

The father who worked at Gringotts was probably completely away from the exclusion and oppression from colleagues and superiors.

This is a very understandable thing. After all, the staff of Gringotts were all under the leadership of goblins in the past. It is strange that they would discriminate against non-wizard races.

What's more, her father was personally recommended by a big man like Link Foley.

It's too late for others to flatter him.

This can be seen from the way he hums ditties all day long and smiles all over his face.

Not just fathers.

My sister and mother had a great time too.

Among them, the elder sister was placed in the International Department of Magic Cooperation and worked hard to learn English all day long.

The mother, on the other hand, stayed at home to take care of the garden and do housework.

She's good at it and loves it, household magic is her specialty, and everything in the house is always looking like new with her.

She also likes gardening.

Even when they had no garden at all in France, she would always get some potted plants and flowers to decorate the living room beautifully.

Gabriel remembered how many times her mother had said that it would be nice to have a real garden.

And now, her wish has come true.

Although the manor that Link gave them was not big, it was just right for the four of them to live in, and it wouldn't be too strenuous for the mother to clean it.

What's more, there is a garden here!

Everything seems to be going well, just as her sister promised her.

But looking back on her experience during this period, she felt as if she had fallen into a dream.

A nightmare!

First, Beauxbaton was attacked, Principal Maxim was killed in battle, and then he himself was taken captive to the country.

The most frightening thing was that the Phantom Knight, who could be said to be her favorite, turned into a demon that night and became the source of all his suffering.

All these things have changed so fast that it has far exceeded Gabriel's comprehension.

She couldn't digest these things by herself, and because of this, these things turned into pain and tortured her constantly.

Although the first time she left France, her sister had already told her all the truth about Voldemort and the shadow man.

But it still couldn't close the wound in her heart.

Since coming to Ying country, she has stopped talking and there is no smile on her face.

She locked herself in the room, no matter how beautiful gifts her sister and parents bought her, or how delicious meals they cooked, they could not rekindle her hope.

Because in the face of those turbulent pains, all she can do is to close her heart.

Only in this way can she ensure that she does not go crazy.

All of this, of course, has not changed at Hogwarts.

Hufflepuff common rooms are notoriously cozy.

The yellow and black color scheme and various lush flowers and plants here always give people a good mood, and even the portrait of Ms. Hufflepuff on the wall looks gentler than the founders of other colleges.

But this still couldn't touch Gabriel's heart.

She closed the door of the bedroom like a dull puppet, and then walked slowly towards the exit of the lounge.

The original laughter in the common room disappeared the moment she appeared.

Everyone fell silent and stared at her with complicated eyes.

This made her bite her lip unconsciously, her heartbeat continued to speed up, and even the pace of her feet accelerated a lot.

The habits she had developed at Beauxbatons were urging her to get out of here.

Because if I walk slowly, there is a high possibility that an even more unbearable humiliation will befall me next.

She had experienced too many such things in Beauxbatons.

However, even though she has tried her best to speed up her pace, she has entered a state similar to a race walk.

But things still happened.

A tall figure stood in front of her.

It was a majestic seventh-grader.

Maybe it's not appropriate to use the word majestic to describe a woman, but Gabriel really couldn't find a better word to describe the other person's figure.

The other party's broad figure and thick arms can't even be compared with most boys.

Judging from Gabriel's experience in Beauxbatons, such people are generally difficult to deal with.

Because they are often fiercer than boys, and because they are women themselves, without the restrictions of a man's face, they can do even more insane things.

At this moment, Gabriel is even ready for disaster.

But at the next moment, the other party handed over two newspapers.

Gabriel took it and opened it, and the report on it clearly came into her eyes.

This made her body shake slightly.

The name Norton was like a steel needle, piercing deeply into her heart.

That was the professor she respected the most in Beauxbaton besides Maxim and Lilo.

The opponent is powerful, unsmiling, and even looks very indifferent, exuding a kind of temperament that strangers should not enter.

But in fact, under the cold appearance of the other party, there is a hot heart hidden.

Whenever someone needs help, Professor Norton is always the first to help.

And this time, of course, is no exception.

It's it really necessary to do this?

It was Link and Dumbledore who brought disaster to Beauxbatons.

Shouldn't the targets of revenge also be these two people?

Why attack the Hogwarts Express and Diagon Alley?

Those who are active there are all innocent people!

Gabriel's body trembled slightly.

In fact, she vaguely had an answer in her heart.

Link and Dumbledore are really too strong.

It was so strong that Professor Norton didn't even dare to attack them tentatively.

Ever since, Norton aimed his revenge at innocent civilians.

Such behavior,

Is this shameless behavior really something that Professor Norton can do?

Gabriel couldn't believe it.

At the same time, she probably understood the reason why the majestic Hufflepuff girl in front of her stopped her.

She actually had the same idea as Norton.

I don't have the ability to take revenge on the culprit, so I can only spread it on those who are related to the culprit.

Even if the person's relationship to the culprit is so remote that it barely makes sense.

Gabriel was all too familiar with these things.

She raised her head and stared at the majestic Hufflepuff girl in front of her, with disdain and pride on her face.

It seems to be mocking the other party's behavior.

She had always been that way, she had been that way at Beauxbatons, and she had always been that way at Hogwarts.

Endless concessions and tolerance simply don't make any sense.

It will only make those people laugh more freely, and make the next bullying more unscrupulous.

In the face of bullying, we must be strong and fight back at all costs.

Even if the enemy's strength is much greater than hers, even if the enemy's number is much greater than hers!

Because only in this way can those who bully you know that there is a price to be paid for bullying you.

This is how Gabriel survives.

If not, she would have been devoured long ago in Beauxbatons!

"Gabrielle, where are you going?"

The Hufflepuff girl who stopped Gabriel spoke softly, with an indescribable taste in her tone.

At the same time, the surrounding Hufflepuffs also stood up and slowly approached.

This made the sarcasm in the smile on Gabriel's face a bit more intense.

Fortunately, her sister also said that life would be much better after coming to Hogwarts.

At least you won't be bullied.

After all, blood discrimination at Hogwarts will be punished.

But now?

What's the difference between here and Beauxbatons?

What is the difference between the students here and the students at Beauxbatons?

Isn't the bullying that should have happened?


Gabriel couldn't help but sneered, raised her face and said:

"Go to dinner and go to class."

The majestic girl opposite raised her arm.

The instinct of the human body drove Gabriel to close her eyes.

She was ready for the palm that would hit her face the next moment.

She even dodged back slightly.

Such an evasive action was not enough for her to avoid the opponent's attack, but it could prevent the opponent from hurting her ears.

However, the expected breaking wind, shouting and burning pain did not appear.

The big hand just touched her face lightly.

Warm to the touch, yet dry.

Then he heard the other party say softly:

"Poor child, let me go with you. Oh no, we are the ones to go with you. We have discussed it a long time ago."

Hearing this, Gabriel opened her eyes in disbelief.

What I saw was a big face that looked fierce but had pure eyes.

"That's right, Gabriel, we'll go with you."

"Don't be shy, Gabriel, that's what we should do!"


More and more people gathered around, they surrounded Gabriel tightly, and kept saying comforting words.

This made Gabriel even more confused.

Her lips twitched, and she said in a voice that was almost like a mosquito moan:



The majestic girl in front of me repeated it, and said with some confusion, "Didn't I show you today's "Daily Prophet" just now? After this incident, the whole Hogwarts was turned upside down. It's all messed up, and even the professors can't deal with them! And someone like you, who just transferred from Beauxbatons, is likely to become the object of their anger."

"However, don't worry!" A senior boy with a pockmarked face took up the conversation, "We will protect you! We will accompany you wherever you want to go, and we will ensure that those thugs won't hurt you! Haha! We are Hufflepuffs! Unity and love are our tenet!"

Another lanky girl stepped out, Gabriel's roommate.

She took Gabrielle's arm and said:

"But I think you'd better not go out, it's not safe after all. Anyway, something like this happened today, and the class won't be able to go. As for breakfast, it's not a big problem. The kitchen is next door to us. I'll talk about it later Send someone to fetch some food, how about you just stay here with us for a while?

Besides, Gabriel, Hogwarts doesn't have too many requirements for housekeeping, you don't have to make the quilt every day when you wake up. It's stacked... so standard. "

The answers given to her by everyone were simply irrelevant.

But looking at everyone's gentle eyes, Gabriel's consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

She nodded for some reason, and was surrounded by people and sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

At the beginning, the majestic girl cheerfully poured her a cup of black tea, and said in an apologetic voice:

"Sorry, Gabriel, it's only the first day of school, and we left you with such a bad impression. I hope you don't take it to heart, Hogwarts is still very friendly, uh... most It was a friendly time."

Listening to the girl's words, Gabriel's eyes finally turned red.

She felt that her nose was sour, and something was gushing out of her eye sockets, so that her vision was blurred.

She opened and closed her lips slightly, wanting to say thank you.

But he didn't say anything, but there was a loud noise not far away.

Everyone turned their heads abruptly, and saw that Harry was kicking open the wooden plank blocking the entrance to the lounge, leading Hermione into the Hufflepuff lounge.

"Where's Gabriel! Where's Gabriel?"

Harry said angrily.

Good guy! Someone really was brave enough to come to Hufflepuff to find trouble!

The faces of the Hufflepuffs in the lounge showed disbelief.

And soon, several senior Hufflepuff boys who had been sitting around Gabrielle stood up.

Stretching their limbs and twisting their necks, they walked towards Harry with grinning grinning.

What's more, he even quietly took out his wand.

This scene put a lot of pressure on Harry.

But he didn't flinch.

He still remembered his original purpose - to rescue Gabriel!

His face is full of determination!

At this moment, he felt that he had become a knight trying to take back the captive princess from the dragon!

The scarlet cloak is fluttering behind his back, and the snow-white sharp blade is reflecting cold white light in his hand!

Not only that, but behind him is the most trustworthy companion!

This moment! He is fearless! He is invincible!


Hermione, Harry's trusted companion, slapped Harry hard on the head.

The scarlet cloak and the gleaming blade all disappeared.

Harry covered his head and wailed, then looked at Hermione with an aggrieved expression.

He didn't understand why his companion who had experienced so many adventures with him would turn against him at this critical moment!

Hermione, do you mean you have also become the lackey of the dragon?

And Hermione turned pale with anger.

When she saw Harry like this, she knew that Harry was suffering from another illness.

Pointing at Gabriel not far away, Hermione said angrily:

"Idiot, watch carefully, does Gabriel seem to be being bullied?"

After saying that, Hermione also ignored Harry, but turned her head, put on a smiling face and said:

"Excuse me, everyone. We heard about what happened today, and rushed here because we were afraid that Gabriel would be bullied. Gabriel should be okay, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Hufflepuffs who had gathered around looked at each other, and resignedly put away their fists and wands.

In fact, like Harry, they were all dreaming of knights just now.

I am eager to protect the princess Gabriel and show it in front of her.

But I didn't expect it to be an oolong.

The scene became extremely awkward for a while.

But at this moment, a series of laughter like silver bells came to mind in the lounge.

This is Gabriel.

Gabriel let out a laugh after she came to the country.

She laughed so freely that tears kept gushing from her eyes, and she couldn't stop it.

She raised her head, and through her dim eyesight, Gabriel could vaguely see Ms. Hufflepuff on the wall holding a gold cup and holding it up to her with a smile.

This made her think of her sister for no reason.

I remembered what my sister said to her earlier - go to Hogwarts, everything will be fine.

‘Sister, maybe you are right. '

Gabriel whispered to herself.

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