The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 684: The End of the French Ministry of Magic

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The French Minister of Magic became more and more excited as he spoke.

And what he said just confirmed Link's thoughts.

Under the current situation, the only two forces capable of causing such damage to the French Ministry of Magic are the Shadowmen and the International Federation of Wizards.

Now, according to the dictation of the French Minister of Magic, the suspicion of the International Federation of Wizards can basically be ruled out.

Most likely, the group of people represented by Old Harris just wanted to take advantage of the fire to loot, and the culprit of this accident was the shadow man.

But, what is their purpose in doing this?

Link remained silent until the French Minister of Magic calmed down a bit before continuing:

"Then let's continue talking, Mr. Minister, what happened here? What happened to the Infernal Corpse and the glued butcher outside? Why are you hiding here?"

As soon as Link finished speaking, the French Minister of Magic, who had maintained his elegance before, and maintained a dignified sitting posture like the portrait on the wall even when he was emotional, suddenly widened his eyes, waved his hands in the air, and roared angrily:

"I'm not leaving! I'm definitely not leaving! It's only a few months away! I'm only a few months away from getting rid of this mess and becoming a resident of Sky City! How can I go? How can I..."

Old Klein stepped forward and put his hand on the forehead of the French Minister of Magic, using magic to force him to continue sitting on the soft chair, and then opened his eyelids to continue the inspection.

After a while, he turned his head and reported to Link Hui:

"He's crazy. To be precise, he should have been crazy for a while. What he said earlier is probably also crazy."

"Poor Mr. Minister."

Link sighed and shook his head, a trace of contempt rose in his eyes.

Crazy words are not necessarily false words.

Through the identification of Legilimency and chanting incantations, Link can basically judge that all the information previously disclosed by the other party is true, and the ambiguous content is just that the French Minister of Magic really does not know, rather than intentionally blurring the topic.

As for why there was such a big reaction when asked about what happened to the French Ministry of Magic.

Link thinks it might be that what's going on here is more than he can bear, driving him crazy.

But although such a person looks miserable, he is not worthy of pity at all.

According to what the other party just said, combined with the information Link collected himself, this is a thorough and refined egoist. He only has his own interests in his heart. As for the entire French Ministry of Magic, French Magic The world and even the wizards living in this land are just tools for him to satisfy his desires.

The shadow man bewitched Principal Maxim, and jointly stole and embezzled Nicole Flamel's inheritance to expand Beauxbaton's bottomless expansion.

Didn't he even know that the shadow man was secretly developing his power through Beauxbaton's shell?

Of course he knew.

After all, he was the Minister of Magic of France.

In terms of the ability to supervise and control the subordinate units and wizards in the country, he is much better than the previous Fudge of the Ministry of Magic.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to completely subdue the power of pure-blood wizards in the French magic world, so as to promote an equal and open system in the French magic world.

But he just turned a blind eye to Beauxbaton's strength, and even let it go.

The reason is because of political achievements.

Nicole Flamel's legacy is simply overblown.

If such a large sum of Galleons is released directly, although it may disrupt the entire Galleon market and cause rapid inflation, it can also allow the French magic community to use its financial advantage to plunder resources from wizards in the entire world, thereby further advancing The development of French magic.

In this way, the economy of the French magic world will reach its peak in history in a short period of time.

This will also become his greatest achievement as the Minister of Magic of France at the time.

As for the consequences of inflation in the French magic world after Nicole Flamel's inheritance is exhausted,

He doesn't care about the bursting of the bubble.

By that time, he might have retired long ago, went to the International Federation of Wizards, and became a resident of Sky City by virtue of its high reputation and long ruling time.

Then this series of questions naturally has nothing to do with him.

And it was precisely for this purpose that instead of stopping the actions of the shadow man and Principal Maxim, he even tried his best to wipe their ass.

What happened earlier at the International Confederation of Wizards is a good example.

The French Minister of Magic betrayed the interests of the French magic community not only to curry favor with Old Harris, the president of the International Federation of Wizards and extinguish Link's anger, but also to help the shadow people cover up their mistakes.

Such a selfish person to the extreme is not worthy of sympathy at all.

Those who should be pitied are the ordinary wizards who elected this man to the position of Minister of Magic in France.

Their interests, and even their lives, have become bargaining chips in this person's hands, handed over to the devil in exchange for a bad check.

How stupid, how selfish!

Link sighed heavily, and stretched out his hand towards Old Kelie.

The old Klein on the opposite side instantly understood, and put his index finger on the temple of the French Minister of Magic, and pulled out a silk thread that shone with silvery white light.

Link took the thread, and with a large amount of magic power gushing out, simulating the effect of a pensieve, a thick fog enveloped the entire minister's office.

Everyone present only felt that the scene in front of them had changed dramatically in a blink of an eye.

It can be seen that this is still the minister's office, but it is different from the previous magnificent and palace-like office. The office in the French Ministry of Magic's memory is extremely simple. In terms of comfort, it is even It's not even as good as the messy striker's lounge in the Ministry of Magic.

The owner of this memory, that is, the first perspective that Link and others observe is sitting behind a dilapidated black wooden desk, patiently reviewing a document.

It is worth mentioning that.

It is different from the parchment commonly used by the Ministry of Magic of the country.

The paper used in the French Ministry of Magic is ordinary A4 paper, which is cheaper than parchment, and the pen has also been changed from a magic quill to a fountain pen.

From the point of view, the French Minister of Magic, who is reviewing the documents, is sitting in an extremely upright posture. Combined with the surrounding environment and the cheap paper in front of him, it creates an image of a good minister who is extremely clean and serious about his work.

But if you take a closer look at the content written on those documents.

All these beautiful images will collapse in an instant.

Because what is written on it at the moment is about the transfer of resources from the French Ministry of Magic to the International Federation of Wizards, that is, old Harris.

The above clearly expresses that the French Minister of Magic is willing to make a huge resource donation to Sky City on the basis of the original results of the "First Mediation Conference of the International Federation of Wizards" in exchange for the personal support of the International Federation of Wizards .

These include the hope that the International Federation of Wizards can send peacekeeping troops to garrison the French magic world to maintain its rule, and at the same time give it super-citizen treatment after it retires and enters Sky City.

This is completely betraying the country and seeking glory.

After the document was approved, the French Minister of Magic sealed it tightly before putting it into a special letter channel next to the desk.

Judging from the relieved state of the French Minister of Magic, all the letters put into that pipeline should be sent to their destinations in an extremely confidential way.


The door of the office was suddenly opened.

A woman dressed as a secretary hurried in with a stack of documents.

The perspective of the Minister of Magic of France flickered for a while, obviously taken aback, but he quickly adjusted his state, and said coldly to the visitor:

"Didn't I usually teach you etiquette? Go back to me! Knock on the door and come in again!"

The stern image of the French Minister for Magic had clearly entered the secretary's mind.

The secretary's already extremely pale face was frightened to turn black and blue.

She backed out cautiously, closed the door, and knocked on the door again.

It wasn't until the French Minister of Magic said "come in" that he gently opened the door and entered.

"Tell me, so flustered, what happened again?"

"Mr... Minister, Headmaster Norton of Beauxbatons... he committed suicide in front of everyone in the main hall of the Ministry of Magic!"

"This is impossible!"

The French Minister of Magic slammed the table and stood up, "How could that guy die? And he committed suicide? What a joke!"

"Yes! That's right, I don't believe that Principal Norton would commit suicide. It's just that we believe it or not. The key is that everyone else believes it! In just a few minutes since Principal Norton committed suicide, More than a dozen Aurors, clerks, and the public have followed suit. This behavior has caused a lot of commotion in the main hall, and now everyone is rushing to the reception hall, and they want to ask the minister for an explanation!"

"It's really presumptuous! Let the Madago cats out and let them deal with the thugs who stormed the reception hall!" The French Minister of Magic roared, "By the way, let the Auror troops dispatch to block the whole, and don't let anyone bring the news out !"

"It's too late! Mr. Minister, it's too late!" The female secretary said in a crying voice, "When Principal Norton committed suicide, the reporter of the French Magic Post was in the main hall. Left with Portkey, I'm afraid now..."

The female secretary's voice stopped abruptly, because a pen had pierced straight into her eye socket, leaving only a small half of the tail exposed.

"Trash! It's all rubbish! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The French Minister of Magic behind the desk roared and threw all kinds of things on the table, wantonly venting his anger.

It wasn't until he gradually calmed down that he suddenly realized that the secretary on the opposite side had fallen in a pool of blood.

"Oh! Lolita! Are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it! Don't move, I'll help you find a therapist! No, this matter can't be let outsiders know, so Well, I still have potions, white fresh essence, and blood tonics here, hurry up! Where are they all!?"

The French Minister of Magic was rummaging through his drawers, talking to himself.

He didn't want his secretary to die just like that.

It would be a bad blow to his reputation.

But soon a brand new problem was placed in front of him.

Except for documents and other important items in his office, the secretary sorted and cleaned the rest of the things, so even he himself didn't know where many things were placed.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this normally, after all, the secretary can be said to be the person he trusts the most, and he can just ask the secretary to get whatever he wants.

But now, the injured person is the secretary!

The French Minister of Magic was sweating profusely, but at this moment, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded.

"The first aid kit is in the third drawer of the bookcase to your right."

"Oh! Oh! Thank you! Lolita! I don't know without you..."

The French Minister of Magic responded instinctively, but he froze in the middle of the sentence.

He straightened up stiffly, bean-sized beads of sweat kept appearing and sliding down from his head and face, and many even flowed directly into his eyes.

But even so, he still didn't dare to blink, but stared straight at the pool of blood in front of the desk with widened eyes.

The secretary named Lolita was still lying there quietly.

It took less than a minute for the pen to penetrate her eye socket, and a thick layer of blue-black corpse spots had already appeared on her pale skin.

The only remaining good eye was staring at the French Minister of Magic at the moment, its pupils were dilated and lifeless, but there was a layer of light gray magical aura around it.

The French Minister of Magic sank back into his chair in horror.

In contrast, Lolita slowly twisted her body and stood up in an extremely strange posture.

"Mr. Minister, I would like to borrow your Ministry of Magic. I think you will agree, right?"

"It's you!? You guys! Get out of here, you dirty bugs! I won't agree to any of your requests. This is the Ministry of Magic! It's not a place for them to be presumptuous!"

The French Minister for Magic yelled and hit the alarm button mounted under his desk.

All of this fell into Lolita's eyes, but she didn't intend to stop it at all, instead she said with a smile:

"You don't seem to be qualified to say this, do you? After all, compared with us, you are more in line with the two adjectives of dirty and dirty. To be honest, you are such a selfish ruler. I have never seen it in my life. There have been Countless times I have asked myself a question: When you were young, you were also a high-spirited and outstanding person who was eager to carry forward the French magic world and lead everyone to a better life. How come decades have passed, but you have become Is it like this?"

The door behind Lolita was opened again.

A team of Aurors in uniform entered.

Seeing this, the Minister of Magic of France breathed a sigh of relief, pointed at Lolita and said:

"She was controlled by the Imperius Curse and tried to assassinate me! Get rid of her!"

Hearing this, the Aurors were unmoved.

Everyone just stood behind Lolita quietly, with indifferent eyes.

This made the French Minister of Magic realize that something was wrong.

At this time, Lolita tilted her head slightly, opened her rapidly decaying mouth and continued:

"This question, I now finally have the answer."

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