The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 104 Fighting against Senior Beastmasters

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Chapter 104 Fighting against Senior Beastmasters

"I said, your opponent is me!"

Sun Wu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of strength, and he stared at Luo Hufa firmly.

A middle-level beast master challenged a senior beast master. Before fighting for less than a hundred rounds, Sun Wu was beaten to the ground by Luo Hufa. After adjusting his breath just now, he barely recovered a little.

However, the only battle pet in Sun Wu's hands that can compete head-on with high-level beasts is the Kuangtao Beastmaster, and now even the Kuangtao Beastmaster has been defeated by the Thunderyaw Beastmaster.

"Maybe this guy has other high-level beasts in his hands, brother! You must calm down and don't be impulsive!" Er Gouzi lay on the ground like a dead dog, without the strength to get up.

But Sun Tzu's eyes were full of determination, he stared firmly at Protector Luo's face, and said in a low voice: "It's just a senior beast master, I will defeat them sooner or later, it's better to be now than to wait until later!"

"Brother Sun Wu, don't worry! If he has other pets, let me stop them for you!"

Lu Yang patted the dust off his body, laughed loudly and said, the injury just now is no longer a serious problem.

Seeing Sun Wu's strange gaze, Lu Yang quickly explained: "Brother Sun Wu, you don't have to worry about me. I was just careless just now, I'm fine! Compared with Zhan Chong, no one can compare to me in Xiangyang City Woolen cloth!"

If they really wanted to fight Luo Hufa, Lu Yang's twenty battle pets would come out together, even if they were suppressed in terms of realm, they could completely crush their opponents by taking advantage of their numbers.

Casting a confident look at Sun Wu, Lu Yang flew up and turned towards the Thunderya Beast King. With a raised arm, a ferocious beast with a head cast like gold appeared behind Lu Yang.

Luo Hufa narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the sudden appearance of the Golden Lion King, and kept murmuring: "It turns out to be a lord-level battle pet again! These little guys are really big!"

"Is the Tianjiao from a small city? It's interesting! It's a pity that it is a waste of money. If all these lord-level battle pets are in my hands, it would be great."

Watching Lu Yang summon the Golden Lion King, Guardian Luo was unambiguous. Although he couldn't control the lord-level beasts, as a high-level beast master, he still had quite a few elite-level war pets. Out of three fierce beasts.

"Four heads? Looks like a lot!"

It's just that the Thunder Fang Beastmaster is the one with the strongest fighting power. After all, there are not many beasts with the Thunder attribute, and they have huge destructive power.

It's just that even if a high-level beast master has the qualifications to practice innate supernatural powers, it's not that simple to practice. It's not bad to be able to pick one or two suitable ones for cultivation. No one has ever been as perverted as Lu Yang, who is gifted with supernatural powers all over his body.

Four high-level elite beasts, Lu Yang also summoned four lord-level beasts. In a one-on-one situation, the lord-level beasts will not be at a disadvantage by taking advantage of their blood, so Lu Yang is relieved. Come, watch Sun Wu's battle from the sidelines.

Without the support of his pets, Protector Luo is like a toothless tiger. Although powerful, it's not that scary.

Sun Wu has been completely immersed in the crazy fighting spirit, and only fighting is left in his mind.

Without a clear consciousness, only the fighting instinct remained. Sun Wu turned into a fighting machine, forgetting the pain, and he could exert the strongest power with every punch. Even if Protector Luo is stronger than him, the more he fights, the more frightened he becomes.

"Damn it! Is this guy bloody?"

Hurriedly dodging Sun Wu's punch, Luo Hufa raised his arm slightly, Lu Yang's eyes were like a torch, and he could tell at a glance that this was about to display his natural supernatural powers.

Protector Luo only knows the innate supernatural power of Endless Thunder, and Lu Yang has also seen the power of Endless Thunder, and the secret path is not good. Once he is allowed to successfully use it, Sun Wu may suffer a big loss.

"Brother Sun Wu, run! He is showing his supernatural powers!"

With a roar, Lu Yang's body also passed by quickly, and a few flashes appeared beside Sun Wu, a green light lit up, and the single tree into a forest instantly opened.

It seemed that he had known for a long time that a single tree could not withstand the violent attack of endless thunder, so Lu Yang pulled Sun Wu together, and quickly cast the Immortal Golden Bell. Lu Yang's two strongest natural talents and supernatural powers are used together, no matter how strong the endless thunder is, Lu Yang's defense is still impregnable.

"A senior beast master has to use innate supernatural powers to deal with intermediate beast masters. Baldy Luo, can you be more shameless?"

His innate supernatural powers were blocked, and he was scolded bloody by Lu Yang.

Originally, I just wanted to teach the newcomer a lesson, but I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble. Luo Hufa's strength was restrained by Lu Yang and Sun Wu, and he couldn't use it at all, so he felt aggrieved.

"Damn it, this is simply a lunatic and a monster!"

I also want to leave like this, but how will he gain a foothold in the future?

"Okay! Since you are going to be tough! Then I will help you! You step back, I promise that I will not use my innate supernatural powers again! To deal with a pretty boy, even if I don't use my innate supernatural powers, I can still deal with it easily!"

Originally, the price of using innate supernatural powers was not small, how could it be used at will like Lu Yang. Most people use it three times at most, and their bodies will collapse. Only a pervert like Lu Yang, throwing supernatural powers is like eating and drinking.

Lu Yang nodded slightly, removed the Dumu Chenglin and the Immortal Golden Bell, and said to Sun Wu, "Brother Sun Wu, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Looking back at Baldy Luo, Lu Yang came to Er Gouzi's side after a few ups and downs. Having been beaten by Wei Qiang earlier, this kid was almost paralyzed from the beating, but when he saw Lu Yang approaching, he immediately lay down on the ground and howled.

"Brother Yang, you finally came to see me! It hurts me to death!"

Lu Yang covered Er Gouzi's head with one hand, and scolded with a smile: "Well, you Er Gouzi, you dare to tease even your Brother Yang, right?"

"Come on, here is the healing pill, eat it quickly, get up and work for me immediately!"

Lu Yang took out a elixir and stuffed it into Er Gouzi's mouth, before it entered the mouth, the elixir turned into a warm current and flowed all over Er Gouzi's body.

This is a holy medicine specially prepared by Lu Yang. It has a special effect on treating these injuries, and the recovery speed is faster than Lu Yang's recovery ability. Er Gouzi looked like he was about to die before, but in the blink of an eye he became alive and well.

"Brother Yang! This medicine is really effective!"

"There are only a few hundred spars, what do you think!" Lu Yang said loudly, pointing to Wei Qiang in the distance, and quietly said to Er Gouzi: "Er Gouzi, did that guy beat you just now? Now that he is injured, you hurry to take revenge!"

"En! That's great!" Er Gouzi's eyes lit up, and he trotted all the way towards Wei Qiang.

When Lu Yang was there before, Wei Qiang was as obedient as a dog, but when Lu Yang left, he didn't know where he found a helper, so he beat him as soon as he opened the door, and beat Er Gouzi into a daze.

What's even more exasperating is that after Luo Hufa finished beating Er Gouzi, he handed over Er Gouzi to Wei Qiang for disposal. Ergouzi was not as good as Wei Qiang at first, and he was seriously injured by Luo Hufa, so he couldn't beat Wei Qiang even more. The result can be imagined, it was a slap in the face, almost not killed by this guy.

Now that he finally had a chance to take revenge, Er Gouzi was too excited. The tall body twisted for a while, and the speed became faster and faster, and soon came to Wei Qiang, and smiled at him.

Wei Qiang was startled, a chill rose from the soles of his feet, and he said tremblingly, "What do you want?"

"What do you want to do? Of course I want to do it! When you beat me just now, you beat me to death! See if I don't beat you to death now!"

Er Gouzi let out a strange bark, but he didn't summon his battle pet, and rushed towards Wei Qiang directly. With a flurry of punches, the kid immediately disappeared, and turned into a pig's head. It is estimated that even his own mother would not recognize him.

Although the battle pet fights more fiercely, but that kind of feeling is not as good as punching. Er Gouzi moved his hands and feet together, punching and kicking Wei Qiang, and there were bursts of howls like killing pigs in the yard.

"Brother! Don't fight, I will never dare again! You can make me a cow or a horse, please let me go, can't you?"

"Ah bah! Bastard! Why did the sect master give this area to a waste like you?"

Luo Hufa's scolding sound came from afar, and Wei Qiang's heart shuddered, but seeing Er Gouzi's fist was about to fall again, Wei Qiang immediately softened again.

"Brother, I will work here honestly from now on, and I will never do anything wrong again! Please stop beating me!"

Wei Qiang has bitterness in his heart, but he can't say it right now. Even the protectors failed to take down the two guys Lu Yang. Even if there are more powerful masters in the Crazy Sword Sect, they may not be able to take action for him.

Especially Luo Hufa's attitude just now made it clear that he was going to give up Wei Qiang, and Wei Qiang knew it in his heart, even if he escaped, Mad Saber Sect would no longer trust him.

"Why is my life so hard? I really can't live without self-torture. Will I only have to do chores for others in the future?"

Er Gouzi stopped, patted Wei Qiang on the shoulder, and said, "As long as you hang out with Brother Yang in the future! I guarantee you will be more promising than you are now! Don't have those crooked ideas again!"

Protector Luo gave Lu Yang a look of resentment. Although he felt unwilling, there was nothing he could do. Sun Tzu threw himself into the battle, almost getting braver as he fought. Without the use of innate supernatural powers, it is impossible for Luo Hufa to defeat Sun Wu. What's more, there is Lu Yang watching from the side.

Fiercely waving his sleeves, Luo Hufa snorted coldly: "I, Kuang Dao Sect, will remember what happened today! Let you go first, and in the future, Kuang Dao Sect will definitely count all of this on you! "

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