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Chapter 109: Rich Money

The super high probability of success, and the almost monstrous rubbing speed, the two superimposed to create a legend of No. 14.

Among these young rubbing masters, anyone who has heard the legendary story of No. 14 is full of yearning for this legendary genius. I want to see the demeanor of the genius No. 14, and I also want to see for myself how fast the rubbing speed of the legendary No. 14 is.

"Everyone, look at the medal on his chest, it says fourteen!"

"Legend No. 14!"

After a commotion, all rubbing masters rushed towards Lu Yang, and the scene suddenly became much more crowded. Lu Yang was shocked when he saw at least thirty or forty people crowding around him.

"Damn it, I'm so poor, yet you still treat me like a legend!" Lu Yang cursed in his heart.

Suddenly, Lu Yang's mind flashed.

"Don't they want to see the legendary No. 14? Then let them watch it! I'll be a celebrity again, but if you want to see my legendary speed...then... hehehe. "

Thinking back to the previous life, once those sissies became famous, not only would there be a large number of fans chasing after them, but they would also gain both fame and fortune. Such a scene is much better than what Lu Yang is currently facing.

From Lu Yang's point of view, those sissy little boys are just relying on their faces to make a living, but Lu Yang has good looks and strength. Since those sissy little boys can gain both fame and fortune with just one face, why shouldn't he? Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth became stronger.

Seeing the crowd rushing up, Lu Yang put his hands on his chest and said softly, "That's right, I am the number 14 you mentioned, but I don't dare to be a legend." At this point, Lu Yang deliberately paused After a pause, he continued: "Everyone is a rubbing master, and I am just a little faster than everyone else in rubbing."

Seemingly modest, but in fact pretending to show off! Especially the speed of rubbing is Lu Yang's biggest advantage. And what these young rubbing masters envied most was Lu Yang's rubbing speed, which was simply amazing.

"Legend No. 14! Can you tell us your name!"

"That's right! You look so young, you have already achieved your own legend, how old are you this year!"

Sure enough, it was the same as in the previous life, even if it was a different world, these stupid fans were everywhere, and the questions they asked were still so speechless. It's just that Lu Yang had his own thoughts in his heart, so he held back and didn't explode, but answered their questions one by one.

"My name is Lu Yang, and I just joined Duobao Pavilion not long ago. As for my age... I am sixteen this year! Oh, I will be seventeen in a month's time." When Lu Yang said this, he suddenly froze for a moment.

It has been more than half a year since he practiced beast control, and soon it will be Lu Yang's seventeenth birthday.

"Is it my seventeenth birthday? If my mother is still here, she will definitely cook a big meal for me!"

"The child has grown up, mother, brother, where are you?"

Shaking his head, Lu Yang put all these sorrows to the back of his head, continued to smile at those brainless fans, and said leisurely: "Okay, I already know the enthusiasm of the friends in Duobaoge, but now I want to I'm going back to work on this month's tasks, please make way for me, don't all crowd together, okay?"

Those are not the point! The point is, Lu Yang said that now he has to go back to do this month's task!

It was the first mission before, and Lu Yang created a legend in one breath. Now, he has to continue to do the mission. As soon as the news came out, those brainless fans were extremely excited.

They waited at the door of Room 14 not just to see what Lu Yang looked like, but also to see how fast Lu Yang's legendary speed was. There is also how Lu Yang used the rubbing technique, and see if he can learn something from it to help improve himself.

If they can get the teaching of Legendary No. 14 and increase their speed a little bit, not to mention the increase in strength, at least it will make their future tasks a little easier.

The crowd gradually gave way to the door of Room 14. One of the young rubbing masters said reluctantly: "Lord Lu Yang! I want to see how you perform the rubbing technique! Can you let me watch from the sidelines?"

Rubbing masters perform rubbing techniques, relying on spiritual support. Under such circumstances, rubbing masters are very particular about the environment and will never allow anyone to disturb them.

Therefore, when rubbing skills are generally used by rubbing masters, they will be locked in the room, and others will not ignorantly ask to watch.

Although everyone knows this common sense, someone has already brought it up, and the idiot fans around him started to commotion, and many people asked for it.

"Yes, yes, Master Lu Yang, we have always been curious about your legendary speed, can you let us watch from the sidelines! We can also learn from experience!"

"Although such a request is unreasonable, we really hope that Master Lu Yang can satisfy our curiosity and let us see it!"

"This..." The pleas around were getting louder and louder. Lu Yang opened his mouth and wanted to say no, but he was quickly drowned out by the noise around him. language.

The power of idiot fans is indeed infinite, no matter in the previous life or this life, I can finally feel the fanaticism of idiot fans.

It's just that the effect he wanted seems to be a little short, Lu Yang slightly

After pondering for a while, he said helplessly: "Everyone is so enthusiastic, I am a little embarrassed to refuse. However, it is too risky to let people watch while rubbing. Even I need to prepare well."

Lu Yang didn't directly refuse, but he also didn't directly agree. Instead, he made them feel that he was in a difficult situation in terms of time.

You know, once a brain-dead fan decides on one thing, as long as there is hope to realize it, the power of that kind of persistence can make people feel scared.

Lu Yang made full use of this, and successfully drew the interest of these brainless fans to the throat. At the same time, I also thank those who helped him spread the news and made him a legend.

Giving a little hope made these people feel even more unable to stop. Just when Lu Yang proposed to prepare, the surrounding voices immediately rang out again.

"Master Lu Yang, I wonder how long you need to prepare? Will you still carry out the rubbing today?"

Lu Yang shook his head slightly, and said: "Seeing that you are so enthusiastic, I am too embarrassed to refuse your request. It's just that things like rubbings are too much of a waste of energy, and everyone knows this better than me. So today I won’t make rubbings, and when I’m ready to make rubbings, I’ll let everyone watch.”

These people didn't expect Lu Yang to agree to let them watch so readily! This was completely beyond the expectations of the brainless fans, and everyone became excited immediately.

The emotions of the brainless fans have been mobilized to the peak. With a smug smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, he went on to say his purpose: "Well, if that's the case, let's leave today. I'm a little tight on money recently. , I’m still busy earning crystals, so I can’t accompany everyone.”

"Please make room, everyone, I'm a little short on time!"

The legend is missing crystals!

In their opinion, the name Legend is no less important than an idol! Hearing that the legend is short of crystals, it is equivalent to the idol from the previous life coming out to cry poorly. When these idiot fans hear this news, no one can sit still, and their emotions continue to rise again and again!

"Lord Lu! Since you are short of money, why didn't you tell us earlier! Although we don't have much money, we still have some. I still have hundreds of spars here. If it's not too little, Master Lu Yang will take it first. Go use it!"

"Yes, yes, I also have one or two thousand crystals here, and I am willing to give it to Master Lu Yang!"

In order to be able to watch Lu Yang perform the rubbing technique smoothly, these young rubbing masters also worked hard. When they heard that Lu Yang was short of money, no matter whether there were enough crystals in their pockets, they all gave generously. No matter if it was hundreds of crystals or thousands of crystals, someone took them out.

Thirty or forty human heads, thirty or forty hands, all raised above their heads, and each of these people held a spar bag in their hands, which was full of spar.

The smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth was even stronger. Although he had an urge to collect all these crystals, his reason told Lu Yang that he couldn't do that yet.

Taking crystals from their hands at this time is just a charity from others. Lu Yang's goal is to develop all these people into his fans. Once realized, the money will flow in. Compared with the long-term benefits, what is this spar in front of me?

After pondering for a while, Lu Yang finally said: "How can Lu be so generous to everyone. The so-called no reward for no merit, I will not ask for your money. Everyone should put away all the crystals. "

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