The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 112 Half-Step Senior Beastmaster

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Chapter 112 Half-Step Senior Beastmaster

A domineering voice came from the room, and immediately after, a figure appeared in front of Luo Hufa and Chen Hufa.

"I didn't expect that there was a person hidden inside. What an unexpected harvest."

"In that case, let's take you first!"

The two shouted extremely arrogantly, and both began to put on their offensive posture, ready to summon their battle pets at any time. Originally thought that this time he would not meet people from the Sun residence, and after a while of smashing, he went back to report to the sect master. Seeing that several rooms were about to be smashed up, and an unlucky ghost appeared, of course Protector Luo and Protector Chen were happy.

Taking a closer look, Luo Hufa finally recognized that the person in front of him was clearly the lunatic young man who fought hard with him last time. It's just that when Sun Wu first appeared on the stage, the aura was completely different from last time. Even with the eyesight of Yi Luo's guardian, he didn't recognize Sun Wu for a while.

"It turned out to be you! How long has it been! This kid's progress is so fast! Last time he was only an intermediate beast master, but now..." Luo Hufa was full of surprise, and his eyes were full of inconceivable expressions .

Chen Hufa's face tightened, and Luo Hufa didn't need to say it out loud, just from the latter's eyes, he could tell that the young man in front of him was probably one of the two powerful characters that Luo Hufa had been talking about.

"Is this a high-level beast master? But it doesn't feel like..." Chen Hufa frowned slightly and said.

The corner of Sun Wu's mouth raised a hint of coldness. Although the benefits of this retreat were great, he still hadn't made a complete breakthrough, because he was interrupted by these gangsters at the most critical moment, and Sun Wu had to leave the retreat early.

Although it is a pity, Sun Wu's strength has shown a qualitative leap, and his current state is far from what it was before. Even if he didn't really reach the level of a high-level beast master, he surpassed the middle-level beast master by a lot. At this time, Sun Wu should be between the intermediate beast master and the senior beast master, more than a little bit stronger.

"He is so difficult to deal with as an intermediate beast master, so now..." Protector Luo couldn't imagine.

He failed to defeat them last time, that's why he ran away. If he comes back today, the situation will probably not be better than last time.

It's just that Chen Hufa didn't believe in evil, and he also saw Sun Wu's state clearly. He snorted coldly and said: "It's just a brat who hasn't fully stepped into the senior beast master. I don't believe you can turn over in front of the old man." What a big wave!"

"Chen protector be careful! This kid has weirdness! And there is a lord-level battle pet beside him!"

Protector Luo hurriedly reminded, but it was too late, only to see Protector Chen snorted coldly, his body rose into the air, and jumped towards Sun Wu, his palms turned into sharp claws, and it seemed that he had already fused his pet into his body.

"How about playing fit with me? Okay! I will play with you!"

Having not moved for so many days, Sun Wu's muscles and bones felt like they were going to loosen. At this time, such a good partner was sent to his door, of course Sun Wu would not let it go. It's just two ordinary high-level beast masters. Even if there is still a little gap in his realm, he still has great confidence in himself.

Fusing the Kuangtao Beastmaster into his body in the blink of an eye, Sun Wu gave Chen Protector a cold look, and before the latter's attack came, he took the initiative to attack, stepped on the sole of his foot, and his body jumped into the air just like Chen Protector.

Chen Hufa's palm just turned into a beast's claw, but Sun Wu's hand was holding a high-pressure liquid cannonball!

The two collided together, causing a huge movement, and the two flew out at the same time, and finally landed on the ground.

"Flying in the sky! Innate supernatural powers! What on earth does this kid have! He is obviously not a high-level beast master, how could he have these means?"

Chen Hufa fell to the ground, his chest heaved violently, and finally turned into a mouthful of hot blood, spurting out, and roared in disbelief.

It was only at the moment when he fought with Sun Wu that he truly realized Baldy Luo's mood. The opponent's power was unparalleled, and the power of the Kuangtao Beastmaster's innate supernatural powers all acted on Chen Hufa's arm, and his arm was immediately shattered. interrupt.

"What kind of freak is this? I haven't stepped into the realm of a senior beast master. How can I use the methods of a senior beast master!" Fortunately, Chen Hufa protected his arm at the most critical moment, otherwise it would really be difficult. Abandoned.

Fortunately, with many years of combat experience, even if his strength is not good, his fighting consciousness is stronger than Sun Wu after all. And it also suffers from not being prepared, let alone displaying the innate supernatural power at the beginning, which can be regarded as a bit careless.

You know, they went through untold hardships before stepping into the realm of high-level beast masters, and after a long time of training, they finally learned some methods of high-level beast masters.

"Old Chen! Is it alright? How about the two of us attack together?" Baldy Luo shouted anxiously, looking eager to try, ready to help at any time.

Chen Hufa waved his hand and reluctantly said: "In this case, let's go together! I still don't believe that we can't take down a brat!"

"Haha, Brother Xian and I were able to fight you alone at the beginning, but in just a few days, you are no longer my opponent. My progress today is thanks to your advice last time!" Sun Wu laughed.

Protector Luo's face darkened, and he realized that this kid was able to break through today because he absorbed the experience of fighting with him last time. It can be said that Protector Luo made Sun Wu what he is today.

"I have to admit that you are a genius. You were able to make a breakthrough after just fighting once. It seems that our task today is not enough.

So easy to finish. "Chen Hufa also said with a dark face.

Baldy Luo was looking around, and what he was most worried about right now wasn't Sun Wu. The last time they fought against each other, Lu Yang felt even more touched by Baldy Luo. One Sun Wu forced the two of them to join forces. If that young man was added, they would be in danger.

"Old Chen, let's fight quickly, we must not wait for his helper to come back! Otherwise, without waiting for the sect master to come, the two of us will be finished first!" Baldy Luo said nervously.

"Then you two go up together!" Sun Wu laughed heroically, not paying attention to the two of them at all. Now the breakthrough in strength has brought Sun Wu great confidence.

The three of them leaped into the sky at the same time, one after another innate supernatural powers burst into the air, illuminating the entire sky, and below them, fierce battles broke out among the three's war pets.

Only now did the man with the scar realize that he still underestimated the Sun family. Looking at the opponent's ferocious battle pets and the fierce battle in the sky, he deeply felt his own weakness. Compared with these people, he just defeated Wei Qiang, which was nothing at all.

"Brother, I think we should retreat quickly, we can't get involved in a battle of this level!" Looking at the battle in the sky, a gangster said to the man with the scar in fear.

The man with the scar swallowed hard, nodded slightly, and said, "I feel the same way, you are worthy of being a protector! We can't compare to such a level of fighting!"

Before he finished speaking, the gangsters behind the man with the scar had already started running towards the gate, each faster than the other. Even the gangster who was beaten half to death by Sun Wu before, ran towards the gate like a normal person at this moment.

The man with the scar glanced behind him, the crowd that had gathered before had already become empty, his face suddenly turned dark, and he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn, why don't you see these guys working hard when you're working? When running, one is faster than the other! No, I must educate these guys when I go back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man with the scar also started to run wildly, also heading towards the gate, his speed was much faster than those gangsters, and he caught up with the bottom gangsters in a blink of an eye, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "You guys! You bastards dare to run away! I'll take care of you after I get back!"

In the sky, Sun Wu glanced at the situation below, couldn't help but sneered and said: "It's true that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Look at your subordinates, I feel really sad for you."

"That's our own business, we don't need to worry about you! You should worry about yourself first!"

Luo Guangtou let out a loud roar, venting all the anger he had suppressed these days, following the words of Guardian Chen: "Boy, it was a mistake last time, and it gave you a chance to break through. I won't make the same mistake again. Second time!"

The two of them displayed their innate supernatural powers at the same time, and their attacks became more and more violent. One with fire attribute and one with thunder attribute, their destructive power was extremely powerful.

Sun Wu didn't even think about it, and directly used the innate supernatural power of the Kuangtao Beast King. Although he was not as proficient as the two of them, he was a lord-level beast after all.

After neutralizing most of the flames and thunder, Sun Wu's body was also shot down.

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