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Chapter 120 Conspiracy

"The so-called Tianyimen, the purpose of our sect is to do justice for the heavens and justice for those brothers who are oppressed by wealthy families! I believe that there are still many brothers who are in dire straits? It doesn't matter, as long as they come to us, we will help them uphold justice!"

Ever since he became the head of the Tianyi Sect, Er Gouzi has become more and more energetic. He has completely changed from the poor boy in the valley before, and he is clamoring all day long to fight for the injustice of those poor children. Coupled with the mid-grade Yuling Pill sent back by Lu Yang, Er Gouzi has now entered the ranks of geniuses, and took a chance to subdue two elite battle pets in Donglai City.

It has to be said that in Donglai City, there are indeed a lot of poor family disciples from other small places. No wonder the wealthy forces want to suppress them and are unwilling to coexist peacefully. In just a few days, many people from Tianyi Sect have come to ask for help, and Er Gouzi led his brothers running around to help those disciples from the poor family.

"Brother Tiezhu!"

Er Gouzi's face darkened, and he said to the brother who came running: "Please call me Hall Master Wang!"

The disciple was stunned for a moment, and quickly changed his words: "Hall Master Wang! Something is wrong!"

"Say something slowly, look at your anxious look!" Er Gouzi said slowly.

After a few days of doing this, Er Gouzi is no stranger to these things. Basically every day, some disciples from poor families would come to seek help from Tianyi Sect, sometimes several times a day.

It's all because of the gangsters under those wealthy families, as long as someone does not agree to pay the protection fee and management fee, they will fight against the poor disciples, making those poor disciples miserable.

Now that the Tianyi Sect has appeared, this is undoubtedly good news for the disciples of the poor family, so those children of the poor family who encounter gangsters looking for trouble all come to the Tianyi Sect for help.

"Master! Those bastards from Crazy Sword Sect started to bully people everywhere again! Early this morning, a fellow villager was beaten by people from Crazy Sword Sect, and now he came to our place for help."

Er Gouzi frowned, and said displeasedly: "There is still such a thing? Aren't the people from the Crazy Sword Sect more honest these days? Why did they start doing these little tricks again?"

Tianyimen has begun to gain a firm foothold these days. Although Kuangdaomen has never acknowledged the existence of Tianyimen, they dare not fight head-on with Tianyimen. In the past few days, wherever the Crazy Sword Sect is active, the people from the Tianyi Sect will appear immediately, which makes the people from the Crazy Sword Sect very distressed, and they gradually restrained themselves later.

"Master, these are not the main points. The fellow also said that many people from the Mad Saber Sect have come this time, and they are taking action in their area! Many disciples from the poor family have already been injured by them!"

"Are they getting bolder again? How dare they make such a big move?" Er Gouzi slapped the table in front of him and said angrily.

Then he turned around and asked, "How many people did they come this time? Do you want me to call Wei Qiang too! Give them a heavy blow!"

The two halls add up to more than 30 people, which is already considered a considerable force.

Just as Er Gouzi and Wei Qiang had discussed and were about to go to the place haunted by the Crazy Sword Gate, Sun Wu also came out of the closed room.

"Brother Sun Wu..."

"I'll go with you."

"Ah?" Er Gouzi was a little puzzled, he and Wei Qiang led the team in the previous actions, and Sun Wuke had never done anything. After all, he is now the master of the sect, and it is enough for Er Gouzi to handle general matters.

Sun Wu shook his head and said: "The ones you dealt with before were nothing more than the gangsters of the Crazy Sword Sect. I have heard about the situation just now. This time, it is really the people from the Crazy Sword Sect. I am worried about you two. It will be a loss if you go.”

Everything in Tianyimen seems to be developing a little too smoothly, and Sun Wu has always had such worries in his heart. Even if the Crazy Sword Sect is afraid of Lu Yang's gold medal, it shouldn't let the Tianyi Sect develop.

It seems to be calm recently, maybe it is the eve of the storm. Sun Wu had long guessed that sooner or later there would be a big move by the Mad Saber Sect, and it would not be aimed at those ordinary children of the humble family, but at their Tianyi Sect.

"If the Frenzied Sword Sect really makes a big move this time, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle in a while."

"It's okay! With Brother Sun Wu here, we are not afraid!" Er Gouzi said loudly.

Wei Qiang also echoed from the side: "That is, when have we ever been afraid of anyone!"

Just when Tianyimen was mobilizing, in a corner in the north of the city, a group of young men in uniforms were quietly lurking here. They were all dressed in green shirts, with a golden dragon tattooed on their shoulders.

These people seem to have been waiting for a long time, and some of them are getting impatient.

"Brother, do you think that guy will betray us? After all, people from poor families are unreliable, and it is not that simple to ask them to do things for us."

"Hmph, those from poor families are just a bunch of poor ghosts. If he works for us, he will directly get the benefit of a thousand crystals, and an idiot will not do it!"

The young man was surprised and said: "It's really a thousand! That's more than our income in a few months!"

Speaking of the thousand spars, the leading middle-aged man smiled, and said disdainfully, "Of course it's a thousand. When did our Yuan family not count? It's just..."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's face suddenly became ferocious, and he sneered sinisterly: "It's hard to say whether he has that blessing to enjoy."

Sun Wu guessed that this time it would be an action against them, but he never expected that it was not the Crazy Sword Gate, but the Yuan family behind the Crazy Saber Gate.

They never imagined that the Crazy Sword Sect really let them go, but the Yuan family was different. Although the appearance of Tianyimen directly affected the Kuangdaomen, but the Kuangdaomen were working for the Yuan family, affecting the development of the Kuangdaomen, which was tantamount to affecting the interests of the Yuan family.

In order to get rid of the Tianyi sect, the Yuan family even disregarded their status and directly attacked a small sect.

And what surprised Sun Wu the most was the poor family man who came to ask for help. He looked shabby and obviously came from a poor family. But Sun Wu never imagined that he would sell Tianyimen for a mere one thousand crystals.

"How far are we from the haunted place of Mad Saber Gate?"

On the way, Sun Wu suddenly asked the shabby man.

Along the way, this guy was taciturn and didn't talk to them, let alone mentioning the attack from the Frenzied Sword Gate. Sun Wu couldn't help but feel a little strange. He always felt that this poor man was a little weird.

"Ah?" The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback, and said falteringly: "Not far, not far! Just ahead!"

"Huh?" Sun Wu frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Can a person who doesn't even know his address be trustworthy? Sun Tzu was not that stupid and immediately asked again: "Then do you know how many people they have come this time? What kind of strength are they? Now they are coming soon, let's understand the situation first, know ourselves and the enemy, and then we can win every battle."

"This... I don't know." Thinking that something was wrong, the middle-aged man quickly added: "At that time, a large group of people rushed out and beat me up when they saw me, and I was also beaten dumbfounded."

"Oh, so that's the case." Sun Wu responded, but his thoughts became more certain.

If you ask three questions, it is obvious that you are fooling people. Although Sun Wu didn't say anything, he has already begun to doubt the person who came to ask for help, but he still hasn't figured out what his purpose is.

"You guys wait here first, I'll go in with this uncle to have a look. If anything happens inside, you just wait here to meet me, don't act rashly." When approaching that alley , Sun Wu suddenly said to Er Gouzi.

"Brother Sun you want to act alone?"

"Why don't you take us with you?"

Wei Qiang and Er Gouzi were foolish, they didn't realize it at all, they only wanted to teach those bastards of Crazy Sword Sect a lesson, but they never thought that this would be a conspiracy.

Sun Wu pondered for a while, and said: "Listen to me, this time's incident is unusual. Once there are experts, you two can consider staying and helping me. As for the others... Hurry up and find Lu Yang for help!"

Before leaving, after explaining everything, Sun Wu followed the shabby middle-aged man into the depths of the alley, but Shan did not find any traces of those guys from the Crazy Sword Gate.

"Master, there are a lot of them, why don't you let them in together? Are you not afraid of danger?" The middle-aged man asked curiously.

Sun Wu smiled: "In front of me, don't pretend, do you think I don't know anything?"

The middle-aged man really panicked when Sun Wu asked him this probing question. Under Sun Wu's gaze, he felt uncomfortable all over his body. ?”

"Tell me, who in the world instructed you to do this? Is there anything wrong with our Tianyimen?" Sun Wu sternly reprimanded, scaring the man almost out of his wits.

Originally it was just a tentative question, but unexpectedly this guy immediately showed his flaws. Of course, Sun Wu would not let go of this opportunity. He jumped up and rushed towards the middle-aged man like a tiger.

"You dare to collude with others to plot against my Tianyi Sect! Give me your life!"

Just when Sun Wu was attacking the middle-aged man, those guys in blue shirts lurked quietly on the other side of the alley. Seeing Sun Wu's fierce attack, the middle-aged man could only run away desperately. He couldn't help but sneered and said: " Look, we don't need to do anything, the people from Tianyimen will solve it for us, dead people can't use spar!"

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