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Chapter 122: Gift

"Be careful this kid is playing tricks!" Yuan Donghao screamed strangely, his body jumped back suddenly, and a few flashes had landed a hundred meters away.

The guard captain behind him saw that the elders had left him and ran away. He couldn't care about anything else, he just dropped the teapot with water in his hand, spread his legs and ran directly outside the small pavilion.

When both of them settled down and looked back at Lu Yang, they suddenly realized that Lu Yang kept saying that he was going to give them a gift, but he didn't see Lu Yang's movement at all. Standing in the previous position, motionless.

"Look, it scares you, even if you're afraid of me, there's no need to do that, right?" A burst of ridicule, Lu Yang lazily picked out his ears, but touched his shoulders with his palms.

And standing on Lu Yang's shoulder was an ordinary pet, which looked like a cat but not a cat, but with its eyes tightly closed, it seemed that it was still in a deep sleep and hadn't woken up.

Yuan Donghao stared at Liumu Jinyi for a long time, and saw Lu Yang's palm stroking Liumu Jinji's back for a long time, but he didn't see Liumu Jinyi making any movements, just enjoying Lu Yang's caress lazily.

"What's the situation? Didn't it mean that this kid is full of tricks and tricks?" Yuan Donghao felt that Lu Yang in front of him was completely different from what he had heard, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all.

"Old guy, I think you're getting older and less courageous, right? I'm just picking my ears, and you're afraid of it!"

"If you really don't have the guts, just go home and take care of yourself. Why run out and jump?"

Lu Yang was not polite at all, and he didn't pay attention to an elder like Yuan Donghao at all.

However, Yuan Donghao is also a genuine high-level beast master at any rate, and he is not comparable to the parallel imports outside. When he was young, he was also a famous genius, and he finally took the position of the elder. A junior who sneered like this, how could he hold his breath.

Immediately cursed: "Little bastard! How dare you tease Elder Ben! I'll let you see how powerful Elder Ben is!"

Once the senior beast master showed his power, it was really earth-shattering. With every gesture, a hundred thousand catties of divine power exploded under his feet, almost trampling the small pavilion.

Lu Yang's figure swayed slightly, but he remained as motionless as a mountain. He didn't even blink his eyes, and his face was calm and unaffected in the slightest.

It wasn't until Yuan Donghao's figure came in front of Lu Yang that Lu Yang started to move, and he didn't see Lu Yang summoning a battle pet, nor did he dodge or resist. It's just that the palm that was caressing the pet's back on the shoulder suddenly moved, turning into a bolt of lightning. The afterimage flashed across, and suddenly threw the pet kitten on his shoulder out.

"Look at the trick! Look at my hidden weapon!" Lu Yang shouted.

And when Yuan Donghao saw that it was only a pet kitten thrown over, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "It's just a kitten, do you think you can scare me? It's too naive! Fist is enough..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Donghao only saw the pet kitten in front of him suddenly open his eyes. Not two, but six golden eyes. A golden light erupted from the six eyes at the same time, and a boundless sense of oppression came oncoming, and Yuan Donghao's old face immediately turned black and oppressive.

"Damn you brat! How dare you blackmail me!"

Looking at this dramatic scene, Lu Yang couldn't help laughing: "I told you before that I was going to give you a big gift, and I didn't tell you what the big gift is, but you didn't care about it. It's just what I said."

Lu Yang laughed, the previous appearance was just to make this cautious old guy relax his vigilance. Now the time is ripe, of course Liumu Jinyi made the move in the first place.

Feeling that he was being teased by a junior, Yuan Donghao's mood was already on the verge of going berserk. It was precisely because of the anger in his chest that Yuan Donghao's speed almost reached the limit, and his body and the six-eyed golden lion met in mid-air, and there was no time to turn around, let alone dodge.

However, Yuan Donghao is not a fool. In this extremely urgent situation, he instinctively released his innate supernatural powers.

As the elder of the Yuan family, Yuan Donghao's strength is not comparable to those of Luo Hufa. It has been more than ten years since he stayed in the realm of a senior beast master, and he has already mastered the supernatural powers of a senior beast master. When he raised his hand, a light curtain fell in front of him, protecting his body tightly.

The six eyes of the six-eyed golden beast glanced lazily at Yuan Donghao, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and six golden lights bursting out of his eyes at the same time.

This is the strongest innate magical power of Liumu Jinyi, Liumu Shenguang! Even ordinary lord-level beasts can't compete with the six-eyed divine light, not to mention that Yuan Donghao only displays ordinary-level innate supernatural powers.

Under the attack of the six divine lights, the light curtain instantly turned into fly ash, and shattered into crystal clear fragments scattered in the air.

Although the six-eyed divine light was weakened by the light curtain, it finally landed on Yuan Donghao's chest. Although his strength was strong, he was far from reaching the level of Luoyun Mountain.

Six-eyed Jinyi is a terrifying existence that can even be defeated by Luoyun Mountain. It is perfect for him to deal with Yuan Donghao. A beam of six-eyed divine light almost pierced Yuan Donghao's chest. He could only retreat backwards with the help of the impact, and only dared to stop when he escaped out of the attack range of the six-eyed golden lion.

Holding the wound on his chest, Yuan Donghao said to the captain of the guard with a dark face:

Hurry up and summon your battle pet, and follow me! Do you still want to watch a play on the sidelines! "

A loud curse woke up the captain of the guard, and the latter quickly summoned his battle pet, and together with Yuan Donghao's own war pet, roared at the six-eyed golden dragon.

Although the momentum is not small, in the eyes of Liumu Jinyi, they are nothing more than paper tigers. With just a soft roar, the traces of the blood of the holy beast in the body showed the power it should have.

There are seven fierce beasts, each with a huge body, but they froze in front of the six-eyed golden lion. They lost their previous momentum at all. They did not dare to roar anymore, so they could only growl in a low voice. He lowered his proud head in front of him.

"Six-eyed Jinyi, can I leave it to you here?" Lu Yang asked with concern, but his eyes kept flickering, looking at the battlefield not far away, it was obvious that Lu Yang's mind was not here.

In fact, Lu Yang's divine eyes were opened with the help of the six-eyed golden lion, and the divine eyes of the six-eyed golden lion are natural divine eyes. They can see more things, and they have already seen the situation on the distant battlefield in their eyes. .

After Sun Wu was attacked by the leading man, he lost his previous bravery. Coupled with the hordes of fierce beasts around, there was no room for Sun Wu to play. He could only be beaten passively, and it was difficult to launch a counterattack. According to the situation, Sun Wu's defeat is only a matter of time.

Lu Yang and Sun Wu are siblings, how can they watch Sun Wu get hurt? Six-eyed Jinyi had already guessed what Lu Yang was thinking, smiled slightly, and said, "Boy, I have gone through so many storms, these two guys in front of me are nothing, so you can rest assured to help your brother, here is Leave it to me!"

Lu Yang nodded heavily, only to see that the six-eyed golden beast turned into a golden light and rushed towards the seven high-level beasts.

The six-eyed golden dragon can control all beasts in the Luoshen Mountains, so there are naturally different methods. Beastmaster has been doing it for a long time, in addition to the blood of the holy beast, there is also a trace of the coercion of a king naturally attached to him.

These high-level ferocious beasts seem ferocious, but under the double pressure of the six-eyed golden lion, they can only exert 80% of their usual power. Even if seven heads attack together, the six-eyed golden lion can handle it with ease.

Seeing how relaxed the six-eyed golden lion was walking among the seven ferocious beasts, Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, leaped towards the distance, and stayed in the air for a breath. It was about to fall, but a giant flying bird appeared at Lu Yang's feet out of thin air.

Naturally, the lord-level ferocious beast, the Qingyu Bird King, carried Lu Yang's body on his back and flew in the direction of Sun Wu. The speed was faster than those high-level beast masters flying in the air, but the distance of a kilometer and the time of a few breaths just arrived.

"Damn it, there are too many ferocious beasts here, or I will kill you directly!" Sun Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and yelled viciously at the leading man.

If he hadn't been attacked by him earlier, Sun Wu would not have been seriously injured. Not only could he lose all his strength, but his speed would also be greatly reduced.

As long as the movement range is a little bigger, the wound may be involved. Sun Wu didn't dare to act rashly at all, so he could only retreat while fighting, and slowly withdraw from the encirclement of the fierce beast with the cover of the Kuangtao Beast King.

It's just that although Sun Wu wanted to escape, the man in the lead was staring at him all the time. As soon as Sun Wu showed signs of escaping, the man in the lead immediately clung to him like a ghost, and attacked Sun Wu in a very tricky way, so that Sun Wu had to give up the chance to escape, struggling hard among the herd of beasts, no matter what, he could not escape .

Seeing Sun Wu's condition getting worse and worse, and only half of his strength could be displayed, the man in charge laughed: "I thought you were really as powerful as the rumors, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. If you are an elder, you don't need it." If I make a move, you will be dealt with by me, that is a great achievement!"

"Even if it's a great achievement, you have to live to enjoy it!" However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared behind the leader's middle-aged man, which shocked him greatly.

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