The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 124 Breakthrough in battle

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Chapter 124 Breakthrough in battle

"Elder? He can't protect himself now, so of course he has no time to take care of you."

Six-eyed Jinyi has been dormant in Tianyimen for so long, even if he encountered troubles a few times before, Liumu Jinyi did not make a move, just for now, to give Kuangdaomen a big gift to the Yuan family, a big surprise.

Lu Yang stayed quietly in the Immortal Admiralty, letting the battle outside be in full swing, as long as the Golden Lion King and the others were there, Lu Yang could do his own thing with peace of mind.

"Since you all look down on intermediate-level beast masters, then I should also look down on intermediate-level beast masters. In this case... I can't let myself look down on them!"

With his palm stuck to his chest, he groped in the Qiankun bag for a while, and took out a yellowed book, which was the high-level beast control technique that Lu Yang had acquired from Duobao Pavilion with great effort.

"I haven't thought about using it for so long, and now it can finally come in handy."

Looking at the high-level beast control technique in his hands, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth.

Now his own strength has reached 60,000 jin, which has already broken through the limit of an intermediate beast master, but he still cannot compare with a senior beast master. There is no other reason, but because the gap in the realm is not so easy to bridge, if it is not for the powerful innate supernatural powers, and many battle pets, Lu Yang is not qualified to fight the senior beast master.

Now, as long as Lu Yang uses the advanced beast-controlling technique, all difficulties can be solved.

"Ding! I found a copy of Advanced Beast Mastery, do you want to scan it immediately?"

The familiar voice of the system echoed in Lu Yang's ears, and Lu Yang's mood immediately became excited, and he chose to scan without hesitation.

I saw Lu Yang's eyes glowing with a faint golden light, and he slowly flipped the high-level beast control technique. Although there are ten lines at a glance, every word in the book is imprinted in Lu Yang's heart, and it is also transmitted to the system, and soon The scanning process is completed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to a high-level beast master! The star rating is one star, which can control high-level beasts. Each time it is used, it consumes one high-level spar or crystal core, and the skill cooldown time is ten minutes."

As the system prompt sounded in his ears, a golden light fell on Lu Yang's body. As if bathed in the sunshine of March in Yangchun, Lu Yang felt warm all over his body, a warm current flowing in every corner of his body.

"Strength increase: 63,000 catties!"

"Strength increase: sixty-eight thousand catties!"

"Strength increase: 73,000 catties!"


The sound of the system prompting is endless. Almost every few seconds, Lu Yang can hear the system prompting that his strength is increasing, and Lu Yang himself can truly feel the power brought to him by the increase. That explosive feeling.

The thin and small body contained terrifying strength to the limit. Lu Yang's strength soared all the way, and soon broke through the limit of 80,000.

If an ordinary person breaks through to a high-level beast master and can reach a strength of 60,000 jin, this is considered a normal state. And some geniuses can break through 80,000 jin when they break through, and as for Tianjiao, the limit when they break through is 90,000 jin.

At this time, Lu Yang's power has increased to 80,000, and his speed has slowly slowed down, but it is still increasing, and the sound of the system prompt has never stopped.

Stop and stop, stop and stop, and finally passed the 90,000-jin mark.

Lu Yang had long guessed that although his talent could not be judged, it must be comparable to or even stronger than the average Tianjiao! Now breaking through to the senior beast master, Lu Yang once again saw the strength of his talent. Once this threshold is crossed, those beast masters with ordinary talents, even if they are also high-level beast masters, will not be able to compete with Lu Yang.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and he thought to himself: "Is it 90,000? But I'm not satisfied yet!"

Although there is a huge gap between geniuses and Tianjiao, why not between Tianjiao and Tianjiao? Lu Yang suppressed it for a long time when he was an intermediate beast master, and even exceeded the limit of an intermediate beast master. Few people can compare with that kind of accumulation.

"Hard accumulation! I don't know how much benefit it will bring me!"

Just like the previous breakthrough, the power accumulated in normal times was invisible, intangible, and useless before the breakthrough. But it never disappeared, only because of being suppressed by the realm, it all turned into precipitation and accumulated in Lu Yang's body.

Now that Lu Yang has made a breakthrough, those powers accumulated in the past are like bamboo shoots after the rain.

"Wake up! My sleeping power!"

With veins all over his body, Lu Yang exhausted his greatest strength to explode those accumulations, even his golden eyes turned red because of this effort, and those dormant powers were finally stimulated by Lu Yang.

Like the previous breakthroughs, every time Lu Yang made a breakthrough, his strength would have a qualitative leap.

Seeing that the growth of power was about to stop, but the previous accumulation suddenly broke out, and Lu Yang's power skyrocketed again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's strength increase! Current strength: 100,000 catties!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's power increase! Current power: 103,000 catties!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing his strength! Current strength: 105,000 catties!"

The growth of strength has been soaring all the way, and finally stopped at the level of 110,000, which is considered to have drained all the previous accumulation of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang's whole body seemed to collapse, and he almost collapsed to the ground.


Panting heavily, and spit out the turbid air gathered in his chest, Lu Yang relaxed a lot: "It seems that this method is really easy to use! Once I break through, my strength will increase explosively!"

The strength of 110,000 jin is enough for Lu Yang to have the power to sweep other masters, but it is far from enough. For the real beast masters, the battle between them does not rely on their own hand-to-hand combat, but on their pets. And the greatest significance of breaking through the realm is not the benefit of physical fitness, but the ability to control more powerful battle pets.

Lu Yang had been preparing for this day for so long, so of course he had already thought about all of this.

Even just now, facing the siege of more than 30 beast masters, Lu Yang took out all his family assets, but still didn't release Dahei, just for now.

"Dahei, this time I will raise your realm to a high level first! I want to see what level you can achieve with the blood of the holy beast!"

It is not extravagant to hope that Dahei can be compared to the old monster like Liumu Jinyi, but after all, he also has the blood of the holy beast. Once Dahei breaks through, his strength will definitely not be any worse, at least his perverted talent will definitely become even more perverted.

"Ding! I found that the growth value of the battle pet Dahei has reached full value, do you want to upgrade to a high-level beast?"

The corner of Lu Yang's mouth was smiling again, this is still a masterpiece when he was in Xiangyang City.

A beast horde broke out, and Lu Yang gained a lot. He conquered more than a dozen elite battle pets and gained a lot of points. At the same time, Dahei's growth value also reached full value because the gate of hell can swallow it. .

Dahei had been in the best condition for a long time, and now he was squatting on the ground and growling in a low voice. As if knowing that Lu Yang was going to help him improve, he couldn't hold back his excitement.

"Confirm the promotion!" Lu Yang smiled slightly, and chose affirmation on the promotion page.

A ray of golden light fell on the big black hair, and the originally pitch-black fur, which looked like King Kong, was covered with a layer of deep metallic luster. It looked like he was wearing an armor made of dark gold.

Dahei prostrated himself on the ground, growling in a low voice, and his figure grew in a circle, becoming like a hill.

"Dahei is so mighty!" Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he was almost fascinated by Dahei's current appearance.

Before Lu Yang finished speaking, Dahei's body continued to change.

Dahei closed his eyes tightly, and the expression of comfort before was gone, replaced by a painful expression.

It seemed to be enduring great pain, and seemed to be struggling, the expression on Dahei's face gradually distorted. He obviously had his eyes closed, but he was grinning, with a mouthful of sharp teeth exposed, which looked a bit ferocious.

"What's wrong with Dahei?" Lu Yang is not a beast, so of course he doesn't understand Dahei's feelings at this time.

If it is said that a high-level beast master is a mountain in the realm of human cultivation, and only after climbing this mountain can one become a master among human beast masters. Such a high-level ferocious beast is even more of a heavy mountain for a ferocious beast!

If you cross it, you can become the king of beasts! Even if he can't control all beasts like the six-eyed golden lion, he can still become the overlord of one party! Because the beast is a real transformation when it is promoted to a high-level beast.

The expression on his face became more and more painful, and Dahei couldn't bear it anymore, and the roar in his mouth seemed even weaker, like moaning.

But Lu Yang could clearly see that there seemed to be something wriggling on the shoulders on both sides of Dahei, trying to grow outward, but it was hindered by something, and now he was trying his best to break through the obstacle.

"That's it? That's it!"

Seeing the wriggling shape of Dahei's shoulders gradually become clear, Lu Yang felt strange at first, but was immediately shocked deeply, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Staring firmly at Dahei's shoulder, Lu Yang was speechless. After all, it was the first time he saw such a scene, so he was taken aback by his calm personality.

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