The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 130: The Crisis of the Six-Eyed Golden Roe

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Chapter 130: The Crisis of the Six-Eyed Golden Roe

The leader, the middle-aged man, gritted his teeth unwillingly, but he didn't have the guts to disobey Yuan Jin. When he thought of the cruel punishment in the penalty hall, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He could only lower his head and say, "This subordinate is willing to be punished! It's just... What should my brothers do now?"

Yuan Jin raised his brows and glanced at the more than 30 guards in the hall. There was no expression on his face, and a cold voice came: "My Yuan family has stood in Donglai City for hundreds of years, and I have never raised waste!"

When the voice fell, it was like a thunderbolt hitting their heads. Including the middle-aged leader, all the guards stayed in place with ashen faces. They couldn't believe that their patriarch would say such a thing. words come.

However, the head of the family is the head of the family, and it only takes one sentence to end their life and death.

"Our brothers have worked hard for the Yuan family for several years, even if there is no credit, there is hard work, but in the end we ended up with this result..."

"Huh?" Yuan Jin's face remained unchanged, but his anger had already burst out from his nostrils, his eyes fell on the speaker, and he said calmly, "Are you questioning my decision?"

"Our Yuan family never raises an idler, but we will not treat any hero badly. You can receive a fee in the bounty building according to your usual contributions, which should be regarded as your hard work. , and have nothing to do with the Yuan family since then."

People who were not members of the Yuan family were just thugs recruited from the outside. When they were useful, the Yuan family would naturally treat them as guards, but once they lost their value, the Yuan family would not hesitate to treat them Kick off.

Although they lost their battle pets, they still have talents, but it is not easy to regain their war pets. Instead of spending a huge price to help them regain their combat effectiveness, Yuan Jin might as well recruit a new group of guards.

Yuan Jin, who has always been known as iron and blood, must do what he says. Once the words are spoken, there is no room for redemption.

More than 30 guards left the hall with ashen faces, and happened to meet Yuan Donghao. Seeing the expressions on the faces of these people, Yuan Donghao immediately knew that something was wrong. The footsteps stopped in front of the hall door, and the mind turned quickly, imagining the possible situation in his mind, and also thinking about various ways to deal with it.

But no matter what the situation is, Yuan Donghao knew in his heart that it might not be so easy to pass the test this time.

"It's all to blame for that beast with six eyes! If it wasn't for such a sudden change, how could this old man be no match for a little doll!"

Just when Yuan Donghao was cursing the Six-Eyed Jinni, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, which also made Yuan Donghao's eyes shine!

"Yes! Let's do that! Didn't the Patriarch always want a powerful battle pet? Maybe this news can make the Patriarch feel better..."

"Since you're here, why don't you come to see me?"

While Yuan Donghao was still thinking about countermeasures, a thunderous voice came from the hall. Yuan Jin was in the hall, but he already knew Yuan Donghao's arrival, so Yuan Donghao was startled, and hurriedly walked towards the hall with his head down.

"This subordinate pays homage to the Patriarch!"

"The strength is not bad. The entire army is almost wiped out. Elder Donghao can still retreat completely? It surprises me a bit."

Yuan Donghao has also lived for decades, so he naturally heard other meanings from this seemingly caring words, so he could only respond with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "The owner of the family doesn't know, there are some accidents in this operation... ..."

"Oh? You don't want to tell me that besides the so-called sect master, there is another master in Tianyi Sect?" Yuan Jin smiled but his anger became more and more obvious. As long as Yuan Donghao's answer makes him feel slightly dissatisfied, this iron-blooded and ruthless guy will immediately explode.

"The same thing, Captain Luo has already told me once, and Captain Luo also told me that at the most critical moment, I didn't see your shadow, Elder Donghao. How about it? Think about what you want to give me Did you explain it?"

Yuan Donghao felt a bit of bitterness in his heart, and the patriarch really couldn't deal with it, so he had no choice but to move out the excuse he had thought up in advance, and said to Yuan Jin: "Patriarch, there was only an accident at the time, so the rescue was not timely. .But...Although there was a bit of an accident, my subordinates also made an unexpected discovery..."

"Accidental discovery?"

"A ferocious beast with unknown bloodline level! But its strength is stronger than my four war pets combined!"


Yuan Donghao raised his head slightly, and met Yuan Jin's murderous eyes. It seemed that Yuan Jin would see through the little secret he wanted to hide in his heart, so he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "There is also Captain Wang who is with me. , the two of us teamed up, plus the seven battle pets, but we couldn't deal with that mysterious beast..."

With his own strength, fighting against two high-level beast masters, and the joint efforts of the seven pets, Yuan Jin was finally aroused a little interest.

"I'll talk to you about Guardian Wang later. You just need to tell me what kind of beast it is."


From the appearance of the six-eyed golden lion to the characteristics of the six-eyed golden lion, especially the six eyes of the six-eyed golden lion. There is also the powerful innate supernatural power of the six-eyed golden beast. Yuan Donghao told Yuan Jin everything, and added a sentence at the end: "That mysterious beast came with that guy from Tianyimen , but judging by their appearance, that kid is definitely not the owner of that beast!"

"what do you say

what! "Yuan Jin couldn't sit still any longer, and a trace of unconcealable excitement appeared on his usually calm face.

"So... as long as I find that beast, I still have a chance to subdue it..." The voice gradually faded in the hall, Yuan Jin's interest has been successfully aroused, and he even forgot Yuan Donghao Even though the loss was heavy this time, Yuan Donghao was not punished at all.

In Donglai City, the second-tier city, the senior beast master is already a top master in the third-tier city, but it is nothing in the second-tier city. Although they haven't reached the point of walking everywhere, there are quite a few of them. Even the captain of the guard of the Yuan family has the strength of a high-level beast master.

This is the role of luck. With the blessing of the powerful luck of the second-level city, the bottlenecks that lie in front of the beast master are not so difficult to break through. Even people with ordinary talents have the possibility of becoming a high-level beast master. It's just that there is still a big gap between this kind of beast masters and real masters.

With the luck of a second-tier city, it is completely possible to breed a strong man of the yellow rank, but it also has a limit. The yellow-rank beast masters in Donglai City are as rare as the senior beast masters in Xiangyang City. Only those top families have yellow-rank masters sitting in command.

And those families that don't have a strong Huang rank can only increase the number of masters to strengthen their overall strength, but the real competition is still the strength of the masters.

There are not many things that can enhance the strength of a senior beast master, only more powerful battle pets can be effective. Yuan Jin himself is the pride of heaven, and with the background of the Yuan family, he even has five lord-level beasts as his pets, but he wants to further strengthen his own strength, so he can only find a fiercer beast that is stronger than the lord-level beasts. beast.

Lord-level beasts are rare enough, and they are also hard to find in Donglai City. Being able to have five heads is already the limit, and it is even more difficult to find a beast that is stronger than the lord level.

"I heard that some ferocious beasts are born with powerful blood in their bodies. Once such beasts grow up, they are much stronger than ordinary lord beasts! After so many years, it's time for me to meet one." Yuan There was a look of greed in Jin's eyes, and with a big wave of his hand, several black shadows appeared behind him immediately.

Yuan Jin said in a low voice: "You guys prepare well, it's been so many years, don't let me down this time."

Yuan Jin gave an order, and the black shadow quickly disappeared into the hall, like a ghost, coming and going without a trace, and there was no trace of his actions.


After a night of carnival, Lu Yang rarely got drunk once, and fell asleep until the next morning before waking up from the drunkenness shaking his head.

"Since it's so late, let's not go to Duobao Pavilion today."

As soon as he finished stretching, Er Gouzi's voice came from outside the door: "Brother Yang, why are you still awake! Come out and have a look!"

Ma De, this kid is carefree all day long, but he has a good life in his childhood. But he didn't know that Lu Yang was extremely busy these days, and he managed to sleep peacefully, but was disturbed by Er Gouzi.

When Lu Yang opened the door of the room, he was startled. It was only early in the morning, but a large group of people had already gathered at the door of Tianyi Gate. It was noisy, but before the door was closed to sleep, Lu Yang didn't Just hear it.

"What's the situation with this shit? Are you finding fault?"

"What! Brother Yang! We became famous in the first battle yesterday, and these people came to join us because of the reputation." Er Gouzi said excitedly.

There is only such a big area in the north of the city, and the battle between Tianyimen and Yuanjia yesterday will attract more or less attention. The battle between the largest family and the newly promoted forces has gained the upper hand, and the news is still spreading like wildfire, and many disciples from poor families all clap their hands and cheer.

Therefore, early in the morning, people came to visit immediately, and many of them wanted to join Tianyimen to resist the Yuan family's rule together.

"Master, our brothers all joined Tianyi Sect sincerely."

"We have long been fed up with the oppression of the Yuan family, but no one is willing to stand up for us!"

Although the development time of Tianyi Sect is relatively short, the speed of its rise is very fast. In the eyes of these disadvantaged children, Tianyi Sect is their hope.

Just when Er Gouzi couldn't make up his mind, Lu Yang waved his hand and said proudly: "No matter how many people come, we will accept them all!"

As the news of yesterday's battle spread, more and more people became aware of Tianyimen's reputation, and more and more people came to join in admiration, and Tianyimen's influence became stronger and stronger.

For these poor disciples who came here for defection, Lu Yang never refused and accepted them all. However, Lu Yang will never forget what just happened to Tianyimen. Lu Yang dare not take it lightly when he can buy off a poor family with only a thousand crystals.

"It's time to cultivate some confidantes while the power is developing, otherwise, Tianyimen will only be a mess!"

Abandoning the people in the courtyard, Lu Yang went back to the room alone, and unfolded the map of the entire Donglai City in front of the desk. With a pen in hand, I began to draw on the map.

Sun Wu covered his head and pushed the door in, feeling a headache for those people outside the door. He really couldn't stand the surrounding of so many people, so he had to take shelter in Lu Yang's room. He happened to see Lu Yang looking at the map. Zhu asked softly: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Holding the pen, Lu Yang drew heavy strokes on the map, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiled mysteriously, and said, "I'm planning our future!"

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