The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 144 Night Attack on the Yuan Family

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Chapter 144 Night Attack on the Yuan Family

Sun Wu squatted on the ground out of breath, but in front of him, the two vice presidents of the Dao Yuanhui had already lay down. Under Sun Wu's strong blow, the two could no longer hold on.

In the previous battles, Sun Wu had also been knocked down countless times by the two vice presidents, but every time he fell down, Sun Wu was able to stand up quickly, like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and finally Sun Wu won the victory.

Exhausting the last bit of strength in his body, Sun Wu raised his arm and dropped it heavily.

"If you still refuse to spit it out, today we will wipe out the knife and kill Yuanhui!"

Er Gouzi and Wei Qiang howled, and led the disciples of Tianyi Sect towards those people of Daoyuanhui. The momentum was so loud that they scared the crap out of Daoyuanhui before they even made a move.

"Don't do it! We are willing to hand over everything about Fengyunhui!"

It is always very difficult to make money with one person's strength, but the power of a gang and the industry under it is simply unimaginable.

Fengyunhui's accumulation of hundreds of years was basically searched by Daoyuanhui. They thought they could use this to strengthen their own power, but they didn't expect that Tianyimen didn't intend to let them go easily.

This turmoil will be over only if one million crystal stones are paid in full.

Sun Wu was already exhausted, looking at the million crystals in his hand, there was still a smile on his pale face.

"What! Under our noses, someone from a poor family dares to interfere with our property!" The people from the Crazy Sword Sect were furious when they learned that Lu Yang opened a shop here.

However, people from the Crazy Saber Sect can only enjoy their mouths. Recently, the news that Tianyi Sect has become the overlord of the poor family has already spread. Tianyimen is not just a new force now, but represents the poor family in the entire northern part of the city.

They didn't dare to provoke them in the previous Fengyunhui, let alone a more powerful Tianyi Sect, the people of the Mad Saber Sect can only watch the Tianyi Sect develop in the second district, helpless.

"I said earlier that if we let them develop, the second district will no longer be our world in the future. Since the members of the Yuan family don't care, the resources paid this month will be reduced by half. Let the elders of the Yuan family figure out their own solutions. !” Kuang Yun said in a low voice, not wanting to meddle in Tianyimen’s affairs anymore.

And the development of Tianyimen is also unexpected, the initial period of one month has been abruptly shortened to five days. In just five days, under Xiao Li's genius management, Tianyimen's industry in the second district has developed rapidly, not only started normal operation, but also started to make a profit.

When Lu Yang heard the news of Tianyimen's rapid development in Duobao Pavilion, he couldn't help showing a gratified smile. Not only did he work harder during training, but he also felt much more energetic when he was rubbing the beast control technique, and his progress was getting better and better. divine speed.

Different from the development of the second district, Fengyunhui's original industry has already covered the fourth district. Although it is not as prosperous as the second district, almost all the industries of Tianyimen are covered there, so the speed of development is extraordinary.

Lu Yang looked at the last few original copies of Beast Mastery in his hand, and a smile began to appear on the corner of his mouth. These days, Lu Yang basically spent his time in Room 14, let alone taking a step out of Duobao Pavilion. During the period, a public printing was also carried out, which added another 100,000 yuan to Lu Yang's income.

And after so many days of unremitting efforts, Lu Yang has completed more than half of the thirty books assigned by the elders, and now only the last ten books are left.

"Old Jin, your injury is almost healed. For the next two days, we will temporarily put aside the training. After I finish all the tasks in my hands with all my might, we will carry out a big operation! I will take you to loosen your muscles and bones!"

Calculating the time, there are only two days left before Yuan Jin fully recovers. Lu Yang didn't dare to neglect. He worked day and night without sleep, and finally completed all the remaining ten rubbing tasks.

In less than seven days, he completed the rubbings of 300 intermediate-level beast-controlling techniques. Such a speed can only be described as terrifying.

The elder smiled and took over the bunch of beast control skills from Lu Yang, and also kept his promise, handing over the high-level rubbing skills that Lu Yang dreamed of.

Holding the advanced rubbing technique tightly, Lu Yang couldn't help grinning: "Are you finally able to become a senior rubbing master? From then on, I, Lu Yang, can be regarded as the number one person in Donglai City!"

With the advanced rubbing technique, not only will he no longer have to worry about the big stomach king of the Beast Familiar System, but Lu Yang's status in Duobao Pavilion will also rise in a straight line.

The Golden Token of Duobao Pavilion has made Kuangdaomen so afraid, but now, Lu Yang is holding a Platinum Token.

In the entire Duobao Pavilion, there are no more than two rubbing masters who can own platinum tokens, but Lu Yang's current number is seventh.

Moving out of Room 14, Lu Yang moved into a bigger room, which also meant that his status in Duobao Pavilion had been raised to the top.

"Now, it's time to seek revenge from the Yuan family!"

The night was hazy, the land was silent, and the noisy north of the city also became calm during the day, and the lights of thousands of houses gradually went out.

In front of the gate of the Yuan family, the guards wandered and patrolled according to the normal procedure. The captain of the guard suddenly came to them and said to them: "The master still has two days to leave the customs. In the last two days, you all have to fight for me. Come on! If someone comes in to make trouble, the Patriarch will not spare us after he leaves the customs!"


The silence of the night also made the sound spread farther. A black shadow flashed in the darkness, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he was muttering: "Sure enough, the calculation is correct, this old guy Yuan Jin has not fully recovered yet!"

The black shadow flickered and disappeared in place,

At the same time, there was an extra figure in front of the gate of the Yuan family. The vigilant guards immediately sensed that someone was coming, and all the spears in their hands pointed at the shadow at the same time.

All the guards yelled, "Who dares to break into my Yuan's house at night! Hurry up and leave, be careful that our subordinates are merciless!"

"Are you merciless? Just what I want!"

The black robe faded away, revealing a young face, it was Lu Yang!

According to the time calculated by Liumu Jinyi, Yuan Jin still needs a day to fully recover. Taking advantage of Yuan Jin's strength not yet fully recovered, Lu Yang intends to sneak into Yuan's house while it is dark, and turn him upside down!

The figure flashed by, and although the guards were strong, they couldn't even catch Lu Yang's shadow, and Lu Yang came to them in an instant.

The Gate of Hell appeared from Lu Yang's palm, and the infinite attraction surged in all directions. More than a dozen guards were overwhelmed by the swallowing power of the Gate of Hell before they could resist effectively, turning them into cold corpses in an instant He fell at Lu Yang's feet.

Without the hindrance of the guards, Lu Yang strode into Yuan's house with a chuckle: "Old guy, it's time to settle the score between us with you today!"

The dragon has reverse scales, and if it is not for Yuan Jin, the six-eyed golden beast will not be seriously injured. For this alone, Lu Yang has already put Yuan Jin on the must-kill list.

Half an hour had passed since the last patrol, and it was the guard captain's turn to come out to patrol.

When the captain of the guard's eyes fell on the gate of the Yuan family, his complexion suddenly changed, and all his subordinates died unexpectedly.

The captain of the guard was dumbfounded for a long time before he finally came back to his senses. His shrill scream pierced the night: "Come here! It's not good, there is an enemy attack!"

There was a loud bang in the dark night, and the Yuan Family's lobby collapsed in an instant, and a terrifying force swept out from the lobby, completely destroying the entire lobby.

The captain of the guard never expected such a scene to appear in Yuan's house, he stood there dumbstruck, only to see two figures flying out of the ruins.

One of them was the elder of the Yuan family, Yuan Donghao, but the elder Yuan, who had been so glorious in the past, looked a little embarrassed at this time, with a trace of blood remaining on the corner of his mouth.

And the other figure that flew out was Lu Yang, looking at Yuan Donghao with a scornful smile, and said with a sneer, "Let's forget the old and new grudges together today!"

If it weren't for his reasons, Liumu Jinyi would not have been exposed, let alone provoke Yuan Jin. This point, even if no one reminded him, Lu Yang knew it very well.

Just now when he entered the lobby to look for Yuan Jin, he couldn't find it for a while, but happened to meet Yuan Donghao, an unlucky guy. Lu Yang shot without hesitation, and severely injured Yuan Donghao with one blow.

"It turned out to be you!" Yuan Donghao was astonished. He never thought that the young boy in the past would have such a powerful force. He didn't even have the strength to resist, so he was seriously injured by Lu Yang.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Yuan Donghao roared with all his strength: "The bastard of Tianyimen, who failed to kill you last time, dared to come to you to die today! If that's the case, I will give you my blessing!"

The figure passed by in a flash, and the two of them merged with the battle pet in the air at the same time, their body size skyrocketed, and then they slammed into each other heavily.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yuan Donghao's mouth. As soon as the two of them came into contact, Yuan Donghao's figure flashed aside with the help of the bombardment. The arrogance just now turned out to be all illusions. Yuan Donghao didn't intend to fight Lu Yang for real at all. He just wanted to make a big enough noise to alarm all the masters of the Yuan family.

As for himself, although he was injured a little more in the fight, he used Lu Yang's strength to escape quickly.

"Boy, don't be complacent! There are so many masters in the Yuan family, someone will come to deal with you soon!"

"You despicable villain, you still want to run away!"

Lu Yang knew that he was tricked by Yuan Donghao, and his heart burned with anger, turning into an angry punch and rushing towards Yuan Donghao. The moment Lu Yang had just chased him out, several powerful auras suddenly emerged from the courtyard of the Yuan family, surrounding Lu Yang, forcing him to stop.

"Whoever dares to come to my Yuan family to make trouble, do you really think that my Yuan family is deserted!"

The sound exploded like a thunder in the night, and several figures appeared beside Lu Yang, besieging Lu Yang in the middle.

Lu Yang looked at Yuan Donghao's back, and could only say angrily: "What a cunning fox, you let him run away!"

Although he was sighing, Lu Yang looked at the elders of the Yuan family in front of him, and a bloodthirsty expression slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Since that old thief Yuan Donghao has escaped, I just want to take your knife! I don't know when that old bastard Yuan Jin After leaving the customs, seeing the masters of the Yuan family all dead, will you have the urge to vomit blood!"

"Hmph!" Yuan Dong'ao, another highly respected elder of the Yuan family, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "How can you allow you to act wildly in front of the three elders of my Yuan family!"

"Elder Dong'ao, and us!"

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