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Chapter 147 Mistake

The moonlight is like water, calm like a mirror, a seemingly disharmonious light flashes across the moonlight, and there is a black shadow chasing after it at an even faster speed. The calm is broken.

"With the Linglong Bird in hand, even if you run thousands of miles away, you will not be able to escape the Linglong Bird's pursuit!"

The Linglong Bird is a low-level ferocious beast, but it is full of spirituality, and it can be raised directly without being tamed as a war pet. Its greatest use is that it can be used for tracking. It is extremely sensitive to smell. As long as there is a little smell in the air, even if the target escapes thousands of miles away, it can be tracked by smell.

As for the strange soul fragrance in Lu Yang's body, it is not poison, but a special spice made by the Yuan family. Only the Yuan family has the formula and finished products. Maggots.

As for the other effects, as Liumu Jinyi learned, not only cannot be removed, but also has a strong dissemination property. As long as the place you walk, no matter how fast you go, there will be a strange fragrance left, which can last for seven days. The time cannot be cleared within seven days, and only after the seven days pass, the strange soul fragrance will dissipate automatically.

"Boy Lu Yang, play a cat-and-mouse game with me for the next period of time! During these seven days, I will not let you die happily! Anyone who offends my Yuan family will be punished." Nothing good will happen!"

The black shadow quickly moved across the night sky like a ghost, and its final destination was the forest where Lu Yang was healed.

"He didn't go back to Tianyimen, but chose to heal his injuries in this kind of place. This little guy is quite cautious!" Under the night sky, Yuan Jin grinned strangely, and his figure approached Lu Yang's healing place little by little.

The six-eyed golden lion who was resting felt the movement, and the six golden eyes suddenly opened, and a paw patted on Lu Yang's thigh to wake him up.

"Boy Lu Yang, wake up quickly, someone is coming!"

Lu Yang lowered his head and asked, "Oh? Is someone here so soon? Do you know who it is?"

Six-eyed Jinyi shook his head and said, "It's still a little far away, I just entered the woods, and I can't tell who it is, but this somewhat familiar."

Lu Yang grinned: "This is even better! Since we have an acquaintance here, let's treat him well!"

"That's what I mean! You stay here well, I'll go and have a look, and I'll be right back!"

The voice dissipated under the moonlight, and the petite figure of the six-eyed golden beast also disappeared in front of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang continued to close his eyes, and before the man came, it was king to hurry up and recover from his injuries.

It happens to be able to give the enemy a false impression, maybe it can make the opponent take it lightly, and then catch him by surprise!

"Chick! Chick!"

When it was about to approach Lu Yang's location, Linglong Bird suddenly sang, the sound was clear and melodious, piercing through the small forest.

"Quickly shut your mouth! In the middle of the night, there are no birds singing in the woods! It would be bad if you startle the snake!"

Linglongniao closed her mouth sensibly, but her nimble eyes were full of uneasiness. It wasn't excited because it was about to approach the target, but because it sensed danger in the dark, and couldn't help screaming because of the fear in its heart.

"This kid knows how to find a place. The environment here is quiet and hidden. It's really good for healing, you think that if you hide here, I won't be able to find you?"

Yuan Jin's face was full of sinister smiles, but the Linglong bird in his hand suddenly let out a strange cry, fluttered, and flew away from Yuan Jin's palm.

Just after flying into the sky, a golden light flashed across suddenly, the call of Linglong bird stopped abruptly, and the figure of Linglong bird disappeared.

"The taste of this bird is really good, Yuan Jin, if you still have those, don't mind bringing me a few more!" The figure of the six-eyed golden lion crossed the top of Yuan Jin's head, and finally landed on a branch, with his mouth in his mouth. He faltered and said to Yuan Jin vaguely.

And in Liumu Jinyi's mouth was holding the exquisite bird that flew away before. The latter hadn't completely breathed out, struggling desperately in Liumu Jinyi's mouth.

The veins on Yuan Jin's forehead popped up. It turned out that the other party had discovered his traces long ago, and even ate Linglong Bird alive in front of his face. Obviously, before that, Linglong Bird felt the king's breath in Liumu Jinyi's body , so it becomes restless.

Originally planning to sneak attack, unexpectedly his whereabouts were exposed, Yuan Jin's complexion was very ugly, even under the hazy moonlight, he could see that his complexion turned blue and pale at times.

"Damn it! I was careful enough, but I didn't expect to be discovered by you! It seems that your injuries have fully recovered, but you still dare to appear in front of me! Where are you going to escape this time?"

The six-eyed golden beast stared at Yuan Jin with six eyes at the same time, and said disdainfully: "You failed to kill me last time, and this time it will be even more impossible!"

"Haha!" The expression on Yuan Jin's face was completely distorted, showing a ferocious expression: "Kill you? I can't bear it! But this time I will completely subdue you! Neither you nor that kid can escape!"

"Really? This sentence is exactly what I want to say!"

"It's you kid!"

The voice suddenly came from behind, and Yuan Jin was taken aback. When he turned around, he saw Lu Yang standing behind him at some point.

One in front of one and one in the back, one man and one beast, vaguely presenting a pincer attack, encircling Yuan and Jin.

His eyes swept across the front and back, even in the current situation, Yuan Jin didn't have a trace of fear on his face, and a sneer sneered in his mouth: "Okay, since you are all here, I will solve all of you at once. Already!"

Without waiting for Yuan Jin to make any moves, six golden lights descended from the sky without warning, precisely sealing all the places where Yuan Jin could dodge. Lu Yang's figure also changed almost at the same time, all the battle pets on his body merged into his body, and then roared.

"The speed is so fast..." Yuan Jin's expression finally changed.

As soon as he left the customs, he immediately came to chase and kill Lu Yang. In Yuan Jin's heart, he was always thinking about how to kill Lu Yang, but Lu Yang didn't think so.

Since they planted such things as strange soul fragrance on their bodies, they would definitely come to him, so Lu Yang deliberately used himself as a bait, waiting for people from the Yuan family to come to him.

But there was still a little surprise, Lu Yang did not expect to catch Yuan Jin, a big fish.

Three full hours have passed since Lu Yang made a big fuss at the Yuan family. During this period of time, with Lu Yang's super recovery ability and the assistance of elixir, no matter how serious his injuries were, they have been suppressed.

Although it has not fully recovered, it has been able to fight for a short time.

Seeing that Yuan Jin was forced to retreat by the six-eyed golden beast's innate supernatural powers, Lu Yang roared in a low voice: "Old Jin, take advantage of the current advantage, let's make a quick decision!"

"So you want to kill me so much? It's a pity, what you never imagined is that the me I am today is no longer something you two can handle!"

Just as Lu Yang rushed over, Yuan Jin also completed the fit, and suddenly transformed from a middle-aged man in a golden robe to an orc with golden hair all over his body.

"Although I know that you have some tricks, how can I be as powerful as you? My combined skill can fuse 35% of the power of a battle pet. This alone is enough to kill the two of you." suppress!"

"Whether it's okay or not! It's not just talking about it, you have to try it to know!"

With a roar, Lu Yang threw his figure towards Yuan Jin like a cannonball, without any bells and whistles, relying entirely on the strength of his physical body to resist Yuan Jin.

The two collided together, and the terrifying power erupted instantly.

It's just that the overwhelming scene in the imagination did not appear. Under the impact of pure force, the bodies of Lu Yang and Yuan Jin retreated at the same time.

"This is impossible! How can you be my opponent just relying on physical strength!" Yuan Jin couldn't believe that his fusion skills had been practiced to the point of proficiency, and the boy in front of him could be evenly matched with him in terms of strength. .

You must know that the general high-level beast masters can only fuse 30% of their power, while Yuan Jin has reached 35%. Fusion of battle pets of the same level, this 5% gap represents It is tens of thousands of catties of strength, how could it be easily made up for?

When his figure settled down, Lu Yang turned around gracefully, grinned at Yuan Jin, and said hey: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, you are not the only one who can fuse the power of a battle pet to 35% !"

"What!" Yuan Jin's jaw was almost dropped by Lu Yang.

He has gone through untold hardships for this 35% fusion degree, and he has been promoted by relying on the secret method handed down by the Yuan family, and the boy in front of him looks so young, and he can do this step , How could Yuan Jin stand it?

"Don't look at him, although he is still young, I have not lived any shorter than you. The secret techniques you know may be priceless treasures in the eyes of others, but they are nothing in the eyes of your Lord Jin!"

"So it's you!" Yuan Jin's eyes were about to burst into flames, and the anger in his heart erupted completely.

Facing the joint attack of Liumu Jinyi and Lu Yang, Yuan Jin turned all the anger in his heart into strength, and moved out with both hands, two fists containing terrifying power fiercely collided with Lu Yang.

It was still the result of mutual injury, but Lu Yang suffered the injury together with the six-eyed golden lion. A trace of blood flowed from the corners of the mouths of one man and one beast, but they didn't feel any discomfort.

However, Yuan Jin was not so lucky. All the attacks from Lu Yang and Liumu Jinyi fell on him alone. No matter how strong his physical body was, he could not withstand the blows of two masters of the same level.

Yuan Jin let out a big mouthful of blood, lowered his head, and supported the ground with both hands, but he didn't have the strength to stand up again. It's just... Lu Yang felt a terrifying aura growing from Yuan Jin's body.

"What's the situation? Does this guy have any special means?"

Yuan Jin lowered his head and let out a ferocious laugh: "You are very good, you can push me to this point, if I don't kill you today, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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