The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 149: Birthday Preparations

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Chapter 149: Birthday Preparations

The hurricane brought the injured Lu Yang back to Tianyimen, fell to the ground and lost consciousness as soon as he landed, without making any sound, let alone alarming anyone in Tianyimen.

It wasn't until the next day when the disciples of Tianyimen got up to practice that they realized that there was an extra person in the yard.

"Who is this person? Why did he appear in our yard?" Disciple A pointed at Lu Yang and said.

"I think they must be refugees from somewhere. I heard that our Tianyi Sect is a poor family, so they came to our place to ask for help?" Disciple B said.

Disciple C was a little puzzled and asked, "Our Tianyi Sect is so heavily guarded, how did he get in?"

Everyone sighed, there was such a big living person in the yard, and no one knew about the situation. From another aspect, it also showed that the current security of Tianyimen could not be compared with that of Yuanjia, and there was no one patrolling at night.

When everyone was blushing, Disciple A quickly changed the topic, pointed his hand, and said in surprise: "Hey, look quickly, this guy seems to be injured!"

"Yeah, lying on the ground like this, I didn't even notice that he was injured!"

Disciple B hastily turned Lu Yang's body over, wanting to help Lu Yang check his injuries, only then did he recognize Lu Yang, and said in shock, "What nonsense are you all talking about here! This is the leader of our Tianyi Sect! Hurry up and help Boss Lu Yang in!"

"Help my virtuous brother into the training room!" Sun Wu roared loudly, and immediately found all kinds of elixir from the storeroom, rushed to the training room, and healed Lu Yang himself.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yang's injury has also healed up these days, and during this time, the Yuan family themselves are also in a hurry, all because of Lu Yang's riot, and Lu Yang's riot at the Yuan family is also completely underway. Spread in the northern part of the city.

All the disciples of the poor family dare not speak ill of the Tianyi Sect anymore. After all, in the years of the Yuan Clan's rule, no one has ever dared to challenge the authority of the Yuan Clan. Take a breath!

The prestige of Tianyi Sect among the poor families in the north of the city has also risen, and it has almost become the center of all the disciples of the poor families. In just seven days, there was no trouble from the Yuan family, nor did they encounter any obstacles. counterbalancing forces.

Moreover, with the efforts of Xiao Li and Sun Wu, the industry under the name of Tianyimen has developed even more rapidly, far exceeding the previous plan, and has been able to make money every day.

Lu Yang looked at the great situation now, and the big stone in his heart fell completely. With his hands behind his back, he said calmly to Sun Wu, "Brother Sun Wu, tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday."

"Oh? That's right! Time flies so fast, it's almost your birthday!"

Sun Wu couldn't help but think back to the days when he was in Xiangyang City. At that time, there was no need to be so tired like now, and the two brothers were more carefree. And since they came to Donglai City, almost all of them have spent their lives in constant battles, and they haven't even lived a single day of peace.

"The situation is very good now, and our hard work has not been in vain. How about this, tomorrow we will invite all the poor families in the north of the city, and we will hold a banquet at the Tianyi Gate to celebrate your birthday!"

"No, Brother Sun Wu, I don't think so." Although Sun Wu's plan was good, Lu Yang had his own thoughts in his heart, he shook his head and faced Sun Wu and said, "The venue for tomorrow's banquet is not at Tianyi Gate, I want to hold a grand banquet in front of the Yuan family's gate! Celebrate my birthday with the blood of the Yuan family!"

On this continent, a man becomes an adult at the age of sixteen, and for a man, the seventeenth birthday is the first birthday after adulthood, and it is also an important day.

Everyone wants to celebrate their birthday with the achievements of the year after adulthood, and Lu Yang is of course no exception.

And all the things that Lu Yang has done since he became an adult, although he can be regarded as a genius among his peers, Lu Yang is not satisfied.

"It's time to settle the grievances between us and the Yuan family. Only the head of Yuan Jin can best reflect my achievements since I was an adult!"

Moreover, celebrating the birthday with the heads of the Yuan and Jin Dynasties was just a purpose, and Lu Yang did not forget what his biggest goal in coming to Donglai City was.

To overthrow the more powerful Kun family is Lu Yang's ultimate goal.

"There are still a few days until the agreed day, and the Kun family will definitely go to Xiangyang City to pick Luo Wushuang into the city. If we can't take down the Yuan family this time, what will we use to face the more serious situation in the future?" The mighty Kun family?" Lu Yang said softly, his face gloomy.

In just one month, the entire northern part of the city was completely conquered, and all the disciples from the poor family were recruited into the Tianyi Sect. Such a result is indeed powerful, but it is far from enough for Lu Yang, and it is nothing for that behemoth of the Kun family.

"Brother Xian, I know how you feel right now,'s okay if it's a small fight, but if you want to start a formal war with the Yuan family, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome. Not only our current strength is limited, but Donglai City The law does not allow war between gang families." Sun Wu said worriedly.

"Has there never been a war between those families?"

Sun Wu shook his head, and said, "No, there was a big fight between them, but Donglai City's decree expressly prohibits private fights between gangs and families, so we need something."



Order! "

Each city will have its own rules, either an agreement between the strongest forces in the city, or an order enforced by the city lord's mansion. But no matter who it is, as long as they are in the city, they must abide by it.

Lu Yang naturally understood this point in his heart, nodded slightly, and said to Sun Wu: "Okay, I understand!"

"Brother, please arrange the banquet for me. I'll go to the city and come back tomorrow!"

With light footsteps, Lu Yang soared into the air and flew directly to the area in Donglai City, while holding a golden token in his hand.

This is the identity token of Duobao Pavilion, but it is no longer the original gold token. After Lu Yang was promoted to a senior rubbing master, he has long been replaced with a platinum token. The identity is more noble than the gold token, almost equivalent For the senior management of Duobao Pavilion, as long as there is a need, they can find help in Duobao Pavilion.

"See Master Lu Yang!"

"Hurry up and take me to see the elders in the pavilion!"

Of course, what Lu Yang wanted to meet was not the elder who issued the task of the Rubbing Master, but the elder Beast Master who held the real power in Duobao Pavilion. With Lu Yang's current status, he can almost sit on an equal footing with those elders, but there are some things that Lu Yang can't decide, so he still has to ask the elders of Duobao Pavilion for help.

"Lu Yang? New Platinum Rubbing Master, I don't know what you want from me?"

Lu Yang's identity has long been disclosed to the high-level officials of Duobao Pavilion, and Lu Yang's reputation has always been quite good, and he has a good relationship with the elders who issued the task of rubbing masters, so these elders of the beast masters also have a good relationship with Lu Yang. Very polite.

Without going around the bush, Lu Yang straight to the point said to the elder: "Elder, I need a war order now, can I get it for me?"

Elder Bai raised his brows and asked, "What do you want to issue the war order for?"

"I want to destroy the Yuan family in the north of the city!"

Elder Bai suddenly laughed loudly: "Okay! Those guys have done a lot of evil, it's time for someone to come out and deal with him! Okay! I will take care of the order to start the war! But according to the rules of the pavilion, if you want the pavilion to do things for you, you can A price must be paid."

Lu Yang knew these rules, but since it was the internal rules of Duobao Pavilion, he would not use crystals to measure the value like doing business with outsiders. For noble rubbing masters like them, all costs can be replaced by rubbing tasks.

I saw Elder Bai stretched out a finger in front of Lu Yang, and said: "For the sake of you also acting on behalf of the heavens, this time I just let you rub a copy of the ten-star high-level beast control technique."

"Deal!" Lu Yang readily agreed.


When Lu Yang came to Duobao Pavilion this time, he did not only seek help from Duobao Pavilion for this matter, but also a more important matter.

"Oh? If you have anything to say, please speak directly. There is no need to hesitate."

Lu Yang's gaze sized Elder Bai up and down, only to realize that the Elder Bai in front of him was very powerful, his blood was extremely strong, and he was not even inferior to him.

The body moved forward slightly, close to Elder Bai's ear, and whispered to Elder Bai. After listening to Lu Yang's words, Elder Bai suddenly realized, and finally understood what kind of help Lu Yang needed.

Elder Bai laughed loudly and said: "So that's the case, but this job seems to be more dangerous, and the price to be paid may be higher..."

"The price is not a problem, as long as I can afford it!"

"Fresh!" Elder Bai looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Five copies of ten-star high-level beast control skills! No bargain! I will agree to your request!"

The two sides clapped their hands together, and they reached an agreement. Lu Yang cupped his hands to Elder Bai and said, "If that's the case, then I'll wait for the good news from Elder Bai!"

"The old man is doing business, Mr. Lu Yang, please rest assured!"

The two greeted each other casually, and Lu Yang went back to his room.

I just came back now, and instead of paying off the previous debts, I have some new debts. Lu Yang looked at the original six books of Beast Control in his hand, and couldn't help but sighed: "Oh, tomorrow is my birthday, and I have to work overtime today to print rubbings! Forget it, I still have a little time, I'd better work quickly !"

The matter of the birthday banquet was handed over to Sun Wu. Lu Yang didn't have to worry about it at all, so Lu Yang had time before tomorrow's banquet.

As for tomorrow's birthday banquet, what Lu Yang needs is a grand banquet, where all the poor families in the north of the city are invited, and the place is right in front of the Yuan family's gate.

After everyone is full of wine and food, it's time to officially start the war with the Yuan family!

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