The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 157: The Throne of Champions

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Chapter 157: The Throne of Champions

"Next, I will show you my limit speed!"

Xu Fan let out a low growl, with a different look in his eyes, and the spirit wood book in his hand disappeared quickly.

"At this time, there are only the last three senior rubbing masters on the field. They are No. 1 contestant Xu Fan, No. 2 contestant Pang Zheng, and No. 7 contestant Lu Yang. I can see now that No. 2 Pang Zheng seems to have arrived However, our No. 1 Xu Fan and No. 7 Lu Yang are still very fast, I didn't expect that there will be a dark horse in this competition, and the latecomer will come out ahead, surpassing other players, and keeping pace with Xu Fan."

In the last little time, the referee simply stayed by the ring to explain to everyone.

Judging from the current situation, only Xu Fan and Lu Yang are in the best condition.

However, when the referee was explaining, Xu Fan suddenly took out the spirit wood book. Xu Fan, who was already approaching the limit, unexpectedly increased his speed again because of the spirit wood book.

"As for the No. 1 player... what, the No. 1 player's speed is still increasing!" The referee was also stunned by Xu Fan's sudden speed, and shouted in surprise.

The original score was one hundred and thirty-six, but Xu Fan had a total of ten spirit wood books in his hands. With his talent, after using the spirit wood books, the speed was even faster than before.

Now this is not the first time Xu Fan has used the spirit wood books. Xu Fan calculated the time just right. The last hour was just enough for him to use up all ten spirit wood books.

Xu Fan had already silently calculated the speed of him and Lu Yang before, and they produced one copy in almost ten minutes. According to this speed calculation, a whole day without sleep and rest, can print 144 copies.

If Xu Fan is in good condition, he can do it, but at the last moment, Xu Fan's spirit is obviously not enough, so he only completed 136 books in the first 23 hours.

"Including these ten books, no matter how good your condition is, you are still no match for me!" Xu Fan sneered in his heart.

In fact, Lu Yang had seen Xu Fan's condition a long time ago, and he had to admit that Xu Fan was really an amazing person, he was able to persist for such a long time, and even though he had reached the limit, his speed still remained unabated.

As for the spiritual wood book, it was also in Lu Yang's plan, but before Xu Fan took out the spiritual wood book, Lu Yang was not sure how many spiritual wood books he had in his hand.

But now that Xu Fan took out the spirit wood book, Lu Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought how many spiritual wood books Elder Chen could give you, but now it seems that's all there is to it. Just ten spiritual wood books just want to win me?" Lu Yang couldn't help sneering secretly.

Calculated according to the normal speed, Lu Yang has been maintaining the peak speed, that is, six books per hour, and can only complete a hundred and forty-four books at most, while Xu Fan, who has used up all ten spiritual wood books, can At one hundred and forty-six, it can completely surpass Lu Yang.

"It's don't have the hole cards alone!"

Lu Yang's expression suddenly became serious. What was placed in front of him was no longer a purple shirt book, but two books at the same time.

If one book in ten minutes is Xu Fan's fastest speed without the spirit wood book, the speed of the two is similar. After Xu Fan sacrificed the spiritual wood books, the speed could be increased to ten books an hour, but it had already reached the limit.

But six books per hour is not Lu Yang's limit.

I saw the two purple shirt books in front of Lu Yang spinning rapidly, and the rubbing system kept engraving the content scanned by Lu Yang's eyes on them, and the two books were carried out at the same time.

Without such a trump card as the Spirit Wood Book, Lu Yang also has his own confidence, which does not come from foreign objects, but is purely a routine figured out by Lu Yang himself.

During this period of time, because of the lack of money in his pocket and the debt owed by Elder Bai for help, Lu Yang was almost frantically rubbing to pay off the debt. After such a long period of training, Lu Yang also figured out a shortcut.

Although the time for the rubbing system to be used is fixed, practice makes perfect. Lu Yang has long tried to print two rubbings at the same time, just like what Lu Yang is doing now, one scan and two rubbings at the same time.

After this period of practice, although I can't maintain this state all the time, I can still persist for an hour.

"How can a mere ten spiritual wood books compare with my system?" Lu Yang tensed up all his nerves to the extreme, not daring to be sloppy at all.

"To print two copies at the same time... This year's dark horse is really dark!"

It has never been heard of anyone who can print two copies of Beast Control at the same time. Even though Xu Fan's talent is amazing, he is much worse than Lu Yang now.

Elder Chen's heart was already in his throat, but after seeing Lu Yang's astonishing performance, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "This kid really knows how to play, it made me worry for nothing for so long."

"Phew!" As the competition drew to a close, Xu Fan's face turned pale, exhausted his last bit of mental strength, and only finished the last ten books.

"Huh, referee, I've finished. Can I count the results now? Let's see who is the champion this time." Xu Fan turned his head and said weakly to the referee.

The referee looked up at the sky, and then said: "The time has not come yet, wait a little longer, I seems that the number seven side is not over yet."

"Racing against time? But at most it's just an extra book, what's the use? It's just a useless struggle." Xu Fan

With disdain on the corner of his mouth, he snorted softly.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the bell rang for the end of the competition, all the rubbing masters breathed a sigh of relief. After persisting for such a long time, they almost reached their limit. Some of them took several breaks in the middle, but they still couldn't bear it.

Now that the competition is finally over, they can relax their nervous nerves.

"The time is up, No. 7 Lu Yang, haven't you finished yet? Overtime scores don't count." The referee said to Lu Yang with a smile.

"That's right, although you have some skills, rules are rules, put down the purple shirt book in your hand!" Xu Fan snapped.

Lu Yang curled his lips, and said disdainfully, "Just put it down! Who cares! But don't be too pretentious! It's not certain who wins and who loses!"

Lu Yang gently put down the two purple shirt books in his hand, but the smile on the corner of his mouth did not decrease at all. Although he put down the purple shirt book in his hand, except for Lu Yang, no one knew that the purple shirt book had actually taken shape.

"Since you are so confident, let the referee count and see who has more points."

The referee was also so happy. In previous years, Xu Fan was the leader alone. This year, it was rare that there was a dark horse that could compete with Xu Fan. Thinking about the result of the final competition between the two, the referee was inevitably a little excited.

"After a fight between dragons and tigers, let's see what the final result is!"

The referee's voice resounded throughout the audience, attracting everyone's attention, but the intermediate rubbing masters who performed very well were ignored by the audience. After all, compared with senior rubbing artists, their light is as inconspicuous as fireflies.

No. 2, Pang Zheng, fought to the death with Lu Yang and Xu Fan, but the final result was still not ideal. There were only ninety-three copies, and the number was less than a hundred, which was simply incomparable with the two of them.

The referee walked slowly past Pang Zheng, then walked to Lu Yang's side, picked up the piles of beast control skills on Lu Yang's table, and counted them one by one.

"One hundred, one hundred and one..."

"One hundred and ten, one hundred and eleven..."

The number has long surpassed the number two Pang Zheng, and the original position of the millennium number two could no longer be maintained, and Pang Zheng's face suddenly turned ashen.

Only Xu Fan was able to maintain a calm and confident expression. In the previous conferences, Xu Fan swept all the way in a crushing state and never met an opponent. After such a long time, it is inevitable that he will have a lonely pride of a master .

But now it is rare to meet an opponent and defeat him with his own hands, Xu Fan still feels a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"The strength is indeed strong, but it's a pity that the cards are a little less. If I develop for a while, maybe I can really compete with me. But by that time, maybe I have found a chance to be promoted. After all, Donglai City is a little smaller. I should venture into a wider world!" Xu Fan looked at Lu Yang and said in his heart.

"One hundred and twenty, one hundred and twenty one..."

The sound of the referee's counting continued, falling on everyone's ears, making people's heart skip a beat.

This result has surpassed Xu Fan's result in the last competition, but Xu Fan did not try his best last time, but this time he did his best.

"One hundred and thirty, one hundred and thirty one..."

The counting is still going on, but these are all within Xu Fan's expectation. He only waits for the referee's counting to end. He also wants to see how far this dark horse, Lu Yang, can go.

It's just... Although Xu Fan had thought of everything before, the facts are always a little bit unexpected.

One hundred and forty, one hundred and forty one..." The counting still hasn't stopped.

At this moment, Xu Fan's complexion finally showed a slight change, and a trace of solemnity crept onto his cheeks. Especially when he saw Lu Yang's reassuring expression, his heart skipped a beat, and Xu Fan's little heart was wrapped in an ominous premonition.

"He looks confident, he knows how my hole cards can still be so confident, he is not in a hurry..." Xu Fan began to panic, thinking uneasily.

Sure enough, after the points broke through one hundred and forty, the referee still didn't stop, and counted to one hundred and forty-four. When Xu Fan's expected limit was reached, the referee's mouth was still slightly open, as if hesitating to speak. But he put Xu Fan's heart in his throat.

"What is the origin of this kid? How could he really reach the extreme..."

Only Lu Yang knows best in his heart that a book in ten minutes is indeed his current limit speed, whether it is system rubbings or other people's spiritual rubbings. It's just that there are no absolutes in everything. Lu Yang himself is a kind of person who exists to break through the limit, so how can he be easily bound by the limit?

"Master referee, why stop? Go ahead." Lu Yang said softly.

When everyone heard Lu Yang say this, they were completely stunned, including Xu Fan, who couldn't maintain his previous composure and confidence.

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