The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 168 Entering the Trap

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Chapter 168 Entering the Trap

"Damn it, it's you again, you little bastard, I think you really don't want to live anymore!" The black-robed old man waved his hands, and the powerful force swept away the large silver needles, but at this moment Lu Yang had also arrived at Grandpa Xiaoling side.

He picked up Grandpa Xiaoling and rushed across two barriers, arriving at a safe place as quickly as possible.

But at this moment, Grandpa Xiaoling was already exhausted, and he was about to die.

Seeing that it was Lu Yang who rescued him, he smiled and said, "Young man, thank you for saving my old bone from dying in the hands of those beasts, but I am indeed beyond the point of failure. Here is a The key, maybe the treasure that opens the main hall of the ancient tomb, you take it. If there is a chance, I hope you can take good care of my granddaughter, go and open the mechanism."

After Grandpa Xiaoling handed Lu Yang a black key, he pushed him away, as if he had no fear of life and death.

Lu Yang wanted to say something else, but when he thought that there were still a group of animals waiting for him to clean up, he turned around and went back. At this moment, Tian Xingjian and others had arrived at the location of the second organ.

"It's really self-inflicted!" Lu Yang stretched out his hand and flipped the mechanism switch, and the two mechanisms were activated at the same time.


With the opening of the first mechanism, the originally flat ground rolled up, and at the same time, sharp serrated blades rolled quickly in a large pit under the ground.

"Ah, Elder Seven, save me!" The first senior beast master fell into the trap before he could react, and the other senior beast master was struggling to hold onto the turned ground. Also fall into the mechanism.

But what they didn't know was that the Seventh Elder and Tian Xingjian who were running ahead encountered even more dangerous institutions than them.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In the blink of an eye, two more senior beast masters died. The number of their group has dropped from a dozen to four, and the fourth senior beast master is about to die.

Just as the black-robed elder was about to take Tian Xingjian back to help, hundreds of sharp arrows were shot out in all directions. Not only that, these sharp arrows had an emerald green light, and one could tell they were poisonous .

This suddenly frightened the elder in black robe.

One must know that when he came out this time, he wanted to take the second young master to practice and increase his knowledge, and he wanted to enter the ancient tomb to find some treasures so that he could show off in front of the master and get his appreciation .

But now, not only did he lose most of his manpower, even the Second Young Master was in danger, it was only at this time that the black-robed elder really felt scared.

"Hurry up and protect the Second Young Master from here!" The situation was urgent, the black-robed old man no longer cared about his identity, he took out a treasure from his storage pocket and protected Tian Xingjian's body, not caring about the life or death of other people.

This treasure is in the shape of a tortoise shell. As soon as it was held by the old man in black robe, it emitted a light green light. In an instant, a protective shield like a tortoise shell covered the two of them, regardless of the rain of arrows outside. Invasion, still can't break through the defense of the protective cover.

But the other two senior beast masters were miserable. One of them fell into the trap and was minced meat just as he wanted to call for help, while the other was shot to death by random arrows and was poisoned. It turned into a puddle of black water, which frightened the black-robed elder He Tian Xingjian who was struggling to resist.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!" As a large rain of arrows flew down, Tian Xingjian's movements became more and more slow. Finally, the rain of arrows disappeared, and the old man in black robe lost all his strength and fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

"Okay, now it's finally time for me to make a move. See if I don't take advantage of your illness and kill you!" Seeing the old man in black robe fell to the ground due to lack of energy, Lu Yang jumped out with a sneer.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Following Lu Yang's violent shake of his hand, more than twenty silver needles were shot at the black-robed old man at the same time.

Because the black-robed old man and Tian Xingjian had just escaped from danger, and Lu Yang caught him by surprise, all the twenty silver needles pierced into the black-robed old man's vitals.

It can be said that just such a blow pierced the body of the black-robed old man, and his black robe was soaked in blood instantly.

"Elder Seven!" When Tian Xingjian realized it, the black-robed old man was already dead, and Lu Yang also took the opportunity to disappear without a trace.

"Damn you little bastard, don't let me catch you, or I will make you feel better." Tian Xingjian finally couldn't bear the pressure and became crazy after his subordinates died one after another.


As soon as the elder in black robe died, he swung his knife and slashed around, causing sparks to fly from the walls everywhere. If there is another flying arrow at this moment, he will surely die.

"Hmph, it's just a waste, let's see how I will deal with you later!" Seeing the old man in black robe take out the magic weapon, Lu Yang knew that Tian Xingjian would not die so easily.

But he didn't care, anyway, he had already hidden Grandpa Xiaoling in a safe place. Although the old man's condition is very bad, he will not die so soon.

And he can just take this opportunity to enter the depths of the ancient tomb to find some treasures. It would be even better if he can find some panacea that can bring Grandpa Xiaoling back to life.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang didn't care about this good-for-nothing young master, but returned to the place where Grandpa Xiaoling was hiding.

After some bandaging, Grandpa Xiaoling's injury also stabilized, and Lu Yang was relieved to enter the

Deep in the ancient tomb.

It's not that he doesn't want to deal with Tian Xingjian, but he is worried that Tian Xingjian has some powerful magic weapon that he hasn't used. Once he is pushed into a hurry, it is very likely that the opponent will jump over the wall in a hurry, and he will lose more than the gain.

"Huh? This should be the entrance to the main hall of the ancient tomb." After walking to the end of the passage, turn to the side and return to the maze.

However, Lu Yang was not in a hurry, but followed the location depicted on the map given by Grandpa Xiaoling, and he soon knew the passage leading to the main hall of the ancient tomb.

"So this is the mechanism!" Lu Yang groped for a while, and finally found a groove, opened the groove, and saw a raised keyhole, he inserted the key into it without thinking.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As Lu Yang twisted the key, he heard that as the keyhole turned, a huge mechanism seemed to be activated, and a huge wall was also moved to a passage.

Although this passage is more than twice as wide as the previous path, it still looks extremely dark, and at the same time, there is a trace of cold air escaping from it, making it look even more weird and terrifying.

But this also just shows that this is the most core location of the ancient tomb.

"The front is the main hall of the ancient tomb!" Although Grandpa Xiaoling is very proficient in mechanisms, the position he described is only the position of the main hall of the ancient tomb, and there is no mark behind it. Instead, there is a huge fork , obviously there is more than twice as dangerous as the outside.

"Little bastard, where are you, come out and die quickly, or if I catch you, I will definitely skin you alive!" Just as Lu Yang was about to walk into the passage, he heard Tian Xingjian's voice gradually approaching.

"Hahaha, I'm here, if you want to kill me, catch up quickly, otherwise, when I find some treasure, you just wait for death obediently!" Knowing that Tian Xingjian is a narrow-minded person, so he Deliberately annoyed him.

"Ah, ah! Little bastard, you wait for me, I'll come and kill you right away!" Sure enough, when had Tian Xingjian been threatened like this before, coupled with his endless hatred, Tian Xingjian turned towards Lu Yang like crazy It was impossible to notice where Grandpa Xiaoling was hiding, and this was what Lu Yang liked to hear.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you are a disciple of a big family or not, as long as you come in with me, don't even think about going out!" Lu Yang is not an idiot, he can tell that Tian Xingjian and his group are all very powerful, and that they are carrying strange treasures. It would definitely be a disaster for him to let people of great influence leave here.

Fortunately, this good-for-nothing wanted to kill him for revenge, otherwise, he would really have to go back and kill this good-for-nothing young master.

"Come on, come on, let's see who has the last laugh!" Lu Yang sneered in his heart.

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