The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 175: The Uses of Ice and Snow Essence

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Chapter 175: The Uses of Ice and Snow Essence

"I didn't expect that I got a copy of the Yellow Order Beast Control Technique. It's really a great chance." Leaving the tomb spirit's bedroom, Lu Yang still had an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Although he was very excited in his heart, he was definitely not a fool. He knew very well that the difference between himself and the Huang-rank beast master was definitely not the slightest bit. There will be a huge price to pay, so at this point, he does not have the slightest chance of luck.

In this way, Lu Yang was not in a hurry to learn the Huang Jie beast control technique, but rode the six-eyed golden lion and quickly left the ice and snow palace to the hiding place of Xiaoling and grandpa.

"Big brother, you're out!" Seeing Lu Yang appearing in front of them again, Xiaoling immediately cried out, and at this moment, after Lu Yang's bandaging and treatment with healing pills, Xiaoling's grandfather's injuries are also gone. It has been effectively controlled. Although it still needs to be recuperated for a while, at least it has brushed shoulders with death.

Seeing her savior Lu Yang, Grandpa Xiaoling also struggled to stand up. Lu Yang quickly stopped him, "Grandpa, you are a senior, so there is no need to salute me, let's go back to the ground and talk."

Lu Yang looked at the environment in the ancient tomb, it was really bad. It was not a place for chatting, and grandpa Xiaoling also suffered serious trauma and needed to be recuperated, so he had to be settled first. Let's talk about other things later.

"Alright, Xiaoling, you lead the way for this big brother!" Grandpa Xiaoling struggled desperately to stand up, but before he could stand up, Liumu Jinyan supported him with his head.

At first, Lu Yang thought that Liumu Jinyi would play big names, and he was unwilling to take on this hard work, but seeing Liumu Jinni's calm and composed appearance, Lu Yang knew that he was being self-indulgent.

"Old man, although the lineage of your ancient tomb has been passed down so far, the talents have withered, but it is not the only one left of you, grandson and grandson, where are the others?" Monster, after a few words, he pointed to Lu Yang's concern and asked.

"Hey, I'm ashamed to say it. We have to start from the beginning." Jin Bingzheng sighed and gave an overview of the events of the ancient tomb clan over the years.

Calculated according to the time, after the spirit of the ancient tomb fell asleep, although some clansmen had entered the ancient tomb, but because of the lack of guidance from the spirit of the ancient tomb, they did not have the essence of ice and snow to cleanse the scriptures, even if they belonged to the ancient tomb clan. The family has a big business, but hundreds of years have passed, and the potential of the people has gradually been exhausted. Even in the past hundred years, no one has entered the ancient tomb, let alone saw the spirit of the ancient tomb.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer people in the ancient tomb family. They can only leave the ancient tomb to find a way out elsewhere. In the end, only Jin Xiaoling and Jin Bingzheng are left here to guard the ancient tomb.

To put it nicely is to protect the inheritance, but to put it badly is to eat and wait to die. If it weren't for Jin Bingzheng's ability to build institutions, their grandfather and grandson would have starved to death, and Jin Bingzheng was the old man's name.

"So that's the case. This is easy to handle, but we need people from Tianyimen to take over here temporarily. I wonder if you are willing?" Lu Yang said solemnly after taking Jin Bingzheng back to his residence.

He did this to help the ancient tomb clan rebuild their homeland, and on the other hand, he also wanted to protect the ancient tomb from being destroyed.

In particular, the spirit of the ancient tomb is now on the verge of death, and Lu Yang wants to protect it even more.

Let's not talk about being short-handed and short-mouthed for eating people, just say that such an old man who is dedicated to the sake of his tribe is worthy of Lu Yang's friendship, not to mention that Lu Yang's helping him is not harmful to him.

"Well, anyway, the ancient tomb clan has completely declined, and there is no need for me to stick to the rules. My only wish is that I can see Xiaoling become a real beast master in my lifetime." Jin Bingzheng may have been injured because of his injuries. Because of the reason, the mood has also become depressed, and even has a bit of pessimism about his future.

"Well, there must be no problem. What's more, I also met the spirit of the ancient tomb this time. With his support, I can help you revitalize the ancient tomb clan. So please rest assured, grandpa. It will definitely be handled properly." After some reassurance, Jin Bingzheng's mood finally stabilized a lot, and Lu Yang said.

"What, did you really see the spirit of the ancient tomb? Xiaoling, grandpa is right, there are spirits of the ancient tomb in the ancient tombs of our ancient tomb family." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Jin Bingzheng was immediately excited Hugged Jin Xiaoling tightly, and kept talking.

It can be seen that Jin Bingzheng's ability to stay here is inseparable from the legend of the ancient tomb clan.

"Yes, Grandpa, don't worry, as long as Ling'er is here, as long as Big Brother Lu Yang is willing to help us, we will definitely be able to revitalize the ancient tomb clan." Seeing Grandpa so happy, Jin Xiaoling said with a smile.

In fact, I think Jin Xiaoling's generation of young people just regard the spirit of the ancient tomb as a legend, and have no feelings for the spirit of the ancient tomb, while Jin Bingzheng is just the opposite, the more hopeless he is, the more he pins his spirit on above those illusory things. Now that all this has become a reality, he is naturally overjoyed.

"Grandpa Jin, don't be too happy. Although the spirit of the ancient tomb does exist, it can't come out of the ice and snow palace to help you in person, and it can't even call back the members of the ancient tomb clan. This will only be self-defeating. "

"From my point of view, let Xiao Ling become a beast master as soon as possible for the current plan, and you should heal your wounds well.

Then cooperate with my Tianyimen disciples to increase the safety of the ancient tomb. Wait until the two conditions are met, and then find the tribe again. "Lu Yang didn't directly point out the powerful relationship among them, but said lightly.

Jin Bingzheng is not a fool. On the contrary, he is able to take care of the place in an orderly manner with his granddaughter alone, and he is definitely not an ordinary person. He immediately thought of the key point.

He is very clear that once the news of the existence of the spirit of the ancient tomb is known to other clansmen, these clansmen will spread the news, and then the tomb will really not be quiet.

"Okay, young man, then do as you want. As for my granddaughter, I don't know how you will deal with it?" Although Jin Bingzheng hopes to have a successful son, her granddaughter's physique is indeed not satisfactory, let alone wanting to be a formal official. Beastmaster, even with Yuling Pill, Jin Xiaoling may not be able to become a beastmaster. This is what he is really depressed about.

Moreover, he has given his granddaughter some supplements in recent years, but in the end it was of no avail. Otherwise, with Jin Bingzheng's temper, he would have already bought all the items that a beast master should have for his granddaughter, so why wait until Lu Yang Come help.

"Grandpa Jin, to tell you the truth, all this has the help of the spirit of the ancient tomb, you can rest assured to watch it in a while." Lu Yang didn't say much, let Jin Xiaoling find a chair in front of him, He slowly took out the thousand-year-old ice essence from the Qiankun bag.

"What, this is the essence of ice and snow?" Needless to say, although Jin Bingzheng has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run away, so when Lu Yang took out this thing, he recognized it at a glance.

However, due to the lack of seeing it, he has not yet been able to judge the age of this piece of ice and snow essence, but he can still feel that this thing is really expensive from the cold air emanating from it.

"Indeed, this is a piece of thousand-year-old ice essence. With this thing, it can help your granddaughter improve her physique." Lu Yang said that while controlling the cold air in the thousand-year-old ice essence so that it would not spill over and hurt Jin Bingzheng, he used a kind of cold air A special method was used to send it into Jin Xiaoling's body.

These were taught to Lu Yang by the spirit of the ancient tomb. Although he didn't fully learn it, it is still no problem for an ordinary person to unblock the meridians.

"Xiaoling, just be patient, as long as your body adapts to this process, it won't hurt anymore." Lu Yang was not sure if he could succeed, after all, the essence of ice and snow is not acceptable to everyone.

Of course, if the essence of ice and snow can't change Jin Xiaoling's physique, he will find other ways to help his grandfather and grandson.

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