The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 181: Successful Promotion

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Chapter 181: Successful Promotion

As the saying goes, some families are happy and some are sad. When Lu Yang was being baptized by spiritual energy, a few uninvited guests came to his home in Xiangyang City.

"Luoyunshan, what you do is embarrassing us." The person who spoke was Kunfeng, an elder of the Kun family in Donglai City. Although Kunfeng's strength is not strong, he can be regarded as one of the top beast masters. It exists, and behind him are several senior beast masters who are not bad in strength.

This is not a big deal, the key is that these people are too rampant, each of them has a senior golden lion king with the blood of the lord, especially the golden lion king that Kunfeng is carrying is quite awe-inspiring. Standing in Luojia's conference room, the lion king almost suppressed the audience, making Luoyunshan almost unable to get off the stage.

"Elder Kunfeng, I can't make the decision on this matter. You also know that I have only one daughter in Luoyun Mountain. Don't say that I am not happy to let her marry your eldest son, even if it is just to join your Kun family. One hundred people are unwilling, so I, Luoyunshan, will not obey." Luoyunshan has never been soft-boned, and he didn't speak too stiffly before, and he wanted to give the Kun family a face, but now it seems that the other party doesn't appreciate it at all. , completely trying to force him to his death.

In this case, Luoyunshan has nothing to say.

"Haha, Luoyunshan, I think you are toasting and not eating or drinking! Kunyan, go and compete with this old boy Luoyunshan." Kunfeng is not young, but he is also younger than Luoyunshan. Shan is a little bit bigger, if he has a good relationship with Luoyun Mountain, this kind of title is acceptable, but their relationship is very bad, this title is absolutely insulting.

"Luoyunshan, Kunyan has offended here!" Saying that, the golden-haired lion king behind Kunyan suddenly turned into a golden light and entered his body.

Immediately afterwards, this Kun Yan, who was originally strong and strong, seemed to be wearing a layer of golden armor, looking more and more arrogant. Especially when he stared at Luoyunshan with provocative eyes, obviously he didn't take Luoyunshan seriously, which made Luoyunshan very annoyed.

"Okay, okay, it was your Kun family who took the initiative to call at the door, don't blame me for being rude!" Luo Yunshan knew that this battle was inevitable, and immediately sneered.

Then a giant python transformed into a green light and entered his body, Luoyunshan's body more than doubled in length in an instant.

"There's no need to go out, let's compete here!" Luo Yunshan saw that Kunyan was going to compete in the yard, and didn't give the opponent a chance at all, he rushed up and punched Kunyan in the chest.

Luoyunshan's punch was so ruthless and accurate that it almost made Kunfeng unable to fight back.

But Luoyunshan didn't know that he had just made a move, and Kunfeng had already reacted when he was on guard. However, Kunfeng didn't want to guard against Luoyunshan specifically, but wanted to take advantage of Luoyunshan to sneak attack, so before Luoyunshan's punch hit Kunyan, Kunfeng caught him.

"You!" Before Luoyunshan could speak, Kunyan, who had just reacted, punched him in the lower abdomen.

With a "bang", Luoyunshan was sent flying by Kunyan's punch, smashed the table and chairs, and slammed hard on the front before stopping.

"Father!" Hearing the noise outside, Luo Wushuang hurriedly ran out from the back room. At this moment, Luoyunshan was injured by Kunyan's punch, and a mouthful of blood was spit out on the ground, and Luo Wushuang burst into tears.

"Wu Shuang, don't worry, as long as my father is here, I won't send you to Kun's house." Although Luo Yunshan always said that he had to count on Lu Yang, when it came to an emergency, he was more than anyone else. Care about your daughter.

However, she is also Luoyunshan's daughter, how could she have the heart to watch her father being beaten to death!

"Miss Wushuang, it seems that your father still wants us to compete, and he also hopes that you can step aside." Kunfeng looked at Luoyunshan who had already suffered serious internal injuries, and said with a smile on his face.

"Enough, can't I go to the Kun family with you? But your Kun family must take out the healing medicine to heal my father." Luo Wushuang knew that Kun Penggui was the eldest son of the Kun family. She was engaged. In fact, he already had three wives and four concubines, and Kunpeng got engaged to her this time because he wanted her to go back and be his concubine.

So Luo Wushuang had already thought about it in her heart. After she married into Kun's family, if Kunpeng dared to be rude to him, she would commit suicide even if she didn't kill Kunpeng.

Of course, suicide is only in the last resort.

"Daughter!" Luoyunshan felt sore, he knew that his current strength was not enough to compete with the Kun family, so he immediately thought of Lu Yang.

Although he didn't have much hope for Lu Yang to fight against the Kun family, he always felt that Lu Yang would bring him some surprises, so he already regarded Lu Yang as his closest person in his heart.

After Kunfeng took Luo Wushuang away, Luoyunshan also got up and rushed to Donglai City.

But at this moment, it was not a comfortable time for Lu Yang, even when the powerful pillars of aura light hit him, every time he suffered the pain that life would be worse than death.

Fortunately, when he felt that his body was about to be unbearable, there was a stream of heat sent by the beast control system, which made his body recover a little bit, so that after the end of the three beams of spiritual energy, no real death.

It can be said that these few hours have increased his strength to the extreme by tens of thousands, reaching a huge force of 300,000 catties, which is far beyond the strength of a senior beast master, but this is just a starting point That's all.

Sure enough, in Lu Yang's body

After a slight improvement, the system's notification sound appeared.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master!"

In addition, after Lu Yang was promoted to a yellow-rank beast master, the unique ability of a yellow-rank beast master is that he can master various runes, and even use space runes to make storage pockets. Even if he is talented enough, he can comprehend more advanced space runes and make space storage bags. This is definitely a lucrative job.

Just when Lu Yang was immersed in the joy of being promoted, streaks of golden light flew out of the beast control system again and landed on Lu Yang's body.

Although this light is not as strong as the previous energy, it has become extremely soft, especially when these lights entered Lu Yang's flesh and bones, he clearly felt that the injuries he had caused during the promotion were quickly overwhelmed by these golden lights. He was recovering, and his physical strength seemed to be increasing continuously.

"Strength increase: 310,000 catties!"

"Strength increase: 315,000 jin!"

"Strength increase: 320,000 catties..."

The system's bombardment-like prompts echoed in Lu Yang's mind. Although each increase was only five thousand catties, he couldn't bear the number of times. His strength increased within a few breaths. It weighed more than 20,000 catties.

Not only that, after Lu Yang's body was repaired by these energies, his body, which was not strong enough before, began to swell slightly.

In the end, Lu Yang's physical strength stopped at 350,000 jin. Even so, in terms of pure physical strength, he was much stronger than some ordinary yellow rank beast masters.

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