The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 183 The Kun Family's Reaction

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Chapter 183 The Kun Family's Reaction

When Luoyunshan was a guest at Tianyimen, all the members of Tianyimen also got the news that Lu Yang had successfully practiced the magical skills. They then thought of the scene where Tianyimen was enveloped by the spiritual vortex almost all day long. Just know that this matter is definitely not groundless.

And according to some disciples of Tianyi Sect, it is said that the battle pet that the sect master sat down was the king of beasts of the entire mountain range in the past.

In addition, the Tianyi Sect just destroyed the Yuan family, which greatly increased the strength of the Tianyi Sect, especially Lu Yang, the head of the Tianyi Sect, was also the leader of the Tianyi Alliance. Now hearing that Lu Yang has made some minor achievements in his magical skills, it made the original Tianyimen disciples all feel proud, and when managing the disciples from the rich family in the past, they gained a bit more confidence.

Some wealthy disciples who used to be disciples of the Yuan family were slacking off. If it was normal, the poor disciples would not be able to manage them at all, and they might even go to war because of it. Because in their view, Tianyi Sect is always a poor family. Although the Yuan family is destroyed, the three major families will definitely give the Yuan family a head, so even when facing the disciples of Tianyi Sect, they don't care.

But now it is different, the master of Tianyi Sect is getting stronger and stronger, and because these poor disciples believe in Lu Yang, they have obtained a huge adventure, especially today, they seem to have been given a shot in the heart, When facing these disobedient "disciples of wealthy families", they are particularly united.

In the past, ten people could not drive the wealthy disciples, so increase the number to one hundred, which is almost several times the number of wealthy disciples. These "disciples from rich families" wanted to resist at first, but these disciples from poor families were so aggressive that they even looked at death like home, which scared these "disciples from rich families" who were greedy for life and feared death to death.

As a result, in the end, the "disciples of the wealthy family" became less and less courageous, while the disciples of the poor family became more and more powerful. Even a disciple of the poor family could lead a dozen or even more "disciples of the wealthy family" to work. Something else.

After being encouraged by the head of the Tianyi Sect, the disciples of the poor family are all full of energy.

Of course, this is in Tianyimen, everything is a scene of joy and excitement, but when it comes to the other three families, it is not like this scene.

Among the three major families, the one who cares most about Tianyimen is naturally the Kun family.

Because of the matter of Luo Wushuang, the Kun family actually formed a very subtle hostile relationship with Luoyun Mountain, and Lu Yang is a generation of arrogance cultivated by Luoyun Mountain. The Kun family's opposition to Luoyun Mountain is actually an opposition to Lu Yang and Tianyi Sect.

Although the Kun family is not afraid of Tianyimen, and has not even taken Tianyimen seriously, but Tianyimen has only entered Donglai City for more than a month, and the results they have made are so dazzling. Unfortunately, Tianyimen will become the fourth largest family after the three major families.

This is what the Kun family is most worried about.

"Master, the day after tomorrow is your engagement day with Luo Wushuang, do you want us to hold it in advance?" In Kun's house, in Kunpeng's study, an old man with white beard stood beside him and respectfully polished Kunpeng's ink, with a respectful expression on his face. asked.

"Oh? Is your news true?" Kunpeng asked in surprise when he heard what the white-bearded old man had just inquired about.

"Everything is true. It is said that this Lu Yang got a mysterious exercise from somewhere. Now he has achieved something and his strength has increased greatly. Luoyun Mountain has just arrived at Tianyi Gate. I think he is definitely not just looking at it. See how easy it is for the master of Tianyi Sect." The white-bearded old man thought for a while before speaking bluntly.

"I didn't expect Luoyunshan, an old man, to actually go looking for Lu Yang. What do you think he has in mind?" Kunpeng said a little boringly after drawing a few more strokes on the rice paper.

As the eldest son of the Kun family, although he doesn't like these pen and ink skills, he still has to practice pretending so that the head of the family can value him, and even inherit his father's position in the future and become the real master of the Kun family.

It's just that there is no one at the moment, and he is interested in Lu Yang, so there is no need to put on a show.

"Young master, according to the old slave's observation, this Luoyunshan probably went to Lu Yang for help, but with Lu Yang's current methods and style, he might make a big fuss in the restaurant tomorrow and disturb the young master's good deeds." !” The white-bearded old man thought for a while before he said with certainty.

"Haha, it's really interesting, interesting!" Kunpeng seemed to have found some interesting toy, stood up from his chair and laughed.

"If Luoyun Mountain asks Lu Yang for help, then Lu Yang will come to trouble me, and then I will have a reason to deal with Tianyimen. Tell me, is this an opportunity to strengthen our Kun family? What about it?" Kunpeng seemed to have thought of something good, and said excitedly.

In Donglai City, there have always been areas other than the three major families. In the past, these areas were occupied by rich and poor families, and the three major families have been unable to control each other because they restrain each other. Take action against these two forces.

However, at this time, Lu Yang destroyed the Yuan family and unified most of the forces of the humble and wealthy families, giving the Kun family the opportunity to annex the Tianyi family.

Moreover, Kunpeng, as the eldest son of the Kun family, if he can help the Kun family complete this step, he will definitely be able to make the Kun family go one step further, and even make the Kun family the head of the three major families. Such achievements have already allowed him to be recognized by many elders of the Kun family. At that time, his father will promote him a little bit. Within a few years, he is fully capable of becoming an elder. After his father abdicates in a maximum of ten or twenty years, he will naturally become the head of the next generation of the Kun family.

This is what Kunpeng values ​​most


"Of course, young master, if we take this opportunity to severely injure the head of the Tianyi Sect and thus get a chance to declare war with Tianyi Sect, I think it will not be so easy for the other two big families to clearly take advantage of it. At that time, Our Kun family can take advantage of it, thereby widening the gap with the other two major families, and this credit is naturally yours, young master!" The white-bearded old man heard that Kun Peng was vicious, greedy, and even killed two birds with one stone. Strategy, with a smile on his face.

"Okay then, go and make arrangements for me now. The day after tomorrow, I will book the whole venue in Xuande Building to celebrate that I, Kunpeng, have taken in a fourth concubine. Besides, you need to prepare some more experts to prevent people from making trouble. , especially the Tianyimen, they have to show me how hard they are, understand?" When Kunpeng thought of Lu Yang's arrogance when he destroyed the Yuan family, his eyes became more vicious.

Although he didn't have a deep relationship with Yuan Jin, Yuan Jin did a lot of things for him after all. Now that Yuan Jin died suddenly, he seemed to be missing something. Yang's head is gone.

"Understood, young master!" After receiving the order, the old man with white beard left the study.

At this moment, most of the landscape painting in Kunpeng's hand has been completed. He picked up a brush and made some modifications. courtyard.

This time it was his blockbuster move in the Kun family. In order to prevent the other two families from making trouble, he had to tell his father about it...

When Kunpeng went to his father's study, an elder in the Du family's compound, one of the three major families, had already obtained information that was almost the same as that of the white-bearded old man.

However, his performance was completely opposite to that of Kunpeng, "Huh, this young master of the Kun family is really getting more and more arrogant. It turns out that he can play some tricks, but now he even started to bully men and women. What a shame!" It's getting too much."

"Now go and tell the young master that I have something to tell him." The Du family elder decided after thinking about it.

One must know that the three major families in Donglai City are not as harmonious as they appear on the surface. Although the elders of the three major families will not take action easily because of their affection, the contests among the younger generations are continuous.

It's just that because of the death order given to them by their elders, these young masters didn't kill them even if the relationship between them became tense, and the young master Du's elders said was the one who had irresolvable conflicts with Kunpeng.

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