The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 186: Luoyun Mountain's Only Wish

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Chapter 186: Luoyun Mountain's Only Wish

"Hehe, I'm really in a hurry." Hearing what Lu Yang said, Luo Yunshan smiled dryly, knowing that he really lost his composure this time.

"Senior, can I ask you, what is the reason for you to be downgraded from a yellow-rank beast master to a high-level beast master?" Lu Yang asked directly, knowing that he could no longer care about it.

"Oh, it's hard to describe in one word!" When Luo Yunshan thought about the past, his heart was filled with bitterness. But he also understands in his heart that he has something to say even if he doesn't want to say it.

It turned out that Xiangyang City and Donglai City were both third-tier cities back then, but later Donglai City was promoted to a second-tier city in advance for some reasons, and Xiangyang City was placed under the jurisdiction of Donglai City. It is because of this that the relationship between Xiangyang City and Donglai City has never been very harmonious, and they even mean to compete with each other.

In the more than ten years since Donglai City was promoted to a second-tier city, Xiangyang City is also accumulating strength, especially the Wang family mobilized their family power to prepare for Xiangyang City's promotion to a second-tier city, and Luoyun Mountain, as Wang Lie, was born and died. His good brother, naturally he won't hold him back.

What's more, Luoyun Mountain was originally born and bred in Xiangyang City. From the bottom of my heart, I also hope that Xiangyang City can be promoted to a second-tier city, so that it will no longer be oppressed by the city lord from the east.

So, with the help of the Luo family and the Wang family, Luoyun Mountain lived up to everyone's expectations, and was promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master, which was considered to have fulfilled the first condition for promotion to a second-tier city.

After having a yellow rank beast master, other conditions are relatively easy.

About a few years later, the whole city of Xiangyang City was on guard and prepared to complete the promotion of the heart of the city.

But it is a pity that Donglai City and Xiangyang City belonged to the competition position. Although Donglai City was promoted to a second-tier city, it did not intend to let Xiangyang City go. After being qualified to be promoted to a second-tier city, a large number of dead soldiers were dispatched.

It can be said that the battle was extremely tragic. Although the people from Donglai City did not get much benefit, the heart of the city, which could have been promoted to the second-tier city at that moment, was finally divided into two. The most injured in the battle.

Although he didn't die in battle, after recovering from his injuries, his realm has also dropped to a high-level beast master. If there is no adventure, he may only stay in the state of a high-level beast master for the rest of his life.

"What, the Donglai City Lord is so insidious?" Hearing Luoyunshan's words, Lu Yang almost jumped up from his chair. He never expected that the competition between the two cities would reach such a level. In this way, wouldn't he be very dangerous in Donglai City?

"Actually, things didn't go as far as you thought. Besides, this is just my guess. Maybe those killers were not sent by the lord of Donglai City!" Luo Yunshan knew that this matter was very important to Lu Yang. It was a bit too unbelievable, so I said a fait accompli that I didn't want to accept.

Although there were a large number of dead men who interfered with Xiangyang City's promotion to a second-tier city, none of these dead men survived in the end, so naturally there was no proof of death.

"Senior Luo, we don't need to be entangled in this matter, let me see your injury first." Lu Yang shook his head, and instead of thinking about those useless things, he walked to Luo Yunshan's side and began to treat the injury. He poured his vitality into Luoyunshan's body to test the situation.

I don't know if it's because of the beast control system, but as soon as the vitality in Lu Yang's body entered Luoyunshan's body, Lu Yang seemed to have a pair of eyes, and he could see the flow of his vitality in Luoyunshan's body .

Of course, doing this would also consume a lot of vitality. If he could completely transform his vitality into spiritual power, then his persistence time might be increased several times.

However, if he wanted to convert vitality into spiritual power, at least he would have to wait until he was infinitely close to the beast master of the Xuan rank, and he was still a long way from this step.

But even so, when the vitality in Lu Yang's body walked around Luo Yunshan's body, he probably felt the problem.

"What's the matter, do I still have a chance?" Seeing the solemn expression on Lu Yang's face, Luo Yunshan's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the matter must not be so simple to solve.

But thinking about it, it is definitely not easy to recover from the chronic illness that has lasted for more than ten years.

"Senior Luo, I have seen your injuries. There is too much blood in your body, which has blocked a considerable part of the meridians. Even if you have a chance to recover, it is quite difficult. I can try it for you, but the danger involved, I will not Stop it!" Lu Yang wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

"Okay, I am willing to bear the danger, but I hope to go to the Kun Mansion to meet my daughter before that!" Luo Yunshan hesitated for a moment, but said with great difficulty.

It can be seen that over the years, he is still aware of his injuries, but the only thing he can't let go of is his precious daughter.

"Okay, Senior Luo, I'll accompany you to the Kun Mansion." Lu Yang knew what Luo Yunshan was thinking at the moment, so he nodded immediately. Immediately turned around, and confessed to the Liumu Jinyi who was guarding the door: "Liumu Jinyi, you go and inform Er Gouzi, take my invitation card immediately, and then ask someone to prepare a congratulatory gift to Kun's house. Go to Kun's house with Senior Luo!"

"Understood!" The six-eyed Jinyi seemed not used to being ordered by Lu Yang, although he was reluctant in his heart, he agreed.

Not long after, Er Gouzi sent the invitation to Lu Yang, and the congratulatory gift

It is also ready.

"Boy, this time it cost you money!" Luo Yunshan is not a fool. He saw that none of the gifts prepared by Lu Yang was worth tens of thousands of intermediate spars. Although these things are treasures of the Yuan family, but now Lu Yang But Yang generously took it out and gave it to the Kun family, making it clear that it was for his appearance.

Otherwise, with Luoyunshan's personality, he would really not be able to save face if he took the initiative to go to the Kun's house after being beaten up by the Kun's family just now.

"Senior Luo, you treat me as an outsider when you tell me this, don't talk nonsense, let's go!" Lu Yang asked someone to send a post to the Kun family, saying that he wanted to see the eldest son of the Kun family. He was also the only person he knew in the Kun family...

At Kun's house, Kunpeng held Lu Yang's post, with a wild smile on his face, "Is this kid here to vent his anger on Luoyunshan?"

Thinking of the people he sent out beating Luoyun Mountain, Kunpeng felt very comfortable all over.

He still remembered that when he took the initiative to lower his status to talk to Luoyunshan, but the other party didn't care about it, why didn't he obediently come to apologize to him now?

"Report to Eldest Prince, Lu Yang, the master of Tianyi Sect, and Luoyun Mountain in Xiangyang City are waiting for you in the living room!" Just as Kunpeng was still thinking wildly, the servants outside had already come to report.

"Okay, let you wait for a while, I'll go over and have a look now." Kunpeng put down the post in his hand, and called the old man with white beard to rush to the living room together.

It's just that this living room is only used to entertain ordinary guests. Not to mention the small size of the room, even the tea served by the servants is very ordinary.

Lu Yang and Luoyunshan didn't come to drink tea, so naturally they don't care about these things, but for Luoyunshan, whether he can see his daughter is the key.

"Haha, isn't this my future father-in-law!" Not long after Lu Yang and Luo Yunshan sat down, they heard Kunpeng's extremely arrogant voice coming in from outside.

Seeing Kunpeng walking in from the outside, Lu Yang quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Young master of the Kun family is still as handsome as before!"

Although Lu Yang didn't have a good impression of Kunpeng at all, he still wanted to say some polite words, but Luoyunshan didn't have any good feelings for Kunpeng.

"Extremely rewarding!" The so-called people who stretch out their hands and don't hit smiling faces, Kunpeng is not violent, and naturally he will not put on a hostile posture as soon as he comes up, not to mention that Luoyunshan will really become his father-in-law, although Luo Wushuang It's just a concubine, but this relationship must always be implemented.

"By the way, it's so late, what's the matter with you two coming to Kun Mansion with so many gifts?" Kun Peng looked at the darkening sky outside, smiled coldly in his heart, and asked pretending to be surprised.

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