The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 188: Artificial Intelligence Xiaomei

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Chapter 188: Artificial Intelligence Xiaomei

"First, the system prompts to upgrade to artificial intelligence, which has the function of communicating with the host, and can provide help to the host at any time."

"Secondly, the system maintenance fee can provide healing effects to the host and the host's pets for free, and provide appropriate promotion suggestions for the pets. I don't know if the host is satisfied with this?" Sure enough, apart from the system notification sound becoming more vivid, just Even the beast control system itself has become more humane.

"Okay, okay! I'm very satisfied!" I didn't expect that the system promotion would have such great benefits, and the ten thousand intermediate crystals were not in vain.

"By the way, what's your name?" Lu Yang could tell that the system's notification tone had changed from a cold mechanical voice to a girl's sweet voice.

"Master, my name is Xiaomei." Xiaomei just replied mechanically, and didn't say anything more.

"It seems that there is still a lot of room for development after the system is upgraded!" Lu Yang said a little depressed, and then continued to check the new changes of the system.

"In addition to the master's successful promotion to the yellow-rank beast master, in addition to the master's ability to control higher-level battle pets, the functions of the beast furnace have also increased. For example, the space for pets was only 20 grids before, but now it has increased to 23 grids. , three of which are dedicated spaces for elite-level battle pets."

"In this space, elite battle pets can not only improve the proficiency of innate supernatural powers, increase the power of innate supernatural powers, but also restore physical strength, heal injuries and other functions."

"The added function of the Myriad Beast Furnace is random fusion, which can fuse together battle pets that have no potential or little hope of advancing to the lord level, increasing the possibility of advancing to the lord level. The host only has three special marking rights." Xiaomei's voice changed again. Get old-fashioned.

"What? There is such a function?" Hearing Xiaomei's words, the expression on Lu Yang's face became exciting again.

Because each of the ferocious beasts he subdued has an emotional connection with him, he would be reluctant to let any one disappear, so he didn't make a choice immediately.

Not having a choice doesn't mean he won't choose, it's just that he hasn't decided yet.

"It's time to go to Duobao Pavilion to receive this month's salary." In the blink of an eye, millions of intermediate spars disappeared, and Lu Yang's heart suddenly became empty, especially when he thought that Luoyun Mountain would recover to yellow in a short while. The rank beast master might still need crystals, so he felt that no matter how many crystals there were in front of him, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Oh, it seems that I still earn too little." Lu Yang sighed helplessly in his heart, turned around and left Tianyi Gate, and soon he came to Duobao Pavilion to find Elder Chen.

"Huh? Lu Yang, I have to say that your temperament has become different this time? Are the rumors true?" Although Elder Chen clearly felt that Lu Yang's strength had improved significantly, even if Lu Yang's The strength has not reached the level of the Huang-rank beast master, but he is not far from the Huang-rank beast master.

"Hehe, the kid is just lucky." Lu Yang nodded, neither negating nor fully affirming, which made Elder Chen a little uncertain.

"Okay, let's not talk about that for now. You must have something to do in Duobao Pavilion this time, right?" Elder Chen is an extremely smart person, and since Lu Yang is inconvenient to talk about it, there is no need for him to get to the bottom of it.

"Hehe, it's still Elder Chen who knows me well. I want to receive the salary of the senior rubbing master in advance!" Lu Yang said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Is that so? It's easy to handle. I have 100,000 intermediate crystals here. You take them first. It's my personal support for your salary for a month." Elder Chen knew that Lu Yang's doing so must be inseparable from the Kun family. It's a relationship, and with Lu Yang's character, he must have something to rely on if he dares to deal with the Kun family, so he might as well sell him a favor. If it is handled well, it will be a good investment in the future. Even if it is not handled well, this matter has nothing to do with him, at most it is a loss of money.

"Then I would like to thank Elder Chen!" After finishing speaking, Lu Yang put away the storage bag containing the mid-grade spar, bid farewell to Elder Chen, and returned to Tianyi Gate.

After returning to Tianyi Gate, the first thing he did was to find Luoyun Mountain.

"Lu Yang, I'm ready!" Seeing Lu Yang's return, a long-lost smile appeared on Luo Yunshan's face. It could be seen that he is the real Luo Yunshan now, the one who used to be bohemian, but also The young and frivolous Luoyunshan, not the old and accidental Xiangyang City's number one master.

"Okay, Senior Luo, come with me." Seeing the changes in Luoyun Mountain, Lu Yang secretly nodded in his heart.

No wonder there are rumors in Xiangyang City that Luoyunshan is a top master. Now it seems that if Luoyunshan has not been demoted to a high-level beast master, with his status as a yellow-rank beast master, he will definitely be the first in the entire Donglai City. master. Thinking about it this way, he understood Luoyun Mountain's pain over the years.

After the two came to the courtyard where Lu Yang was, Lu Yang handed over 80,000 pieces of intermediate spar to Luoyun Mountain.

Seeing so many mid-grade spars, Luoyunshan hesitated for a moment, and put these spars in his pocket.

"I won't say much else. Senior Luo, this time I can help you wash your scriptures and cut your marrow. All I can do is to push the boat along with the flow. The rest depends on your own fortune." Lu Yang gave the healing medicine and returned it All the things that should be prepared were placed on the stone table, waiting for Luoyunshan to make his own choice.

Luo Yunshan took off his clothes, revealing his muscular body and scars like long worms. These scars are densely distributed vertically and horizontally on his body, which is no different from the fear and disfigurement of others.

There is a difference, but for a hero, this is a great achievement that can be shown off.

It's just that Luoyunshan has passed the age of showing off, now seeing the scars on his body, besides having a stomach full of bitterness, he still has a stomach full of bitterness.

"Okay, come on, I can stand it." Luoyunshan's waist was straight, like a sharp sword stuck in front of Lu Yang, waiting for Lu Yang to sharpen him with the sharpest whetstone.

Seeing the resoluteness of Luoyun Mountain, Lu Yang did not hesitate, took the thousand-year-old ice marrow into his hand and began to inject vitality into it.

With the infusion of vitality in a special way, strands of cold air, like tentacles with eyes, instantly turned into thousands of cold air thinner than a hair, and entered into his flesh and blood meridians along Luoyunshan's pores.

"Crunch, crunch!"

What Lu Yang didn't expect was that Luo Yunshan, who has always been hot-tempered, would be so repulsive to the cold air. Almost all the cold air entering his body would cause a strong backlash of the vitality in Luo Yunshan's body, and a large amount of cold air was forced out in an instant. , forming a thin layer of ice all over Luoyunshan, making Luoyunshan seem to have aged several decades in an instant, as if his hair and beard had turned white.

"Not good, Luoyunshan's physique is probably close to fire. Although it is usually nothing, and has the advantage of being cold-resistant, but when a real big wave of cold invades, it will cause irreversible damage to him. I can't rush Seek success, otherwise it may be self-defeating." Lu Yang thought about it, and the cold attack on Luoyunshan's body became moist and silent.

His method is to use a large amount of cold air to form a layer of ice around Luoyun Mountain first, let his body adapt to this change, and then enter the body with cold air, which will definitely greatly reduce the backlash of Luoyunshan's vitality.

Sure enough, after a layer of ice formed around Luoyunshan, Lu Yang was drawing cold air into his body. Although the vitality in Luoyunshan's body was still repelled, it was much weaker than before.

But even so, Luoyunshan still stood motionless in front of Lu Yang, his body straight.

"Now it's time to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow." Although Lu Yang was very nervous, he had to do some things. The first thing to do was to get rid of the congestion.

Moreover, these bruises have been deposited in Luoyunshan's body for more than ten years, and they have already condensed into lumps. If Luoyunshan's foundation is not so good, he may have died of violence due to vein blockage.

It can be said that with Luoyunshan's physique, being able to fight for so many years and still be alive is simply a miracle.

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