The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 190 Undercurrent Surges

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Chapter 190 Undercurrent Surges

Lu Yang helped Luoyunshan to expel most of the impurities from his body, which was regarded as having completed the washing of scriptures and cutting the marrow. The next level depends on whether Luoyunshan himself can survive it.

However, Lu Yang himself is not out of trouble. In addition to sending people to build the deserted town, he also has to organize people to go to the Kun family's engagement banquet to make trouble in a planned way.

You must know that although Tianyimen swallowed up all the family property of the Yuan family and established the Tianyi Alliance logically, what he can absorb is only less than half of the people in Donglai City except for the three big families. The strength of the poor and rich families, so at the Kun family engagement banquet, in addition to the city lord and the three major families, there will be many wealthy and poor family disciples going to the banquet, and Kunpeng is still the largest in Donglai City in order to improve his reputation. The whole city was entertained in the restaurant, so on the actual day of Kunpeng's engagement ceremony, there must be many people at the banquet.

Therefore, if Lu Yang wants to make things bigger, he must find someone to incite people's hearts. This is technical work.

However, Lu Yang doesn't care about the process, but attaches great importance to the result. On the contrary, another person who has similar ideas with Lu Yang attaches great importance to the process, and he is Bi An.

But this time, Bi An did not turn into a rich and handsome middle-aged man, but turned into a handsome young man with outstanding looks. From the look of his clothes, he could tell that he must belong to a big family.

And beside him stood two high-level demons. Although these two high-level demons were not as strong as Bi An, they had now transformed into human forms, and their strength was no worse than that of ordinary yellow rank beast masters. It can be seen that this time Bi An's rebirth must have received some great benefits.

"My lord, did we enter Donglai City this time to kill that human named Kunpeng?" Bi Fa looked at Bi An suspiciously, as if he was very dissatisfied with his decision.

Although the other high-ranking demon didn't speak at the moment, he didn't quite agree with Bi An's actions.

"Hmph, what do you know? The greatest power of our demons is to deceive people, and then use people's hearts to use them for me, and this guy Kunpeng has the qualifications to be deceived by us! It's just that he ignores us demons too much, we must You have to teach him a profound lesson before you can do it." At this moment, Bi An didn't know why, in addition to the cruel gaze in his eyes, there was a sly smile on his face.

If Liumu Jinji was here, he would definitely find that the current Bi An was many times smarter than the previous Bi An, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was completely reborn.

"Okay, all of you hurry up and organize people for me. This time I asked the king to give you so many privileges, and even sent out the disguise demon. If we don't turn the Kun family upside down, I'm afraid all the human races in this world will I thought our demons were dead!" Bi An's eyes turned cold, and he was already thinking about how to do evil at Kunpeng's engagement banquet.

Of course, his purpose of doing this is not to kill Kunpeng, on the contrary, he wants to subdue Kunpeng as his spokesperson in the human world, so that he can get more and more rewards from the king...

In a blink of an eye, a day passed quickly, and the Kun family sent out invitations all over the place, especially the six-story Xuande Building, which was completely taken over by the Kun family.

In addition, there are hundreds of tables placed on the street in front of Xuande Building. These tables are probably used by some unidentified people in Donglai City. But even so, this is not a small expense, and even for some small families, this is simply extravagance and waste.

However, at the head of the Kun family, he agreed to these demands of Kunpeng, and the Kun family even paid a lot of money to support Kunpeng. Otherwise, with his financial resources, he would be able to entertain the whole city, let alone three days and three nights. One day he will be heartbroken to death.

Of course, in addition to this, the place where the Kun family entertains guests is on the site of the Kun family, and this restaurant is also the property of their Kun family, so it seems extravagant and wasteful to outsiders, but to the Kun family, it is nothing It was just a few days less business and bought more ingredients. Such expenses are completely affordable for the Kun family.

"Congratulations to the eldest son of the Kun family, congratulations!" As the guests took their seats, red envelopes of different sizes were also written on by the servants of the Kun family and thrown into a wooden box. A wooden sign was issued to him, and the seat number where he was seated was written on the wooden sign.

A joke, since it is a banquet, their Kun family also has to charge a certain fee. If they pay less, they will be retaliated by the Kun family. Of course, there are also some wealthy disciples who want to curry favor with the Kun family and include more gold tickets in it.

"Master, I have seen some low-level Tianyimen disciples come to our place for dinner, but I haven't seen the high-level Tianyimen. Do you think the Tianyimen will make a big fuss at the engagement ceremony and take the opportunity to make trouble? ?” As more and more people came to the banquet, the white-bearded old man finally couldn’t help but say.

"Hmph, today is just a warm-up. Tomorrow is a good day for my wedding. In this way, I can not only sharpen this little girl's temper, but also see the current situation." Kunpeng sat On the pavilion of a building not far from Xuande Building, looking into the distance.

To put it bluntly, Kunpeng is not stupid.

If the people from Tianyimen don't come to make trouble, he can get engaged smoothly, and even take this opportunity to earn a good fortune.

But compared to the money, he cares more about whether he can make use of the problem, and then swallow the whole Tianyimen in one gulp, which no amount of money can buy.

"Report to the young master, our spies at Tianyimen will report back

. Since Luoyun Mountain and Lu Yang returned to Tianyi Gate, they followed Lu Yang into the back mountain of Tianyi Gate and never appeared again. I heard from people that Luoyunshan seems to have practiced a powerful technique under the arrangement of Lu Yang, but this technique is very dangerous. If it is practiced successfully, it will definitely increase its power, but if it fails, maybe Luoyunshan will die. will die. "Just when Kunpeng looked a little impatient, a servant of Kun's family ran up from downstairs and said in a hurry.

"Oh? When did their Tianyimen have such a powerful technique? But it seems that they really want to fight with me. Okay, you go down." Not only was Kunpeng not afraid because of this, but he also revealed An excited expression on his face.

He wasn't afraid that Tianyimen would be too strong and would fight him on the day of his engagement. On the contrary, he was afraid that Tianyimen would be too weak to make trouble at all. In that case, he would have no reason to move Tianyimen's old lair, and the fat in his mouth would just fly away in vain.

But while Kunpeng was still swearing here, at Tianyimen Lu Yang was pacing back and forth in his courtyard.

Luoyunshan has stayed in the courtyard for a day and a night and has not come out. If he does not come out in another hour, it will already be dawn. At that time, he really didn't know if Luoyun Mountain would be able to catch up with his daughter's engagement ceremony.

"Forget it, let's go!" Lu Yang knew that time was running out and he had to leave.

"Er Gouzi, order Tianyimen to leave only a part of the upper and lower gates to guard the mountain gate. Most of the rest of the people will disguise themselves as civilians to participate in the engagement ceremony, and the other part will go as disciples of Tianyimen. Remember My arrangement for you!" Lu Yang explained some more words to Er Gouzi, and then he took Liumu Jinyi to Xuande Tower to attend the banquet alone.

It is said that not only the three major families attended the banquet in Xuande Building today, but even the City Lord's Mansion will send representatives to come. The banquet that Lu Yang can participate in is the most luxurious banquet hall on the sixth floor in the entire engagement banquet.

Because Xuande Building itself is one of the few top-level restaurants in Donglai City, and it is also the place where the Kun family entertains distinguished guests, so when we reach the sixth floor, except for a huge private room, there is also a restaurant in front of the private room. There is a huge platform.

This platform can be used to perform shows at ordinary times for guests to enjoy, and it can also be used to welcome VIPs at critical moments, providing a landing place for the flying pets of many guests.

It's not yet noon, and seven or eight flying war pets, large and small, have already landed on this platform, which is 50 meters long and more than 30 meters wide...

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