The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 200: The Plan of Luoyun Mountain

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Chapter 200: The Plan of Luoyun Mountain

When Kunpeng attacked, Lu Yang immediately understood the danger. But at this time, it was too late for him to resist.

"Uh!" Lu Yang is still holding the sword in one hand today, but various phantoms have begun to appear in his mind. Although he can't see these phantoms clearly, they are everywhere in Lu Yang's mind, making him feel It seems that I will collapse at any time.

At the same time, a heart-piercing pain also came out of his brain, directly transmitted to his whole body, and instantly affected his fighting state.

Of course, Lu Yang could be easily attacked by Kunpeng, on the one hand, because the high-grade spiritual weapon in Kunpeng's hands was indeed powerful enough to hurt Lu Yang's roots.

On the other hand, it's also because Kunpeng is really good at hiding. He is really good at spotting opportunities and catching the flaws in Lu Yang's body. It has to be said that he does have a strong fighting talent.

Of course, the more important reason lies in Lu Yang himself. He hesitated to be promoted to the Yellow Rank Beast Master in a short period of time. Although his strength had increased too much, he didn't have more time to adapt to the changes in his body, so that His control over his abilities has not yet reached the point of perfection, so much so that he let the opponent take advantage of the air.

But this kind of thing will not happen to Luoyunshan.


When Kunpeng and Lu Yang were fighting, Luoyunshan also took out a steel fork from his pocket. Although this steel fork was a low-grade spiritual weapon, it was indeed a grade lower than the weapon in Kun Qiang's hand. But Luoyunshan insisted on relying on the fighting skills he had honed over the years to narrow the gap in this aspect to an insignificant level.

This is the benefit of knowing that he will never be promoted to the Yellow Rank Beastmaster, which allows Luoyunshan to spend a lot of time studying his fighting skills.


Although Luoyunshan had accumulated fighting skills over the years, under Kun Qiang's strong attack, his body still suffered some injuries.

I saw Kun Qiang's long spear, a silver light swept across. Although Luoyunshan had tried his best to dodge, he still got a not deep wound from the spear, blood could not help but flow out from his wound.

And although the steel fork in Luo Yunshan's hand was also hung on Kun Qiang's body, the damage he caused to Kun Qiang was only a scratch on the skin, barely a few scars.

Comparing the two, it will be clear which one is stronger and which is weaker.

"Hahaha, Luoyunshan, I didn't expect that after so many years, your strength is not so good." Kun Qiang laughed wildly, but the spear in his hand did not stop at all. Sweeping wildly, waves of gun shadows swept towards Luoyun Mountain like silver waves.

It can be seen that his previous attack on Luoyun Mountain was just a test.

"Okay, when Kunqiang fought against me back then, although the outcome was decided, it was a foregone conclusion that I was stronger than you, and today you do have the ability to laugh at me, but so what?" Luoyunshan danced the steel fork unexpectedly Like a big fish, even though he was defeated before, now he was able to find his own living space in Kunqiang's waves of attacks.

Especially the steel fork in his hand seemed to be alive. Although he seldom made a move, he was able to find the opponent's flaw every time he made a move, making himself invincible.

"Not bad, not bad, it's a pity that your strength is still too far behind mine!" Kun Qiang narrowed his eyes, and the spear in his hand gradually shrank. As the shadow of the spear disappeared, a long silver dragon suddenly appeared When it was shot, the spear swung like a long silver dragon swinging from side to side, stretching its fangs and claws towards the retreating Luoyun Mountain.

"Kun Qiang, you think you have the upper hand. Have you forgotten the last time I fought against each other, how did you fall into the disadvantage? If it wasn't because of something special that interrupted the competition between us, in the end the contest between us The result must be on my side." Even though Kun forced him to retreat again and again, Luoyunshan did not feel the slightest bit of frustration, instead he took every step of the way and fought steadily, as if in his plan, he would definitely be able to turn defense into offense again.

"What did you say?" Although Kun Qiang said so, his memories quickly returned to more than ten years ago.

That battle was indeed the same as what Luoyunshan said today, he pressed on every step of the way, pushing Luoyunshan almost to a dead end, but Luoyunshan's aura suddenly increased, and actually suppressed him in turn.

For so many years, although he didn't know what Luoyunshan relied on to shatter his advantage step by step, but today he heard the past again, which is somewhat shadowy.

"Hahaha, I said that our situation ten years ago is the same as it is now!" Luo Yunshan laughed wildly, and said arrogantly.

"So what, although you were able to turn defeat into victory and suppress me everywhere more than ten years ago, I may not have the means to suppress you. Back then we were just half a catty. But more than ten years have passed, I am no longer the old me, and You..." Kun Qiang paused when he said this, his offensive intensified again, and the spear in his hand immediately turned into a crazy silver dragon, almost much happier than before.

"Okay, then let's have a showdown today!" Luo Yunshan's eyes raised and he found that Lu Yang seemed to be at a disadvantage at the moment. Although Lu Yang was already surrounded, his defense seemed to be extremely strong. Time cannot be defeated yet, but it will not be certain after a long time, so he must defeat Kun Qiang as soon as possible to support Lu Yang.


With a crisp sound, the steel fork in Luoyunshan's hand unexpectedly snapped

cracked and turned into an iron chain, and at both ends of the iron chain were two smaller steel forks.

As soon as this steel fork and iron chain appeared, it was wrapped around the long spear in Kun Qiang's hand, only to see the flames blazing, and the two weapons actually merged into one, while the silver dragon was completely restrained and turned into a primitive form.

"What? Your steel fork turned into a chain? Luoyunshan, you really are insidious. It seems that you have been worried about my affairs all these years!" Kun Qiang saw the change of the weapon in Luoyunshan's hand, His eyes turned slightly cold, and he couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, Kunqiang, you think too highly of yourself. The reason why I did this is to protect myself. It's just that I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still the same as before, basically unchanged. It's really interesting!" Yun Shan and Kun Qiang were in a stalemate like this, both of them wanted to find each other's flaws and quickly turn the situation back.

It can be said that they have reached a stalemate in this battle, but as long as one side makes some breakthroughs, it may also lead to the opponent's rapid defeat. This is an opportunity.

But now this opportunity has been seized by Luoyun Mountain, this is something Kun Qiang cannot accept, so he is more careful than ever at this moment.

"Hahaha, you are the only one in Luoyun Mountain who dares to say such things in front of me. But I also admire you. You have been relegated for so many years, and you can still keep your old black-skinned wolf king by your side. I really admire you!" The spear in Kun Qiang's hand turned slightly, but it didn't have the slightest effect. He was secretly startled, knowing that Luoyunshan had already fought him again, so the strength in his hand also increased.

"Although the heart is dead, the ambition is still there!" Luo Yunshan laughed wildly when he noticed Kun Qiang's movements. Then he twisted the chain in his hand violently, and the ordinary chain stirred up in unison, and completely wrapped the spear in the first place, restricting Kun Qiang's movements all at once.

"Not good!" Although Kun Qiang didn't know what Luoyunshan wanted to do, he still felt the danger instinctively.

Sure enough, without knowing when, Luoyunshan took out a chain from the twisted chains and held it in his hand. With the steel fork flying, this chain had already flown to where Kun Qiang was.

"Damn old guy, I didn't expect to live for more than ten years. His strength hasn't improved much, but he is much more cunning than before." The distance between Kun Qiang and Luoyun Mountain is actually very close. He didn't see Luoyun clearly just now. Shan's movements, but now it's too late for him to hide.

What's more, he didn't want to give up the silver gun in his hand so easily, but when he wanted to give up, it was already too late.

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