The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 214: The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest

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Chapter 214: The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest

"Zi la la..."

Just this time, Bi An's body dimmed a lot, and at the same time, a large piece of black cloud was burned away, making Bi An scream.

But at this moment, the flame energy in the sky was increasing, and finally the bell that was originally in Murong Fuye's hand was let go, and was sucked away by the flame energy gathered in the sky, which made Murong Fuye flustered all of a sudden.

"I'm going to block that demon, you go and save Ye'er, and then we'll meet here again!" Seeing that Murong Fuye was in danger, Du Xian rushed towards Bi An without saying a word.


Following his strike, a roar of a tiger came from not far away, and a fierce tiger spread its wings and rushed towards the cloud of black mist in midair, but the cloud of black mist not only did not retreat, but even moved faster. The speed rushed towards the position where Murong Fuye was.

In Bi An's view, the key to the entire formation is Murong Fuye, as long as she can be controlled, the entire formation will naturally become in his hands.

"Get out!" Seeing Du Xian rushing up, Bi An's eyes turned cold, it let out a fierce roar, and a black air spewed out from his illusory mouth and went straight to Du Xian.

It has to be said that Bi An is worthy of being a demagogic demon. Once it reaches the level of spiritual power, it will be many times stronger than ordinary human beast masters.

But even so, it is also the easiest to be wiped out by Lu Yang at this moment.


Du Xian took all the attacks to protect Murong Fuye alone, and Lu Yang also came to Murong Fuye's side very quickly at this moment.

"Let's go!" Murong Fuye lost her spirit weapon, with a look of panic on her face, Lu Yang hurriedly dragged her away. In the next moment, a large amount of black air rushed towards his face.

"Let's go back!" Murong Fuye knew that if Lu Yang and Du Xian hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous, and Du Xian was severely injured because of her. Although his life was not life-threatening, the injury was serious.

"Woo woo woo..."

Just when they were stunned, the bell flew into the midair, absorbing almost all the flame energy in the sky at once, and then a fiery red phoenix also appeared in the midair. At this moment, a large amount of flame energy It fell from the sky like rain.

"It's this time, let's quickly collect energy!" Murong Fuye seemed to feel something, and hurriedly shouted at Lu Yang and Du Xian.

Afterwards, the spiritual power of the three of them quickly returned to their bodies, but the red line connecting them to the formation was not disconnected.

"Quack quack, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to absorb such a good thing. It's great, give me a suck!" Bi An had no time to take care of Lu Yang and the others, it had already been shocked by so much flame energy Stunned, he stretched out his big mouth desperately, and bit on the flame energy beside the fire phoenix.

Such pure energy is undoubtedly a huge cake for Bi An, and it is definitely a great treasure for Lu Yang and others.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, I didn't expect my injury to recover so quickly!" Du Xian opened his mouth wide to absorb the flame energy, while reaching out to make the flame spar, and traces of flame energy entered his body through the formation There was a huge back-feeding immediately inside, allowing Du Xian to recover quickly from his injuries.

On the other side, although Murong Fuye also suffered some internal injuries, she was much stronger than Du Xian. After a lot of hard work, she actually made a flame spar. Although it is only an intermediate spar, it is also very valuable to sell outside, which cannot be measured by ordinary money at all, and these spar have a tendency to continue to become high-grade spar.

"Master, let me do such small things as making crystals!" Xiaomei got the supplement of Lu Yang's mental power, and she immediately regained her spirits. own strength.

Sure enough, under its deliberate creation, a middle-level flame spar was formed very quickly, and this middle-level flame spar has the possibility of transforming into a high-level one.

In addition, under the guidance of the beast control system, a lot of flame energy began to slowly integrate into Lu Yang's body, causing some subtle changes in his physique. These are things that Lu Yang cannot do by himself.

Now that he has Xiaomei's help, he doesn't need to worry about the flame energy. Lu Yang once again extended his spiritual power and entered the formation. This time, his target is not far away to absorb the flame energy madly. Bi An.

Lu Yang could feel that the previous Bi An was the same as himself. Its strength was only at the early stage of the yellow-rank beast master. If he was allowed to absorb the flame energy continuously, its strength might be promoted to the mid-stage yellow-rank beast master. With a cultivation level equal to that of a master, even according to the devil's endless digestion ability, theoretically as long as it has enough energy, it can even reach the strength of a mysterious beast master in a short period of time.

If Bi An's strength has really reached this level, then it will not be easy to kill him in the future.

"No, I have to keep it this time." Lu Yang found that Bi An put all his energy into absorbing the energy of the flames, and he would not spare any energy to deal with him for a while, so he came to Bi An boldly. Dark neighborhood.

Today's Bi An can no longer use any words to describe its body, because it has already turned into a black thick fog at this moment, and there is no so-called body at all, especially when it is absorbed into the body more and more. The more flame energy, the more

He is constantly expanding, and even seems to be in danger of exploding at any time.

It was this kind of desire that made Bi An, who was already very greedy, even more crazy. He bumped into the fire phoenix, wanting to eat the fire phoenix completely in one bite.

"Lu Yang, this demon wants to swallow the fire phoenix completely, and we must not let it succeed. We will restrain it from below. You can find the weak point of this demon, which is the center of all energy rotation, where it is The place that absorbs and transforms the flame energy!" Murong Fuye looked up and saw Lu Yang approaching the demon quietly, she quickly used the formation method to send a voice transmission to Lu Yang.

Because she could see that once the demon swallowed the fire phoenix whole, it is very likely that it will become a stronger person than the beast master of the Xuan rank. Donglai City brought a devastating disaster.

At this moment, in a cave that is about tens of thousands of kilometers away from Fenghuang Ridge, Bi An is sitting there with his eyes closed, as if he is practicing some powerful skills.

But only it knows that he is not practicing, but has drifted his spirit out, and has begun to enjoy a big meal thousands of miles away, and a strong energy has begun to enter its body through a mysterious route , its strength began to increase continuously.

At this time, another demon came looking for it from outside.

"My lord?" Bi Fa tentatively called out. It found that Bi An hadn't responded, and Bi An's eyes were blank at the moment. The light penetrated the void and shot on Bi An's body.

"Huh? Could it be that Bi An was rewarded by the Demon King to travel thousands of miles, and it happened that it found a treasure?" Bi Fa suddenly thought of what Bi An had experienced, and the smile on his face suddenly became brighter. more and more prosperous.

Although the demon's soul can become pure spiritual power, even wandering thousands of miles away, this is extremely dangerous. Once it is not handled properly, it is likely that it will never be able to return to its original body. This is spiritual death.

If Bi Fa can swallow its body, Bi Fa can not only incline to its body, but also use this body to lead the current army of demons. By then, it will be the leader of demons with less than one person and more than ten thousand people.

"Hehe, Bi An, it's you who don't know the depth, let me find your body, don't blame me for ignoring old feelings!" Bi An swallowed Bi An's body without even thinking about it, and at the same time That black energy was naturally swallowed by Bi An...

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