The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 232: Kunpeng's Struggle

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Chapter 232: Kunpeng's Struggle

"Hey, before I tell you again, I still want to talk about some characteristics of the dark bomb."

"The difference between dark bombs and ordinary beasts is that they like to absorb the coldest yin energy between heaven and earth, so wherever they appear, they will appear full of vitality. This is why we appear here, and we will find that Jiuyou Ridge is not only There is no cold and gloomy atmosphere, but it seems that the aura of heaven and earth is so abundant."

"It's not without reason that they do this. The more aura the place is, the more ferocious beasts can be attracted to come here for food. In this way, they have more chances to kill their prey. So I think the owner has It is necessary to summon the hell three-headed dog, maybe it can lure these dark bombs away. In this way, I will have a chance to detonate them collectively!" The flame golden king smiled dryly, as if he had thought of a brilliant idea.

"Collective detonation?" Lu Yang looked at the dark bomb that looked like a large black cloud, and couldn't help trembling. He could think that if hundreds of them exploded at the same time, even the mysterious monsters would not be able to hold them back. Fry it!

Lu Yang felt trembling all over thinking about it.

"The hell three-headed dog, come out!" Although Lu Yang couldn't bear it, he still released his big black for the sake of the caravan.

After Dahei appeared, he even rubbed against Lu Yang intimately, which made him feel even more guilty.

"Go, use your hell gate to attract these cute little guys." Lu Yang looked at Dahei and seemed to see the scene where it was blown all over, blue and purple.

This scene is really unbearable to look at!

With a sound of "Aw", Dahei thought that there was something good to call it, and immediately rushed towards the dark bomb, and then the gate of hell spewed out from Dahei's mouth, wrapping around it like four black circles of light.

The gate of hell can not only trap the enemy within a certain range, but also form a defense against oneself, thereby confusing the opponent. But now the gate of hell has become an extremely beautiful food in the eyes of these dark bombs.

"Wow wow wow..."

Before Dahei could react, he saw a large number of dark bombs rushing towards him, no, they rushed towards him crazily.

"Dahei, follow me quickly!" Lu Yang saw that the first dark bomb had rushed in front of Dahei, and Dahei still looked unsure. He seemed to think that these dark bombs were still very cute. Lu Yang was speechless for a while.

It seems that the age of the ferocious beast is really good. If it is the Flame King, even if he doesn't escape quickly, he will detonate the dark bomb in advance.

"Run away!" Lu Yang understood that these were not just one dark bomb, but hundreds of dark bombs were rushing towards Dahei.


Dahei is not a fool, after all, it is a high-level beast that has some innate reactions to danger.

After feeling the danger, Dahei desperately ran towards where Lu Yang was. The more he ran, the more pressure he felt behind him.

Finally, a dark bomb exploded behind Dahei. Although it did not have a substantial impact on Dahei, but four or five dark bombs exploded at the same time, the impact was very terrifying!

"Boom boom boom..."

Fireworks of different colors seemed to appear in the sky, instantly enveloping Dahei, even so, Dahei still rushed out with a cry.

Although it is also very curious about fireworks, but at the moment it wants to live more.

"Dahei, run with me!" The Flaming Jinyi King let out a fierce roar, and Lu Yang hurriedly summoned his own Dahei to follow behind the Flaming Jinyi King's ass.

Don't look at the Flaming Golden King being unable to attract the dark bombs, but it knows how to escape from such a large group of dark bombs. With its leadership, although it is impossible for Dahei not to receive a little damage, at least it can guarantee its life safety .


As the number of dark bombs exploded more and more, Dahei couldn't bear it anymore and began to howl.

Lu Yang saw Dahei's incessant wailing, although he felt a little distressed, but he decided to give up this idea when he saw how useless it was, if his beasts were so useless, why did he let him go? In the battle pet space, they must be trained as much as possible, otherwise, even if there is a beast control system, the beasts he cultivated will be a bunch of waste.

So after having this idea, Lu Yang didn't intend to make it easier for Dahei, but instead tried to make him gain combat experience as soon as possible. Of course, he is not a cold-blooded animal, but while constantly cheering up Dahei, he gives him more exercise.

Lu Yang asked Dahei to lure away a large number of dark bombs, and the pressure on the caravan was greatly relieved. Although there were a lot of fireworks exploding in the sky at the moment, they had no intention of watching them in order to save their lives. On the contrary, the more the fireworks exploded, their The faster the speed, and the surprisingly concerted efforts of the whole team, the caravan has already passed through Jiuyou Ridge in less than an hour, almost three times faster than usual.

"Okay, we can go!" Lu Yang saw that Dahei's body was already bruised and purple, and there were even places where his skin was torn apart by the explosion, so he immediately took Dahei back to the pet space, which made Dahei finally free. He groaned contentedly.

"I didn't expect the speed of the caravan to be so fast, otherwise, I would really have to do it myself!" Although Lu Yang tortured Dahei enough, he would not watch Dahei being blown to death by the dark bomb, so He already had the idea of ​​letting Dahei return to the pet space.

Now that he can finally leave, the King of Flaming Jinyi is ready to play a role.

"Whoosh!" The Flaming King of Jinyan sped up his speed and rushed to the opposite direction of the caravan for a long distance before turning his head. An extremely strong flame spewed out from its mouth, and the air became darker wherever the flame went. It was distorted, and the dark bomb covered in flames was detonated in an instant.

After a series of dozens of dark bombs were detonated, these dark bombs were slightly restrained. In addition, Dahei was taken into the pet space. Dare to catch up. After all, they blew themselves up to advance to a higher level, not really purely for death.

"Brother, this time it's your credit again!" Although Du Xian said so, he was very proud in his heart. Because of his efforts, the speed of the caravan has actually doubled.

If the entire journey was so fast, the caravan would probably be able to reach Luoyang City in less than a day.

Of course, they will pass through the Fuwei Forest next time. The fact that no one from the Kun family showed up along the way doesn't mean they won't come. If the estimates were correct, the Kun family would most likely set up an ambush in Fuwei Forest to intercept them.

"Fuwei Forest?" Lu Yang rode on the body of the Flaming Jinyi King, and he was able to see the shadow of Fuwei Forest only after flying thousands of meters into the sky.

It is a vast and boundless forest, and there are many powerful beasts living in it, but compared to Jiuyou Ridge, the beasts there are relatively normal.

After the caravan left Jiuyou Ridge for a certain distance, they stopped to rest. This time the rest is not only to adjust the state of the caravan, but more importantly, to prepare for the caravan passing through Fuwei Forest...

Just as the caravan adjusted its status, the Kun family had already arrived at a certain location in the Fuwei Forest. The leader is Kunpeng, the eldest son of the Kun family.

This time, Kunlun gave him a death order, which made him extremely ashamed, otherwise, his status as the eldest son of the Kun family would be replaced by someone else.

After Kunpeng heard the news, his face immediately turned pale, and he immediately contacted a killer organization to send someone to intercept him. But I never thought that the killer organization would still fail.

"Damn a bunch of idiots, it looks like I still have to wait until I do it myself!" Kunpeng stood in the middle of the line and paced back and forth. The white-bearded old man beside him had already started arranging people to ambush him, but Kunpeng was still nervous. state.

Because he seemed taller, which was an extremely terrifying thing, but now, does he still have a choice?

"Forget it, I'll use it anyway." Kunpeng hesitated for a moment, and took out the black token anyway.

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