The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 241: Acquisition of a large number of primary animal royal arts

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Chapter 241: Acquisition of a large number of primary animal royal arts

The book area is also divided into two areas, the first area is considered a high-end area, and the second area is an ordinary area. The books sold in the high-end district are expensive and rare, while the second district is full of small stalls and small houses. Those who can come here are some ordinary beast masters.

Now that Passepartout brought Lu Yang here, on the one hand, he thought that Lu Yang would not buy too expensive things, and on the other hand, he really had selfish motives.

"Paepartout, who is this man with such a big tone?" Following Passepartout, the bookstore owner asked curiously.

"I don't know, but this person is very generous. I guess he saw that there was something tricky between us, so he said that. I think you'd better be honest and do your best, and you will definitely not suffer. Look, this is what he rewarded. My spar!" Saying this, Passepartout took out a high-grade spar that Lu Yang gave him.

"Wow, you're so generous, then I understand." The bookstore owner is not a fool, and a person who spends so much is definitely not stingy, but he just doesn't like other people playing tricks.

"Grandpa, there are all kinds of books here. I mainly sell beast control skills, especially elementary and intermediate level beast control skills. Although they are all after rubbing, the quality is also very good." The fake book was secretly hidden, with a calm look on his face.

They sell books. If they are nerds, they will only sell some ordinary goods. Anyway, those people can't cultivate to the level of beast masters. Of course, there are fakes in the middle-level beast control skills, but there are no low-level ones. This is the rule.

"How much is the ten-star primary beast control technique?" The bookstore owner was overjoyed as soon as Lu Yang opened his mouth.

You must know that there are not many ten-star primary beast masters in this book area, and there are only a hundred copies in his store plus inventory, each of which is worth a lot.

"One hundred high-grade crystals for each book. If you feel expensive, the cheapest one-star book is five intermediate crystals, two-star is ten intermediate crystals, three-star is fifteen intermediate crystals, four-star is two Ten intermediate crystals, five-star is thirty intermediate crystals, six-star is thirty-five intermediate crystals, seven-star is forty intermediate crystals!"

"The price of eight-star and above is more expensive. Sixty intermediate crystals, and nine-star is eighty intermediate crystals. Sir, this price is fair. If you want more, I will definitely give it to you." Offer the lowest price, according to what I said before, give Passepartout 10% of the profit, and 20% of the profit to the uncle, which is equivalent to a 20% discount!" The owner of the bookstore said the price of his elementary beast control technique in one breath.

Then he seemed to think of something again, and then he said: "Master, we have a lot of primary beast control skills here, but the number of intermediate beast control skills is less, and the price is more expensive, but the villain promises that as long as the uncle comes to us Buying is definitely the lowest price."

"Well, please report the number of elementary beast mastering skills here, I'll see if you want all of them!" Lu Yang felt that the owner of the bookstore was very sensible.

"What, you want all of them. Okay!" The bookstore owner became excited when he heard Lu Yang's words. He hurried to the warehouse in the basement to take an inventory.

Soon, he ran up and handed Lu Yang a list.

"There are 6,700 copies in total. According to the normal price, it is 100 high-grade crystals and 6,000 intermediate crystals. After the discount, it will be 4,800 intermediate crystals and 80 high-grade crystals. "The owner of the bookstore couldn't help but slapped his mouth. Based on the business of his shop, this business has already earned a lot of money. This is the case even if he has given up most of the profits.

"Let me inspect the goods!" Lu Yang used to be a rubbing master, and he is naturally no stranger to the beast control technique, and his rubbings of the beast control technique will not be less than here, so as long as he has mastered the beast control technique Eyes, he is 80% sure to judge whether it is true or not.

Soon, a lot of beast control skills were classified and placed in front of Lu Yang by several guys.

After taking a look, Lu Yang put the books away and put them in his forehead pocket.

"Let's take a look at the intermediate beast control technique." Lu Yang said in a flat tone, not taking this deal into his heart at all.

"Here is the list of intermediate beast control. Because the store is too small, there are only 50 copies of intermediate beast control. Basically, they are all low-star beast control." Being stared at by Lu Yang, the bookstore owner felt There was a burst of cold air all over the body, and the bones of the whole body seemed to be seen through.

He is also just an ordinary high-level beast master, and it must be all powerful yellow rank beast masters who can make him feel uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, the bookstore owner was glad that he had no intention of fooling Lu Yang in the first place.

Lu Yang took the list and looked at it, only to find that among these intermediate-level beast control skills, the five-star mid-level beast control skills are the most expensive, and the price is as expensive as 30 high-level spar, while the four-star mid-level beast control skills The price is only fifteen high-grade crystals. It can be seen that the higher the star rating, the higher the price.

In the end, when Lu Yang settled the accounts, all the books were added together, and there were only ten high-grade spars to three yellow-rank spars. Lu Yang was not stingy, and directly gave him three yellow-grade crystals, and explained that half of the extra ten high-grade crystals were for Passepartout.

This made both Passepartout and the bookstore owner smile.

You must know that although the profit they gave Lu Yang after the discount was small, it was still enough for them to spend, and these ten high-grade crystals were a windfall. What's more, if other gangs buy books on such a large scale, the price will definitely be lowered, so when the bookstore owner and Passepartout looked at Lu Yang, there were even more smiles on their faces.

"Let's go and buy another intermediate-level beast-monitoring technique!

"Lu Yang feels that he hasn't bought enough beast control skills, and he hasn't bought advanced beast control skills yet!

"My lord, I know where there is an intermediate-level beast mastery, and the high-level beast mastery is fierce. I also have some special supply points. It's just that the price will be much higher!" Passepartout did not speak. Lu Yang completely regarded him as his God of Wealth, and he was also a very shrewd God of Wealth.

The more such characters are, the more they have to confess.

"My lord, this is the place I was talking about." Leaving the dilapidated shop before, Passepartout brought Lu Yang to another place. The shops around here look pretty good, and on the other side of these shops is a row of two-story buildings.

"My lord, there is the second district over there, and this is the area between the second district and the first district." Passepartout said, pointing to the small building not far away.

"Paepartout, you brought an old man here today, come here, old man, this is the teahouse of the small shop, you can have a cup of tea and rest here!" Yes, there is also a place to rest.

"Tell me, what intermediate-level beast control skills do you have here? Make a list for me!" Lu Yang sat on the seat, took a sip of the tea handed to him by the bookstore owner, and said.

"Master, please wait a moment." After the bookstore owner said politely to Lu Yang, he pulled Passepartout to the side and asked strangely, "What is the origin of this guest, and why is he so loud?"

"Hey, you're not the only one who said that today. Let me tell you, this customer has a lot of money. Have you seen Lao Wang's shop? Thousands of elementary beast master arts were confiscated just like that. I have collected dozens of intermediate-level Beastmasters, even if I gave up 20% of the profit, I still made a lot of money!"

"So let me tell you, this is a God of Wealth, you must offer it up, and the price must not be higher than that of Lao Wang." Passepartout took out a list and gave it to the bookstore owner.

The owner of the bookstore frowned when he took the order. He felt that the price was not high, but it was really difficult for him to ask for a price lower than this.

"That Passepartout, can the price of the Intermediate Beast Mastery be the same as the primary Beast Mastery? How much can this gentleman ask for?" The bookstore owner looked disbelieving, and some didn't want to give too low a price.

Lu Yang could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly. He didn't expect that Lu Tong, who was just guiding him, would start thinking about his interests instead of just wanting to make a fortune from him.

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