The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 248 Miscellaneous Notes of the Xuanjie Beast Master

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Chapter 248 Miscellaneous Notes of the Xuanjie Beast Master

"Could it be that such a precious treasure is fixed on 1,800 yellow-grade crystals?" The fire-eyed master was ready to drop the hammer. After all, the price had exceeded the auction house's estimate for this item, but before dropping the hammer , He is still on the road of responsibility for his own work.

"Two thousand yellow crystals!" Weng Ba, who was in the Changnan Mountain realm before, followed closely behind and shouted without hesitation.

It's just a space flame rune. The price is indeed a bit high, but the number of such runes is very small, and it can even be said to be rare, so the price is reasonable.

"You two, don't rob me, 2,500 yellow-rank crystals." Suddenly, the woman in that realm shouted here.

Two thousand five hundred pieces of yellow spar are already infinitely close to the highest price of flame spar in this space.

So after the woman shouted, the audience was almost dumb, because the reinforcement was almost frozen.

"This space flame rune is 2,500 pieces of yellow-grade spar once, 2,500 pieces of yellow-grade spar twice, and 2,500 pieces of yellow-grade spar three times. Deal!" With the voice of the fire-eye master, this piece of auction The product has also become famous.

Compared with the joy of the buyer, Lu Yang, as the seller of this rune, was even more happy.

Because this space flame rune was refined by him, most of the two thousand and five hundred yellow-grade crystals will naturally belong to him in the future. This time he came to Luoyang City, it can be said that he really made a lot of money.

But Lu Yangren still had no plans to leave. The next item he wants to auction will appear at the auction.

Of course, there will be many good auction items in the middle.

After the space flame rune made by Lu Yang was successfully auctioned off, several relatively ordinary runes were auctioned off, followed by some ordinary items. Of course, these ordinary items are just more painful than other auction items, and it doesn't mean that they are really a big commodity in the market.

Not only that, the items sold in the monthly auction, even if you search the entire Luoyang city, it is difficult to buy such items. Otherwise, there would not be such a large trading place as the auction.

After the auction of ordinary items, there was another round of more sought-after items, and this time the most concerned item was a white crystal necklace. It is said that although this necklace is a one-time magic weapon, it can withstand the full blow of a beast master of the Xuan rank.

Of course, this magic weapon also has a big disadvantage, that is, it is ineffective against attacks below the Xuan rank beast master. So this also limits its price. In the end, the auction price of this magic weapon was 20 black crystals.

According to the ratio of black-rank spar and yellow-rank spar to five hundred, twenty black-rank spar is 10,000 yellow-rank spar. For Lu Yang, this sale is simply a sky-high price.

After about a few more rounds of auctions, it finally came to the original auction of the Advanced Beast Mastery Technique.

High-level beast-guarding skills were nothing to many big families, but it was different for families in cities below the second-tier cities. Especially in a third-tier city like Xiangyang City, if there is a book of advanced beast masters, it is likely that there will be at least several times more senior beast masters.

Moreover, if Lu Yang buys this high-level animal-monitoring technique, he can rub it himself. Although he may not be able to earn back the capital, using it for his disciples can also greatly increase the enthusiasm of the disciples of the sect. A great way to win people over. Therefore, Lu Yang originally had the determination to win this high-level beast control technique.

"This high-level book of beast control is the original book of beast control. I don't need to say much about its value. The auction starts now. The base price is 500 yellow-rank spar, and the price will increase by 50 yellow-rank spar every time." The fire-eye master will auction After putting away the items, he said solemnly.

"Five hundred and fifty yellow crystals!" Sure enough, as soon as this auction item appeared, someone from the VIP seats shouted for the price.

On the one hand, it can be seen that the VIPs in the private room don't care much about this ordinary beast control technique. From another point of view, some small families pay more attention to the advanced beast control technique.

"Six hundred yellow crystals!" Someone asked for the price again, and this time he seemed to be determined to get this high-level beast control book.

"I'll offer seven hundred pieces of yellow-grade spar." Others were determined to get it, and Lu Yang probably had this idea, so he also offered a price.

In the previous auctions of high-level beast control skills, the highest price of high-level beast control skills was 1,000 yellow-rank spars, and the lowest price was 800 yellow-rank spars. If you pay too much, you will be taken advantage of.

Of course, some families and individuals who must buy high-level beast-guarding skills are excluded, just like Lu Yang's current mood.

"I have 900 yellow crystals!" Lu Yang raised the price again without the slightest hesitation, and only then did he understand what money comes and goes quickly.

I just earned 2,500 yellow-rank crystals, and now I'm going to sell 900 yuan, and there may be more, and the money is like water.

However, for Lu Yang, the development of a sect is absolutely inseparable from high-level beast control, and it would be the best if this book has a higher star rating.

Sure enough, while he was waiting anxiously, the auction site suddenly fell silent.

"Advanced beast control 2,500 yellow-grade crystals once! Advanced beast control 2,500 yellow-grade crystals twice! Advanced beast control 2,500 yellow crystals three times! This advanced beast belongs to

VIP in Room 50! "Huoyan Sheng pointed to the number of the VIP room and said.

Because at this moment the maid in the VIP room has already raised the sign in her hand.

In addition to serving tea and other services, the maid in the private room is most important to hold a sign for the guests, which can not only ensure the security of the guests' information, but also provide better services for the guests. This is a comparison of the auction house. Considerate service too.

"Phew! It seems that although the price is a bit higher than the lowest price, it's not too high!" Lu Yang hurriedly paid the balance, and took this advanced book of beast control in his hands.

"There's another item that I'm bound to get!" Lu Yang put the Beast Mastery in his Qiankun bag, his eyes lit up again.

You must know that his current strength is at most mid-level among many yellow rank beast masters, and he has not yet met an opponent. On the one hand, it's because he hasn't encountered a really powerful yellow rank beast master yet, and such existences are almost all in the first-tier cities, while the second-tier cities are all middle-class goods.

Secondly, he has yet to meet a yellow rank beast master who can make runes. Even if such an existence is at the early stage of the Yellow Rank, its strength should not be underestimated, not to mention that the general rune masters in the first-tier cities have already reached the middle stage of the Yellow Rank, and their strength is even more terrifying.

Therefore, Lu Yang must do everything possible to improve his strength.

Following the sale of the Advanced Beast Control Technique, the second and third sword books were also sold, and finally a miscellaneous note appeared on the auction floor. This miscellaneous note was once left by a powerful beast master of the Xuan rank. In addition to being a mysterious beast master, he still thinks of a space rune master.

As a space rune master, his miscellaneous notes have great reference value. In addition, in his miscellaneous notes, he also mentioned the situation of an ancient cave, and there may even be some more precious treasures in it.

Of course, this is also what he got after reading some classics. This is top secret, and most people will not pay attention to it. It was Lu Yang who possessed extremely powerful spiritual power that was able to read all the books he had read in one day, and left his memory to know that there was such a powerful existence.

"What is being auctioned now is the miscellaneous notes left by a beast master of the Xuan rank. This beast master was once known as the number one genius beast master in Luoyang City. He had already traveled abroad at the age of forty-five and reached the Xuan rank. Later, in the middle of the Xuan rank, he went back to Luoyang City to frighten one side, and made a huge attack on the emergency first-level city of Luoyang City. Later, the Xuan rank beast master also achieved extremely high achievements in the production of runes, even relying on The understanding of the two runes of space and soft water has become a well-deserved intermediate rune stone, and my personal cultivation has reached the Xuan level Dzogchen, and there is no news after that!"

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