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Chapter 256 Huge Change

The place where the Kun family moved to has not yet been determined, but what is certain is that the Kun family can move. Tian Qibo thought at first that it was the Du family, and even Tian Yimen was behind the scenes. But now it seems that things are far more than that.

"Come on, go and find out what happened in Donglai City recently, and at the same time send people to inquire around, and report back immediately if there is any movement. Then call me the eldest son!" Tian Qibo turned his eyes, and had already put Things are set.

For him, there have been more and more things happening in Donglai City recently, and he has to guard against them!

"Father, what do you want from me?" Hearing his father's call, Tian Xingren quickly rushed to Tian Qibo's study. At this moment, Tian Xingren was still kept in the dark and knew nothing about what happened around him.

"Son, your brother is dead, but it's not important. Since he's dead, it's his fate. But something extremely important may happen in Donglai City, or even Dongzhou City. We must pay attention to it." .From today onwards, I will let you enter the secret cave of our Tian family to practice. I did not let you out, and you must never leave. Here are two high-grade spiritual weapons. You bring them in. There is also a magic pill here... ..." Tian Xingren never dreamed that his father would be so generous with him.

Such resources are enough to allow him to be promoted from the early stage of the yellow rank to the middle stage of the yellow rank, or even the late stage in a short period of time. As for the later stage, it is hard to say.

"Father, why did you do this?" Even though Tian Xingren had been scheming since he was a child, he still couldn't figure it out in front of this sudden incident, "Could it be that something happened that would destroy our Tian family?"

Tian Xingren asked tentatively again.

"The Kun family is already planning to leave Donglai City overnight tonight, and the whole family is moving. How do you think the Kun family is stronger than our Du family?" Tian Qibo saw that his son seemed to have thought of something, and continued to guide. .

"The strength of the Kun family is much stronger than that of our Tian family. They moved the whole family, and they are still in such a hurry. Something extremely terrible must have happened. Even if it didn't happen, it will happen soon! Could it be that something happened that can exterminate the family? "Tian Xingren said quickly.

"Hehe, my son, if I knew I wouldn't be so anxious. He must have prepared for the relocation of the Kun family, but our Tian family doesn't have the capital, so I..." Tian Qibo knew what happened this time After that, I don’t know whether you can exist in the Tian family or not.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said: "No matter who did your brother's death, don't worry about it, and from now on, as long as it is related to the survival of Donglai City, you must be consistent with the Du family, and you must even be with the Du family." The cooperation of Tianyimen is the guarantee for our Tianjia to continue to survive, remember. You go!"

Tian Qibo thought for a while, and finally said nothing, but sent his son away.

"Could it be that the legend is finally coming? No, I absolutely cannot let the Tian family be wiped out in my generation!" Tian Qibo sighed and began to think again.

Although Lu Yang was a little surprised that the Kun family left, he didn't think so much.

He just thinks that if the Kun family is willing to transfer it, then their Tianyimen can be fixed in the Kun family's courtyard in the future, and they can even set up their own chamber of commerce to rely on Duobao Pavilion. There is a certain connection between Baoge, the other party eats meat, and he drinks soup. He can also earn a lot of benefits by going back and forth between Donglai City and Luoyang City every month. At least it can make Tianyimen grow several times stronger than it is now. There is no problem.

"The Kun family has moved out!" Just as Lu Yang and Luo Yunshan were still discussing things, suddenly a disciple from Tianyi Sect outside came to report.

Although Lu Yang had already explained the situation, Luo Yunshan still found it inconceivable when he actually heard the exact news. He never thought that a family as big as the Kun family could leave Donglai City overnight.

Seeing the expression on Luoyunshan's face, Lu Yang was also thoughtful.

Then he said: "Senior Luo, I'm afraid there are some things you don't know very well, and I only recently discovered some clues, such as the existence of a demon seal in the Luoshen Mountains, and now it seems that there have been greater changes. I even saw the figure of the Demon King."

"Devil King?" Hearing Lu Yang's words, the expression on Luo Yunshan's face instantly became more serious. As one of the former seals of the Luoshen Mountain Range, he knew very well what the Demon King represented.

It is said that the strength of the demon king has reached the peak of the earth-level beast master.

"Yes, and I also surrendered Bi An by a coincidence and became my battle pet. I'd better let it come out and talk to you!" Lu Yang knew that some things were still lacking in speaking from his own mouth. Some credibility, and what he said is incomplete, maybe it would be better for Bi An to explain it himself.

"That Luoyunshan!" Yibi An didn't have a good tone towards Luoyunshan. Now that he has become Lu Yang's favorite in battle, the status of each other has changed, and he is even worried about Luoyun. The mountain will take the opportunity to retaliate against it.

Of course, when Bi An thinks this way, he is somewhat judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Bi An, now that you are Lu Yang's pet in battle, we are also our own, so if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will never make things difficult for you!" Luo Yunshan could see Bi An's scruples at a glance , just said so.

"Hehe, that's good. The thing is like this..." Bi An spoke out his thoughts.

According to its meaning, although the seal of the past has not been broken, it has loosened a lot, and the devil has dug a passage in other places. As long as the passage is opened a little bigger, then the devil has It may have entered here from another world.

"The devil is coming?" Hearing Bi An's words, Luo Yunshan really believed Bi An's words this time, and at the same time he was convinced of what Lu Yang said.

It's just that if the Demon King descends on the Luoshen Mountain Range, the entire Dongzhou City will probably be swept away by the flames of war. It seems that it is not generally wise for the Kun family to move the whole family.

In addition, Lu Yang also thought of the witch envoy of the beast clan also appearing in Dongzhou City, and his vigilance increased several times again.

"Could it be that a big war is really going to break out in the entire Dongzhou City?" Lu Yang became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and Luo Yunshan's face turned pale almost at this moment.

After all, some things of Lu Yang are just guesses, but for Luoyunshan, he has seen the scene where the demon clan was about to break through the seal decades ago, and the entire Dongzhou City set off a bloody scene.

That time, it was just a disturbance caused by a demon general breaking through the seal, and the entire Dongzhou City was already torn to pieces. It is even said that when the Demon King was born last time, he directly blew up the former first-level main city, and the broken heart of the city lord in Xiangyang City was the heart of the former first-level main city, Dongfeng City. A broken fragment of .

It is conceivable what kind of terrible things will be brought about by the birth of the devil this time.

"What, the matter is really so serious?" Lu Yang was shocked when he heard Luo Yunshan's words.

It seems that this time things really made a big fuss.

"Senior, what should we do now?" With the birth of the Demon King, even the Cult of the Evil God will make some large-scale actions. He is really a little scared, but this kind of fear is not for himself, but for the people around him. Worry.

"Bi An, tell me your opinion!" Lu Yang knew that the only one who might know the inside story now was this guy.

"Uh, actually, I'm not sure about the time since the Demon King was born. It could be a year at most, or a month or two at least. As for the beasts, it's hard to say. They have always done things directly, and it is very likely that they will be born together. There will be a wave of beasts within two months. After all, the fierce beasts are all brainless things!" Having said this, Bi An's face was obviously full of extreme contempt.

"Oh? One or two months. Then let's stay in Donglai City. As for the broken heart of the main city in Xiangyang City, he will find a way to get it!"

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