The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 258: Buried Forest, Experience

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Chapter 258: Buried Forest, Experience

"Zhang Zitao, Sun Eryang, Wang Rongsheng, He Rongrong..." Lu Yang selected a total of 20 disciples among the sect disciples. The strength of these people is either close to that of a high-level beast master, or his strength has already reached the level of a high-level beast master. , or it is possible to become a yellow-rank beast master. In short, the greater the potential, the more Lu Yang will take care of him.

But if they want to be taken care of by Lu Yang, then they must make a certain contribution to Tianyimen, and at the same time, they must have high loyalty to the sect. This is the real foundation of Tianyimen's future.

Of course, these twenty people were not carefully selected by Lu Yang, but those who have performed relatively well in the sect recently and have potential. Lu Yang has no intention of keeping them by his side for the time being.

After all, these people have always been free to manage, and it is still difficult to change their attitudes for a while, and these beast masters who are not strong are not strong in themselves, so they usually do not have the habit of being pampered. The greater the contribution to the sect after training, the greater will be.

In addition, he also brought Sun Wu and Er Gouzi with him, hoping to help them be promoted to the pseudo-yellow rank beast master as much as possible, and even if the chance coincides, it is best to help them promote to the yellow rank beast master division.

"The place we are going this time is the nearest forest in Donglai City. I think you all know where it is!" As everyone walked around, a huge flying beast appeared in front of them. The ferocious beast is tens of meters long, seven or eight meters wide, and its wings are more than thirty meters wide.

Although this flying beast is huge, it has a gentle temperament. It is only a mid-level beast and has no combat capabilities at all. Moreover, its flying distance is not far, and it is not easy to fly into that forest.

"It should be the buried forest!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, a senior beast master said excitedly.

Although the buried waste forest is still far away from the Chenlong Mountain Range, and even very close to Donglai City, it is still a dangerous place after all.

And it is said that it is not extremely dangerous in the buried forest, but there are a lot of high-level beasts, and there are also some yellow-rank beasts. If it was changed to another place, it would either be meaningless to practice, or it would be extremely dangerous, and even he himself might be in danger. This is definitely not a wise move.

After about a day's journey, the flying beast slowly landed on the ground. Lu Yang brought Sun Wu and his sons, as well as twenty other elite disciples of Tianyi Sect, to the buried forest.

The buried desert forest and the hot desert town are actually next to each other, but the hot desert town is on the periphery of the buried desert forest.

Moreover, in today's Rehuang Town, there are a large number of ordinary disciples of Tianyi Sect. It is no longer the ghost town in the past. In addition, Lu Yang has invested a lot of manpower and material resources. Towns are likely to be developed.

But for Lu Yang, this small town is just a place to temporarily train disciples of the Tianyi Sect. Maybe a month, maybe two months. A beast horde will come, let alone a deserted town, even some powerful third-level cities , second-tier cities, and even first-tier cities will be submerged by the torrent of fierce beasts.

If they want to survive this disaster, the disciples of Tianyimen must not only be united, but also have strong strength, otherwise, there is no chance of surviving in this cruel world.

"Sun Wu, Er Gouzi, you lead a group of people out to practice. If you encounter danger, you will support each other, and even send a signal to me as soon as possible, asking me to go to support. This time, the training time is ten days!" Lu Lu After Yang sent the flying beast away, he assigned the task to the two waves of Tianyi disciples.

At the same time, Heixin also sent out his two high-level fierce beasts, the Qingyu Bird King and the three hellhounds, to accompany Sun Wu and Er Gouzi, so that their chances of surviving in the buried forest would be greatly increased.

And Lu Yang is going to go into the deepest part of the buried forest alone to find a more powerful yellow beast. Once he finds it, he may be able to add another powerful beast to the sect. With the combination of the yellow beast control technique, he may be able to Let the Tianyi sect produce another yellow rank beast master.

Although this kind of yellow-rank beast master is suspected of being counterproductive, once entering the troubled times, as long as no matter how stupid a person is, his fighting spirit will increase several times, or even ten times, which is absolutely unambiguous. Such things as experience are never lacking.

"Sect Master, let's go!" Because of Lu Yang's various achievements, Sun Wu's admiration for Lu Yang has reached an undeniable level, and Lu Yang also told Sun Wuwu in private that this time he entered the On the one hand, the purpose of burying the deserted forest is to practice the martial arts, but more importantly, it is to find the yellow-rank beasts for him and Er Gouzi.

As long as there are yellow-rank ferocious beasts, such things as yellow-rank beast control skills can still be obtained, at least for Duobao Pavilion, beast control skills below the mysterious level can be found. This is also the source of Lu Yang's confidence.

After being separated from the two teams of Tianyi disciples, Lu Yang gradually went deep into the depths of the buried forest. This place is much quieter than the outskirts of the buried forest, full of infinite mystery.

Big trees with four or five people hugging each other stood in front of Lu Yang's eyes one after another like green onions, and at the same time, a looming dangerous aura gradually enveloped Lu Yang inside.

"Master, if I'm not wrong, it should be a yellow-ranked fierce beast."

Beast. "Xiaomei didn't respond to Lu Yang's call, and got out directly.

"Yellow rank beast?" Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, not noticing that the little girl could come out without being summoned by him. Because at this moment all his attention has been attracted by the word Huang rank beast.

He knew very well in his heart how important a yellow rank beast was to him. But even if he catches the yellow beast, can he give it to the disciples of Tianyi Sect?

You must know that some really powerful big families usually raise powerful ferocious beasts in captivity, and then let them breed offspring, and then raise their offspring, and give them to talented disciples, so that they can cultivate feelings with young ferocious beasts Now, after that, it will be a matter of course and become your own powerful battle pet.

These all need time to be cultivated and trained. Although Lu Yang also has such abilities, he is not allowed time at all. That's why he wants to hand over his little sister now to see if she has this ability. experience of.

"Well!" The little girl's seemingly pixelated body was writhing in Lu Yang's mind, and she was also very depressed, but her depression was not because she couldn't meet the master's current requirements, but because she It has now been made beautiful and has not yet been seen by the owner.

"What should I do, what should I do? If the master sees me using her mental power to do these things without authorization, will she say that I have exceeded my authority and will never talk to me again? But they really want to become She's pretty!" The little girl fell into this kind of entangled emotions, and in the middle of it, she didn't care so much about Lu Yang's demands on her.

"Forget it, this request is indeed a little difficult. Since there is no solution, then I will take it step by step." Lu Yang sighed. He also felt that his request was too much, so he did not continue to ask, but followed along. This feeling slowly entered the depths of the buried forest.

Suddenly, he felt a dangerous breath appearing on the side of his body.

"Is that a python?" Lu Yang hesitated for a moment, but still felt the breath of the python.

"Huh huh..."

Just when Lu Yang was getting closer to the python, a soft voice suddenly sounded slowly from the front, and the voice came behind Lu Yang in a big circle.

"It looks like you want to sneak attack me! It's okay, just come!" Although Lu Yang's current strength is not so strong, he still doesn't care about an ordinary yellow rank beast.

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