The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 260: Conquering the boa constrictor

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Chapter 260: Conquering the boa constrictor

"I can't see the coffin without tears!" Seeing that the python was going crazy, Lu Yang didn't mind teaching it a lesson, "Die!"

Lu Yang's speed increased again, he suddenly appeared on the side of the python's body, and this punch directly hit the python's head.

"Boom", although Lu Yang didn't use all his strength, his punch was extremely powerful, and he hit the python's head directly, making the python scream, and the large scales fell from it like rain. The top of the boa constrictor's head fell off. Although its wounds healed extremely quickly, if it continued like this, it might not be long before this boa constrictor would be beaten to death by Lu Yang.

"How about it, do we still have something to talk about?" Lu Yang looked at the boa constrictor whose head had been bald by himself, with disdain in his eyes.

If the boa constrictor is too ungrateful, he doesn't mind killing it.


Hearing Lu Yang's words, the big python let out a long and sharp howl again.

Although it can't speak, it doesn't mean it can't understand Lu Yang's words.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yang feels that this python is ungrateful.

Of course, he didn't give up because of this, because the stronger the existence, the higher the aura, and it must be continuously polished before it can be recovered.

Otherwise, it is impossible for such a fierce beast to grow to such an extent.

In other words, every ferocious beast of the yellow rank, or even a higher being, is a guy favored by the heavens, and Lu Yang naturally doesn't want it to die so easily.

"Okay, since you are so disobedient, then I will hit you until you are obedient!" After speaking, Lu Yang punched again, this time he hit the python's abdomen instead of its head.

With a "bang", the python's body was hit, and a large scale fell off in an instant, and it screamed again, and was blasted straight out, and another tree was knocked down. Although the python left the gate of hell However, the number of wounds on its body has also increased several times.

Some of the wounds were made by itself, and some were brought to it by Lu Yang.

"Wow wow wow..."

This time the boa constrictor was really scared. Because it could feel that Lu Yang really had the strength to kill it.

But it has only been promoted to the yellow rank for less than a year, it doesn't want to die, and it still has a lot of time to enjoy. Otherwise, why did it work so hard to be promoted to the rank of yellow beast.

This time the big python really wanted to negotiate with Lu Yang.

"Master, this guy said that if you can defeat it without using dirty tricks, then it is willing to become your beast for you to drive!" Xiaomei appeared out of thin air again.

"Oh? If that's the case, then it's easy. By the way, I haven't summoned you yet, how did you come out?" Lu Yang found some clues this time. But he didn't think about it deeply. After all, there are some things that he can't spare too much time to think about for the time being.

"Master, the big python is still waiting for you!" The little girl blushed and disappeared immediately.

"You little girl, you are really getting more and more mysterious!" Lu Yang shook his head helplessly. He found that this little girl was really becoming more and more human. This can be regarded as a surprise for him.

"Okay, then let's have a fair fight." Lu Yang sighed, without using any spiritual weapons, he walked slowly to the big python.


Seeing Lu Yang's appearance, the boa constrictor let out a cry of great surprise. From its point of view, Lu Yang's swaggering appearance in front of it was tantamount to courting death.


Although the boa constrictor had been beaten all the time, it had an extremely strong arrogance, especially when it swooped this time, it fully displayed all its strength.

With a sound of "buzz", the scales all over its body rattled, and even stood upside down, especially a cloud of water vapor condensed on the sharp horns on its forehead.

"Oh, what kind of energy is this guy going to release?" Lu Yang stared at the boa constrictor that swooped towards him without blinking. This time, he was going to hit it so hard that it couldn't even recognize itself!

"Die to me!" Lu Yang had never released his spiritual power so thoroughly since he was promoted to the Yellow Rank Beastmaster, especially this punch had exerted all the power of his body and body.

"Zi la zi la..."

Just as he was acting, there was a trace of space power fluctuations all over his body, which instantly doubled the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and a powerful vitality broke away from his body and blasted out.


At this moment, from the sharp horn on the big python's forehead, a crazy water vapor burst out, and the water vapor instantly turned into a wave of jetting water towards Lu Yang, shooting wildly towards Lu Yang.

It's a pity that just when the water flow was about to hit Lu Yang's body, a crack was torn open in the space, and the most powerful part of the water flow was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Although this moment was very short, but then Lu Yang appeared in front of the big python like a broken bamboo, with the first punch, the second punch, the third punch...

He punched and punched the boa constrictor, almost a series of bombardments, which made the boa constrictor dizzy. It took less than ten breaths for the boa constrictor to be dizzy. He will be directly beaten into a cripple.

"How about it, are you still convinced?" After another fat beating by Lu Yang, the big python was beaten all over, but

The boa constrictor still did not give in.

"Wow", the boa constrictor yelled wildly, and rushed forward again. Lu Yang shot again, and the scales all over the boa constrictor fell to the ground again. This time, the boa constrictor had been beaten to pieces.

"Aren't you convinced!" Lu Yang roared again.


The big python rushed towards Lu Yang again.

After five or six shocks in a row, Lu Yang could no longer find a place to strike on the big python, but the big python still wanted to fight Lu Yang desperately.

Of course, the desperate efforts at this time, the big python is not as crazy as before.

On the one hand, it really has no power. On the other hand, it was indeed convinced by Lu Yang's methods. Otherwise, with Lu Yang's current strength, he would have already been beaten to pieces.

It's just that with the proud character of the big python, it is still a little difficult for him to take the initiative to admit defeat, so now the fight between the big python and Lu Yang can no longer be regarded as a fight, but has become a game of hide-and-seek.

The boa constrictor chased and landed on Lu Yang to bite, while Lu Yang carefully looked for places on the boa constrictor that he could attack, and carefully gave it some punishment.

In this way, a harmonious relationship was formed between one person and one snake.


Finally, Lu Yang had no place to attack, so he could only hold up the python's body and smash it to the ground.

The python couldn't bear this kind of humiliation, and finally gave in.

"Huh, you've finally surrendered!" After speaking, Lu Yang almost collapsed from his strength.

Of course, before that, he still used the beast control technique to subdue the big python and become his own fierce beast.

"Little sister, what's the matter, did you think of a way?" Lu Yang didn't care about the situation of the younger sister at all, but asked as if he didn't know anything.

"Master..." Seeing that Master Lu Yang didn't remember the villain's faults, the little girl was almost moved to tears.

But her request to her master had not been fulfilled, so she was afraid again.

"Could it be that the master wants to test me, if I complete the task, he won't punish me. Otherwise, will he let me disappear? No, I can't be separated from the master!" Thinking that I might be alone again , Xiaomei almost cried. But she persisted, she couldn't let the master look down on herself.

"Master, there is a way, but it's not that easy. If I remember correctly, you can use the Beast Familiar System to erase the memory of the beast, and let him try to get in touch with the new master. If it is suitable for the new master, you can You can cultivate feelings, and when the time comes, spend a sum of yellow-grade spar, and it will be completed." Xiaomei said it very easily, but it is not the case in Lu Yang's ears.

Because every time the little girl asks for spar, it is definitely not a small number. Lu Yang has a deep understanding of this.

"Okay, then I'll put it in the pet space to heal." Lu Yang found out that there is no better way now, he can only listen to Xiaomei and do it.

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