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Chapter 268 Fusion Runes

Except for the chicken-like head, this ferocious chicken-like beast is really not very similar, especially its wings are almost hundreds of meters wide. It spreads its wings, as if the whole sky is enveloped by him .

Not to mention Lu Yang, even the Golden War King might never have seen this kind of scene in his life, but Bi An, who had been watching coldly, seemed a little disdainful.

After all, he is the existence described by the Demon King. Even a Demon General is hundreds of times stronger than this beast, let alone a Demon King.

Although Bi An is only a small existence under the Demon King's command, it can communicate directly with the Demon King, which shows that its vision is definitely not too bad.

Just when Lu Yang was lurking, he suddenly heard a burst of wild laughter in the air, "Hahaha, Dragon Horn Chicken King, you think you can steal my things by sneaking here this time, I think you don't want to live anymore Bar!"

The fierce beast with the head of a tiger snarled violently, as if it could shatter the whole world. Luckily, Lu Yang was not very close, so he just felt his eardrums buzzing, and found it again. It would be better if something blocked his ears. Of course, it was his spirit that was affected the most, but with the space rune consolidated inside, there wouldn't be any major problems for a while.

"Hmph, you bastard, don't I know what your plan is, tell you that I'm going to order that thing. What's more, it's not yours. I'm here to fight for it now. Why, you don't want to buy it. Want to take care of it? Also, tell you, King Snake and Tiger, don’t think this is your boss, if I want to do something, you really can’t do anything to me!” The Dragon Horned Chicken King smiled, and the A horn suddenly stretched out, and it just pushed towards the void, as if a powerful energy wave was transmitted from the dragon horn.

With a sound of "buzz", a powerful wave of energy unexpectedly penetrated the void and came in front of the Tiger Snake King.

"Damn it, you sneaked up on me!" The Tiger Snake King opened his mouth without even thinking about it, swallowed the thing, and spit out the last powerful force from its tail.

Lu Yang saw a powerful wave of energy rushing into the large forest like a tiger.

I thought that the aura of heaven and earth was incomparably abundant, each of the trees here was over a hundred meters high, and the thickness of five or six people could be hugged together. Like a piece, it was smashed into pieces in an instant, and at the same time, this force had a tendency to spread to the surroundings.

At this moment, the Tiger Snake King opened his mouth and sucked in this force again, this time it never spit it out again.

"What, what is this thing? How can it have such a powerful destructive power?" Seeing this, Lu Yang was stunned, and even forgot that he should run away immediately.

"Quack quack, master, this is not an ordinary thing, but a powerful sonic rune power!" Seeing Lu Yang's surprise, Bi An sent a voice transmission in Lu Yang's mind.

"Sonic rune power?" Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand something.

Legend has it that some truly powerful beasts can comprehend runes from birth, and if resources are abundant, they can continue to practice to comprehend more powerful basic runes, and even fuse some new runes through these basic runes , and this sonic rune is a product of the fusion of flame runes and space runes.

It can be seen that this dragon-horned chicken king is definitely not a kind character.

"Master, the space rune owned by the Tiger Snake King is called Devouring Rune. This rune is a fusion of Dark Rune and Soft Water Rune. Although there are only two types of runes fused together, their power cannot be tolerated." Look down." Seeing Lu Yang's thoughtful look, Bi An said again.

"Unexpectedly, I still underestimated these two yellow beasts, but what are they fighting for here?" Although Lu Yang was full of fear, it was also an opportunity for him. Being able to find that treasure may be a greater fortune. Of course, even if he can't find such a valuable item, he may be able to find other benefits. In short, Lu Yang has no intention of leaving.

For him, it is a troubled time now. Since he has the opportunity to find this place, he cannot give up any chance to become stronger. Otherwise, even if he does not die here, then he will leave here and return outside. Once the beast tide Come, he too will die.

So Lu Yang was ready to face any danger.

"Hmph, you stinky chicken, you are the same as before, you suddenly attack as soon as you talk, if it wasn't for my Tiger Snake King Jiling, I'm afraid you would have killed him already." Although it was so dangerous just now, in the eyes of the Tiger Snake King There is no possibility at all, and there is even a hint of ridicule.

Yes, it never seemed to take Dragon Horn Chicken King very seriously.

"Hahaha, that's how I am, what can you do to me? Let me tell you, I, Dragon Horn Chicken King, is originally the blood of Shenlong and Tianji. I am very smart, how could I be like an idiot like you!" When the Tiger Snake King spoke, the Dragon Horned Chicken King immediately turned his eyebrows coldly, as if what the other party said was so stupid.

"Yes, I am a martial artist, how about it? But since you have come to my territory today, it is impossible to leave!" After finishing speaking, the huge body of the Snake Tiger King was like a sharp arrow. It was shot, and the speed was extremely fast, far exceeding Lu Yang's expectations.

Because he had never imagined that such a big beast could be ten times faster than he imagined.

Almost much faster than his speed.

If it is said that he and this fierce beast are really facing each other, there is probably almost no means other than space runes.

"Master, you don't need to be discouraged. These murderers are all of holy blood. Although they are not perfect, at least they are not comparable to us!" The Three-eyed Turtle King has a deep understanding of this.

After all, it also has the blood of the ancient gods in its body. If it can get more chances, it might be able to awaken this blood and make it also be promoted to a mysterious beast. Of course, this chance is really pitiful, but at least there is still hope here.

This is the evaluation of the three-eyed turtle king here.

"It seems that the power of this bloodline is indeed very strong. But if you follow me, you may have such opportunities in the future." Lu Yang thought for a while, and decided to collect all the runes, maybe he will have greater development in the future .


Just when the body of King Snake and Tiger shot out, a huge jet of ink suddenly appeared in the whole world. This ink completely covered the position where King Snake and Tiger was, and darkness descended on Lu Yang's head all of a sudden, but The dark range is not very large, so Lu Yang can barely see the situation ahead.

But he knew in his heart that this was probably the result of the Snake Tiger King using the dark space rune.

Do runes still have such a powerful use?

Lu Yang didn't dare to imagine, and he didn't reach that level, but now he can be regarded as a middle-stage Huang-level cultivation.

"Hahaha, you're using this old trick again, it's useless, look at me!" Longjiao Chicken King laughed, and his whole body suddenly burned like a ball of flames, and a large sea of ​​flames lit up the darkness at once. But this is not without cost, because the snake tiger king has broken through the attack of the dragon horn chicken king and came in front of it.

And there are waves of soft water around it to protect it from the flames.


Suddenly a metal-like sound erupted, and the Longjiao Chicken King actually used its dragon horns to tear open the void, and got into an unknown space, and then the Longjiao Chicken King unexpectedly appeared behind the Snake and Tiger King.

It just stabbed lightly, and then another powerful force shot towards the body of the Snake Tiger King.

"Hmph, you almost missed me by sneak attacking me!" The snake tiger king's body suddenly exploded, turning into a wave of soft water, he turned around and opened his mouth wide to pounce on the dragon horned chicken king.

But it just rushed over as a gesture, and didn't really feel like eating the thorn.

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