The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 297: Lu Yang's Plan at the Huo Family

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Chapter 297: Lu Yang's Plan at the Huo Family

"The thing is like this..." Lu Yang made up a story, probably that he was rescued by Huo Qiang when he was a senior beast master, and later he was promoted to the yellow rank of beast master, and he made a lot of money through adventures. He returned to Luoyang City to find Huo Qiang for his kindness.

Although this is an old routine, it can be regarded as Huo Qiang's luck, and all this is very natural in Huo Zhenqian's eyes.

In order to repay Huo Qiang, a yellow-ranked beast master gave him a lot of rewards, and his son is considered to have some business acumen, and now he manages this fortune well, so he, a father, should give his son a good look at it. Stop, you can't let young people spend freely.

After all, good steel should be used on the blade.

"Hahaha, I understand. Yes, you are a young man who really values ​​friendship." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Huo Zhenqian deliberately pretended to be very happy and smiled.

In fact, he is paving the way for his continued occupation of Huo Qiang's property!

"Hmph, it's just a bit of luck!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Huo Yanbing said disdainfully. In his opinion, if he can also encounter such a thing, he may do better than Lu Yang, and it is not worth showing off at all.

At this time, Huo Yanjie suddenly interjected: "Father, it can be seen that Huo Qiang's luck is still very good, and he can also get help from people like Lu Yang, why don't we reward them with some houses at home, It can be regarded as a kind of kindness from the father!"

Huo Yanjie could tell that it might not be so easy to get Huo Qiang to hand over his property.

Huo Zhenqian was worrying about how to persuade Huo Qiang, now that he heard what his eldest son said, he immediately understood what he said with a smile, "Oh, my father is really incompetent, yes, you should quickly call the steward, I'll pick some good manors for him!"

Huo Zhenqian was very enthusiastic, as if it was the real thing.

Not long after, the steward really came and took out a booklet. Huo Zhenqian immediately pointed out the booklet to Huo Qiang. The area was indeed very large and said, "Son, these are the century-old foundations of our Huo family. , I gave you all!"

If it wasn't for the short time and unable to sign the contract, I am afraid that Huo Zhenqian could have given the contract to Huo Qiang. This made Lu Yang a little strange. Just now he was threatening to seize Huo Qiang's property, but now he is desperately sending things to Huo Qiang.

But Huo Qiang's face became even colder, he turned around and whispered to Lu Yang: "Master, these places are outside Luoyang City, once the beast horde comes, it will definitely become a wasteland, so my coming here is just for display! "

"So that's it!" Hearing Huo Qiang's words, Lu Yang suddenly understood what was going on.

"Why, aren't you satisfied?" Seeing Huo Qiang Meiyu's statement, Huo Zhenqian was somewhat angry!

"Huo Qiang, my father is not mean to you anymore. I have given you such a big foundation. Why can't you do anything in the future?" At this time, the shelling of Huo Qiang had already begun.

"Hahaha, what a joke! Do you think I'm a fool? All of these places are outside the city. Once the beast tide breaks out, these places will immediately become wasteland. What do I want these wastelands for?" Pressed by these people Huo Qiang didn't want to flirt with these people anymore.

"Hmph, Huo Qiang, is this how you talk to your father?" Huo Qiang's reactions were completely expected, if there were no such reactions, Huo Zhenqian would feel strange!

It doesn't matter that he is not very good in some aspects, but Huo Zhenqian is also the head of the family after all, he can see Huo Qiang's plan at a glance, and he is going to serve Huo Qiang with a big stick.

He didn't want to believe that Huo Qiang would not hand over his property after his beating.

As long as he has money on hand, the whole family will continue to operate. Otherwise, the whole Huo family might collapse.

"Damn it, this beast tide doesn't come late, it doesn't come early, it happened when I became the city lord, even if you wait for another year, I can get back some of the funds I have raised, that's fine!" Huo Zhenqian At the moment, I also feel that I have done too much.

After all, their Huo family has a big business, so they certainly wouldn't care about these little money in the past, but now most of the Huo family's funds have been emptied by Huo Zhenqian, just for the position of a city lord. In addition, it is an eventful time now, and the city lord's mansion has too many places to spend money, so that he has to get more money, and it is a last resort to swallow Huo Qiang's small sum of money now.

"Father, after all, Huo Qiang is used to being wild outside, so you don't want to be familiar with him. Besides, isn't he back now? Father will have too much time to give him the truth in the future." Huo Yanbing saw the atmosphere Nervous, hasten to deal with it.

After all, Huo Qiang has his own property now, if he is pushed into a hurry and he walks away, there is nothing they can do. Is it possible to send someone to kill him, and kill for more money.

If this matter is known, then his city lord will be even less successful. After all, the Huo family is not the only one who wants to be the city lord in Luoyang City.

It's the same even in these troubled times.

"Hmph, Huo Qiang, I brought you back this time and let you return to the Huo family. I want to give you a golden mountain to rely on, not to covet your little things. But you have to understand that you are a concubine in the first place. And your mother has already passed away, you have to pay something if you want to return to Huo's house, I gave you those properties just to take care of your emotions." Huo Zhenqian slapped his palm violently, and the whole table trembled .

"Patriarch, please don't worry, our young master is still a bit young and vigorous. After all, his mother's death also caused him to worry about it. I hope the family will understand!" Seeing that Huo Qiang already knew what to say, if he continued to say Going down will definitely make the trouble even more rigid, so he came forward and said.

If Lu Yang was just an ordinary high-level beast master, he definitely wouldn't have a place to speak in this room. If it wasn't for the horde of beasts attacking the city right now, the entire Luoyang city would be at stake, and there would be no room for Lu Yang to speak here.

But it's different now. For the Huo family, if they can have more strength, they will naturally have more possibility of survival. Besides, Huo Zhenqian also felt that it was normal for Huo Qiang to have some emotions.

After all, the death of Huo Qiang's mother was directly related to him, and even the two sons were involved. It's just that these two sons didn't know that it was Huo Qiang's mother they killed. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to let the two brothers pick up Huo Qiang.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lu is still sensible!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Huo Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then became happy.

Others don't understand, but he understands that 90% of Huo Qiang's achievement today is due to this young man's credit. In addition, Huo Qiang also has some talents in business, so he is what he is today.

Therefore, the reason why Huo Zhenqian still considered Huo Qiang's constitution was mostly because Huo Qiang had a confidant of a yellow-rank beast master, otherwise, he would use force directly, and he would not have to worry about Huo Qiang's retaliation at all.

It's just that now it seems that Huo Qiang is still a protector of some sect, this matter is even more open to discussion, and he should treat it with a gentle attitude as much as possible.

So Huo Zhenqian felt more and more how wise he had arranged for Huo Qiang, and even let Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing sing together.

"The Patriarch said nothing. After all, the young master is the blood of the Huo family. Although he has been wandering outside for many years, it is time to return to the Huo family. I think if the patriarch can make the Huo family recognize his existence, maybe the young master will want to return even more. The Huo family, naturally those industries will come naturally!" Lu Yang said with a hint.

"Oh oh, yes, how did I forget about this matter. Also, there have been too many things recently, and the enemy is now. But Huo Qiang, don't worry, you are the son of my Huo Zhenqian, and the rituals that this family must Come!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, Huo Zhenqian suddenly realized.

Indeed, even if Huo Zhenqian sent someone to bring Huo Qiang back, at most it could be regarded as taking Huo Qiang to the Huo family, but the Huo family still has nothing to do with him. If Huo Qiang held a family meeting, then even if Huo Qiang was the heir of the patriarch, he would also be a collateral disciple recognized by the Huo family, so his status would naturally be different.

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