The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 299 The identity of the heir?

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Chapter 299 The identity of the heir?

It can be said that Lu Yang knew Huo Zhenqian's conspiracy well. After all, there was only so much he could do, but Huo Zhenqian knew very little about Lu Yang, or even almost nothing.

In this way, they are in the dark, and the enemy is in the open, not to mention that now is a time of internal and external troubles, how could Huo Zhenqian have so much thought to plot against them, so as long as the time permits, everything is possible.

Lu Yang chatted with Huo Qiang for a while, and Huo Qiang finally calmed down. At the same time, he admired Lu Yang's series of arrangements. More importantly, Lu Yang regards him as his true confidant, instead of treating himself as a tool to be used like Huo Zhenqian. Once he is used up, he will be thrown away and ignored. This is the place that moved Huo Qiang the most. After all, they had no relatives and reasons, and Lu Yang saved his life and gave him a new life.

"Master, please rest assured that I will arrange these things in an orderly manner. In addition, I have some other things that I ask you to take care of. My life is given by the master. I can do whatever the master asks me to do!" If here If there was no one, Huo Qiang would definitely cry with gratitude.

"Okay, keep this mood for a while, as long as they confirm your status, you can say a few more words to your mother in this tone, maybe you can get sympathy from others. I think your mother is Heaven has spirit, and you will feel at ease. In addition, now is not the time for you to be strong. You must keep a low profile, highlight the tragic experience of leaving the family as much as possible, and then say that you are working hard. I don’t think any family will reject a Self-motivated, as for your wish is to make the family stronger, as for power, it is best to talk less, or even sacrifice, understand?" Lu Yang confessed to Huo Qiang again before entering the meeting room.

"I understand!" Huo Qiang nodded, and the two turned a few more turns, and finally entered the meeting hall.

In fact, the people sent by Huo Zhenqian also wanted to take them to the conference hall, but Lu Yang sent them away with just a few high-level crystals. With his strong mental power, how could he not find the conference hall!

"Hahaha, this should be my long-lost nephew!" Huo Qiangsheng laughed when he saw Huo Qiang. You must know that Huo Qiang's mother is his distant cousin. Although the cousin died tragically, but after so many years Now, he also knew the cause of death, but he didn't expect his cousin's son to be still there. Huo Qiangsheng naturally hoped that his cousin's son could return to the family.

What's more, he brought his cousin to Huo's house back then, but his cousin was killed by that bastard Huo Zhenqian, and he was also very worried about it. Otherwise, why would he not support Huo Zhenqian all this time!

"Uncle, is that you?" Hearing Huo Qiangsheng's words, Huo Qiang thought suddenly, thinking of his only relative in the Huo family, and shouted out with a trembling voice.

"Hahaha, it's me, it's me. Come on, sit down next to me. This time you can become the heir of the family. If you want to inherit the position of patriarch in the future, I will be the first to support you!" Huo Qiangsheng There is real power in the Huo family, no one dares to provoke him, and because of this, Huo Zhenqian wanted to invite Huo Qiang in a soft way.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be easier to secretly kill Huo Qiang and seize property?

"Thank you, uncle! By the way, uncle, let me introduce you. This is my confidant. I saved his life in the early years, and now he is one of my offerings!" Huo Qiang's meaning was obvious. Same. Subordinates are subordinates, and enshrining has more action rights, and it is not even necessary to stay by the master's side all the time.

"Oh, it's a yellow rank beast master, yes, young and promising. Don't worry, as long as you join our Huo family, you can come to me for anything in the family in the future!" Huo Qiangsheng patted his chest Said.

"Hehe, Qiang Sheng, you are so loud. Could it be that you can support this kid if he wants to compete for the position of Patriarch in the future? I think you are daydreaming. It is not bad for a son of a concubine to have the right to inherit!" At this time , Huo Zhansheng walked in from outside the chamber and said with a sneer.

He is Huo Zhenqian's direct descendant, so he naturally wants to speak for Huo Zhenqian, and he also knows the main reason why Huo Zhenqian called this brat back, so he feels extremely disdainful.

"Zhansheng, I don't like to hear you say that. But it's okay, I support my nephew, what's your business?" Hearing Huo Zhansheng's words, Huo Qiangsheng laughed, and then turned the page over.

Huo Zhansheng was right, it was too arbitrary for him to support his nephew as the head of the family, so he didn't continue this topic at will. After all, once he really publicizes it, he will become the target of public criticism in the family.

On the contrary, when Huo Qiang heard Huo Qiangsheng's words, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect so many people from our Huo family to come to the meeting today. It's not bad. But don't forget that the beast tide is coming soon. If there is such a meeting, which one of you would dare not come? , don’t blame me for being merciless, and Zhan Sheng may preside over this family meeting in the future. Do you have any opinions?” Huo Zhenqian looked at everyone with a hypocritical smile.

At this time, Huo Zhenqian was in full swing, so naturally no one wanted to confront him.

Soon, Huo Zhenqian continued: "I brought you here today because I have two things to say, the first thing is about the beast tide, and the second thing is about me, who has been wandering outside for many years. The son returned to the family. Because the enemy is now, the beast tide may reach our Luoyang City tomorrow morning, or tomorrow morning, so the first thing is to let you fight

Prepare to fight! "

Hearing Huo Zhenqian's words, the elders of the family who were still able to sit firmly in their seats were a little nervous.

After all, the beast tide is not a joke. Otherwise, the whole family will be dragged down by the beast tide. Even if Luoyang City falls, they will become the food of fierce beasts. So these family elders whispered to each other, and some elders even formed an alliance, ready to advance and retreat together.

For these, Huo Zhenqian had expected it a long time ago, and among these elders, he still had many confidantes, some meanings were conveyed by it, and the situation was completely within his control, so he didn't need to worry at all.

"Patriarch, we will listen to what you say. After all, this beast swarm is not just about our family, but about the entire Luoyang City." An elder took the lead and shouted.

"That's good, now according to my deployment, you all listen carefully..." Huo Zhenqian immediately read out a document he had prepared.

In fact, these things had already been written by hand when a large-scale beast tide appeared in the entire Guangdu City. It can be seen that although this Huo Zhenqian is cruel and ruthless, he also has his extraordinary side, and even many things may be planned for a rainy day, otherwise, it is impossible for him to have such a great prestige in the Huo family.

After some discussion and discussion, it soon came to Huo Qiang's matter.

Sure enough, as soon as he said something, people began to object again.

"Patriarch, I think it is definitely feasible for Huo Qiang to return to the Huo family. After all, your blood is the blood of our Huo family. But he is a concubine disciple who wants to be the heir, so let's forget it!" An elder stood up and objected.

"I don't think so. What happened to Huo Qiang back then was also very miserable. What's more, my cousin was originally a direct descendant of a rich family. She was able to marry the head of the family, and she was considered a good family. How could her son lose the heir because of her status?" Identity?" Hearing what the elder said, Huo Qiangsheng immediately stood up and shouted.

"Johnson is right. I don't think there is any need to be too entangled in this matter. After all, Huo Qiang's return to the family this time is not without contribution. What's more, I feel very guilty about his mother's affairs!" Huo Zhen It suddenly occurred to him a few days ago that Huo Qiang still had a distant cousin in the family, and it was really a big deal that this matter could not be handled properly.

Not only that, his cousin is also an elder with real power, if his cousin supports Huo Qiang as the patriarch, it may not be hopeless.

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