The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 303 Leading a Sneak Attack

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Chapter 303 Leading a Sneak Attack

After this battle ended, many families and forces also changed shifts to rest, especially the families that had just been on the battlefield brought the wounded back for healing, and even provided compensation to the family members of the deceased.

But no matter how important they are, they must gather in the City Lord's Mansion after an hour, otherwise they will be dealt with as a crime of collaborating with the enemy, so after an hour, even Elder Zhan from Duobao Pavilion will come to the City Lord's Mansion no matter whether they are willing or not.

At this moment, Huo Zhen rubbed his temples to relieve his headache, finally sat on his throne, and began to deploy for the second battle.

Although the human army won a battle this time, the price they paid was heavy, and this time many fierce beasts charged towards the city gate at the cost of their lives. The formation that originally guarded the entire Luoyang City was also at the first The loss of the day is huge. If it wasn't for the array to provide a good buffer for the human army, I am afraid that the loss of the human army will at least double this time, maybe it is more than this number.

"Everyone, we have achieved good results in the first battle, but this is only the beginning. I wonder if you have any better suggestions?" Huo Zhenqian sat on the throne of the city lord, looking at the many powerful speakers below, but What he cares most about is the opinions of Duobao Pavilion and the heads of several big families.

"My lord, this time the army of beasts is attacking us, if we just stick to Luoyang City, we can avoid large-scale casualties, but don't forget, the city lord, Luoyang City can only withstand it for a while, not for a lifetime , Even today the army of fierce beasts just sent some cannon fodder to die, and there were almost no powerful beasts to fight, so it can be said that this battle was not beautiful!" The head of the Lu family said with some disdain.

In Luoyang City, there are four major families, the Sun family is one, the Zhu family is one, and the Huo family is one, and this Lu family is the most low-key one among these four families, but in terms of background, it is also the strongest one of.

Now, the Patriarch of the Lu Family's few words can be said to have pointed out today's problems, which really made the people of the four major families think secretly, and the representatives of some other small forces also showed some hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Huo Zhenqian wanted to say something to refute, but he couldn't think of a better one for a while.

After all, where the facts are, he is helpless even if the beast insists on rushing up to die, and with the background of the Lu family, it is even more difficult for him to refute.

"City Master, I have an idea, maybe it can relieve some pressure on our Luoyang City!" Just as everyone was thinking hard, the leader of a small faction stepped forward, a fake yellow-rank beast master.

However, this man has a small head and a small brain, and there seems to be a flash of light in his eyes. Although he doesn't look like a good thing, he is definitely a shrewd person, so Huo Zhenqian nodded and asked him to stand up say.

"Thank you, City Lord!" The rat came out from the crowd, bowed his hands to everyone, and then said with a smile: "This time, less than one-fifth of our Luoyang City fought, but the casualties are also obvious, if I guessed correctly "Tomorrow, the army of beasts will definitely expand its attack range, so that the army of beasts will also start to disperse. If we can draw out a surprise soldier and intersperse among these armies of beasts, we may be able to receive better results, even if we can't do heavy damage. The army of ferocious beasts can also kill as many ferocious beasts as possible, so as to reduce the pressure on several city gates." The mouse continued.

"Oh? You mean a sneak attack? That's right!" Huo Zhenqian waved his hand at this multiple, letting him return to his team. Ten pieces of yellow spar were lost and rewarded.

"Everyone, let's see if this strategy is feasible. If anyone is willing to lead someone to charge!" Huo Zhenqian looked at the crowd below, and said with some expectation.

But no one answered his words for a while, which made Huo Zhenqian a little embarrassed.

Because he thought it was a good idea, wouldn't anyone see it?

Then he turned his attention to his two sons. It's a pity that at this time, his two sons have become counselors.

You must know that according to this plan, although they can make meritorious deeds, they have a high chance of being killed. If they fail, there is no possibility of escaping, so they don't want to rush forward to die.

"Patriarch Zhu, is there such a talent in your family?" Huo Zhenqian looked at Patriarch Zhu, wanting to get his support, but unfortunately, Patriarch Zhu ignored Huo Zhenqian at all, and let Huo Zhenqian It seemed a little awkward before the earthquake.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Huo Zhenqian coughed a few times, then turned his head to the Patriarch of the Sun family, and said the same words again. But the face of the Patriarch of the Sun family became even worse.

This made Huo Zhenqian very angry. The attitude of the Patriarch of the Lu family had been shown just now, and he couldn't ask any more questions. Otherwise, no one from the Huo family would stand up, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

So Huo Zhen thought of rewards before.

Since no one stood up, it should be rewarded for meritorious deeds.

"Cough, cough, since no one has volunteered, as the city lord, I will now offer a reward. This time, there will be twenty yellow-rank beast masters. The number of senior beast masters should not be higher than that of the yellow-rank beast masters. The yellow-rank beast master and the senior beast master will give fifty yellow-rank spar and 20 yellow-rank spar respectively, and the team leader will give a hundred yellow-rank spar. At the same time, rewards will be given for meritorious service!" Huo Zhenqian made a lot of money this time.

You must know that every previous mission did not have such a rich reward. At this moment, many people were tempted.

However, the leader did not come out

Before the discovery, no one dared to move, otherwise, if they met a fool as the team leader, wouldn't they die together? What's more, all rewards are issued after returning, who would die for rewards that have no side?

What's more, if you want to become a team leader, you have to take the lead. If you don't have a strong success, you will die if you go out, so no one is willing to be a team leader for the time being.

"Huh? No one is willing to be the team leader? It seems that the rewards are still not rich enough. The team leader's reward has been increased to 200 yellow crystals!" Huo Zhenqian gritted his teeth and said again.

"Is the reward still not enough? Well, this time the strong man who went to sneak attack will have twice the points for killing the enemy!" Huo Zhenqian really went all out. Such a big reward really made some people tempted again.

After all, a large number of tokens will be issued for every beast tide, and every time you kill a beast, you will have corresponding points. If the family points are huge, the city where they are located will provide a variety of welfare policies in terms of commerce and land to encourage these families to rebuild their homes very quickly and re-strengthen their power.

"I..." Huang rank beast masters were still hesitant, at this moment, Lu Yang stood out from the crowd.

"City Lord, I am willing to go with my young master, and I will serve him as the team leader!" Lu Yang stood in front, while Huo Qiang stood behind, both of them showed enough confidence.

"Huh? This is a disciple of the Huo family, my son! Yes, yes, I am very pleased that you can stand up on behalf of the Huo family. But are you really strong? Don't go to death. After all, you are not alone It's a matter of people, but the lives of many yellow rank beast masters, I hope you think twice. Now there are candidates for the team leader, and you want to compete for the team leader!" Seeing that someone finally stood up, Huo Zhenqian immediately became happy.

If there weren't too many people here, he really wanted to hug his son and kiss him. Of course, it would be even better if there was a daughter standing in front of him.

After all, a daughter's face must be more tender than a son's.

"I want to compete, I want to compete!" After Lu Yang stood up, five more yellow beast masters stood up and wanted to challenge Lu Yang.

"Oh, so many? Let's use group elimination now!" Huo Zhenqian looked at the six yellow rank beast masters, and immediately made a wise decision.

However, in his opinion, among the six yellow rank beast masters, there were only two who were slightly stronger, and Lu Yang was not one of them.

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