The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 305: Pump Your Face Into Your Butt

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Chapter 305: Pump Your Face Into Your Butt

Lu Yang defeated Zhu Xiaotian, and the other Huang rank beast master could only admit defeat automatically.

What Huo Zhen didn't expect before was that a person he was not optimistic about at the beginning became the leader of the team. But since he has this strength, let him go. If Huo Qiang can be killed along with it, that would be the best situation.

On the surface, Huo Zhenqian seemed to be extremely concerned and took care of him, and some resources were rewarded in advance. Although it was only a little bit, it was considered comforting.

Next is the recruitment of players.

With Zhu Xiaotian's joining, Lu Yang personally selected the ten members, and Huo Qiang was the only senior beast master. After all, under such circumstances, a yellow rank beast master could die at any time, let alone a senior beast master.

After this matter was decided, the entire meeting discussed some other matters, and it was considered a successful conclusion. Then Lu Yang went to Duobao Pavilion to get a lot of healing elixir, and brought Huo Qiang back to Huo's house.

Now the Huo family has become more popular because of the attack of the army of fierce beasts. People come and go inside, and it seems to be much more lively than usual, but Lu Yang understands that this kind of excitement is just a temporary excitement. Well, once the war is over, people like the Huo family will run out, maybe they did something bad.

But the disciples of other big families are not the same! Although it is said that the big families in Luoyang City do not do things like robbing men and dominating women all day long, it is inevitable for those flamboyant disciples to spend a lot of time.

If it wasn't for the coming of war, I'm afraid they might be drunk and dreamed of death for the rest of their lives. But how long can such a family really prosper? Perhaps if the Huo family is managed by a cautious person like Huo Qiang, there will be some improvement!

"Hahaha, brother, today I really want to congratulate you, you got a chance to make meritorious service!" Just when Huo Qiang and Lu Yang walked into Huo's house, Huo Yanjie led Huo Yanbing away swaggeringly come over.

Today, Lu Yang was a breeze, which meant that Huo Qiang gave the Huo family a break from the limelight. The two of them were naturally a little unwilling, so they wanted to regain some self-esteem in front of Huo Qiang.

If they hadn't seen Lu Yang's tyrannical strength today, I'm afraid they would have said some even worse things.

"Two brothers, I really want to thank you. If you didn't bring me back from that place, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the opportunity to represent the Huo family to make meritorious deeds. Maybe I will become an elder in the future after I accumulate military exploits. That At that time, I will be able to sit on an equal footing with the two older brothers!" It can be seen that these two guys are fully capable of showing off their power as elders, and Huo Qiang has long been on fire.

"Haha, brother, are you joking? Elder? A high-ranking beast master also becomes an elder, forget it! If you didn't have a good slave, how could you still be so arrogant?" Huo Yanbing looked at Lu Yang , said a little annoyed, but more in his heart was jealousy!

"Damn it, if I have such a slave, I will trample you to death." This is the most real thought of Huo Yanbing at the moment. But he regretted it as soon as he said it. Because an extremely loud slap had already hit him in the face.

There was a "slap", the sound of this slap was so loud in Huo Yanbing's ears, it was so ironic, almost a slap made Huo Yanbing stupid and bewildered.

However, in Huo Qiang's ears, the sound of the slap turned into an incomparably pleasant faint sound, so crisp and pleasant, as if it had the power to bring the dead back to life.

Two people have two feelings, and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

But then Huo Yanbing's screams resounded throughout the Huo family mansion.

"Damn, you dare to hit me, you are just a slave of this little bastard, how dare you..."

"Papa!" Just when Huo Yanbing was about to say something, two more slaps fell from the sky, hitting Huo Yanbing's face like two copper hammers, and hitting his heart, which made him feel incomparable. The fragile heart was shattered at once.

"Nimma, is this a slap in the face? It's just a spanking, and it's not so fierce!" Indeed, after three slaps, Huo Yanbing's face was as round and big as his butt.

"How about it, do you still want to make your face more beautiful? If you don't want to, get out!" Lu Yang looked at Huo Yanbing with a face of resentment, his eyes almost burst into flames.

But these three slaps made him realize the reality, that is, he is also a yellow-rank beast master, and he is a scum in front of Lu Yang.

If he is a baby, then Lu Yang's strength is already comparable to a strong man, and there is almost no comparison between the two, so he doesn't want to stay here to be ashamed, and Huo Yanjie is also aware of this situation, and immediately took Huo Yang The Pyroman fled.

"Hahaha..." Seeing the face of Huo Yanbing who had been bullying him, he was beaten like a pig's head, before Huo Yanbing and Huo Yanjie brothers walked away, Huo Qiang couldn't control his laughter, almost To fill the entire courtyard.

Huo Yanbing, who was so angry, didn't walk steadily, and fell to the ground with a piece of shit, and a front tooth was directly broken, so his hatred for Lu Yang and Huo Qiang increased a bit.

"Remember, this matter is endless!" Huo Yanbing's leaking voice suddenly came from his throat, like a cry, and then the two left as if fleeing for their lives.

"Thank you, master!" If it weren't for the crowds here, Huo Qiang really wanted to kneel down to Lu Yang. Because he has never been so happy in his life, it is good to be covered by someone!

"Oh, don't worry

, sooner or later this Huo family will be yours too. But this time you go out, you must raise your strength to the level of a yellow beast master. After all, if you are stronger than them, they will not underestimate you! " Lu Yang was not interested in killing the two flies at first thought, and this time he just took a random shot to teach him a lesson.

Afterwards, Lu Yang brought Huo Qiang back to Huo Qiang's courtyard, and now he was going to give Huo Qiang a yellow-rank beast for emotional training. After all, with Huo Qiang's talent, it would take some time to be promoted to the rank of Yellow Beast Master, but now there is not so much time to wait.

But now that Lu Yang has the beast control system, and Duobao Pavilion gave him the yellow-rank beast control technique, it is absolutely possible to encourage Huo Qiang and improve his cultivation level.

What's more, the improvement of this realm is not accidental, nor is it the effect of using ammunition to improve, which will only squeeze the potential. In fact, it is also a means of transitioning from a fake yellow-rank beast master to a yellow-rank beast master. It's just that such a method may not be available even in some second-tier main cities, and even if they do, they will have to pay a considerable price.

But here in Lu Yang, it is really so easy to use it. If some big families know about it, they will definitely try their best to seize it.

But to Lu Yang and Huo Qiang, this was no secret.

After returning to the courtyard, Lu Yang activated the beast control system, erased the memory of a yellow beast, and placed it in front of Huo Qiang. At this moment, Huo Qiang only needs to perform the beast control technique over and over again, and there is a certain chance for him to subdue this yellow beast.

It's just that there are some variables in it, maybe a hundred, two hundred, or even a thousand attempts, in short, as long as Huo Qiang is patient, he will definitely succeed.

Of course, even if he didn't succeed, there would still be Lu Yang's last help to him. Although that was not good, it was not without the opportunity for him to become a pseudo-yellow rank beast master before he acted the next day.

"Let's start!" Lu Yang put the white-haired tiger king by his side while comforting it, and let Huo Qiang try it.

Although Huo Qiang was extremely nervous, but with Lu Yang beside him helping him protect the law, he was not so nervous, so he quickly performed the first beast control technique for the first time.

It's just that if he leapfrogged to subdue the beast, the success rate would definitely not be very high. What's more, as a real yellow-ranked beast master, it would be great luck if he could succeed once out of ten trials. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many false yellow-ranked beast masters.

So Huo Qiang tried again and again, and finally when it reached 999 times, Huo Qiang felt that the white-haired tiger king seemed to have some feelings for him.

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