The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 309 Half Step Patriarch

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Chapter 309 Half Step Patriarch

The strength of a black-rank beast is almost unmatched in front of a yellow-rank beast master, not to mention that this fire dragon has comprehended the flame rune, and its combat power has directly improved a lot.

If this anxious fire dragon continues to wreak havoc like this, the casualties of the entire human army will increase by more than ten times.

"There are four ancestors!" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Huo Zhenqian immediately shouted loudly.

At this moment, his voice can no longer be measured by the voice of a human race. Its sharpness is beyond the reach of some ferocious beasts. Then a large number of sound waves spread out from the middle of his throat and went straight into the sky.

Then I saw four light clusters of different colors slowly descending from the sky.

Although none of these four people has reached the level of a mysterious beast master, they are all worthy of the name. As long as they can get a straight beast, they can be promoted.

Of course, there is another realm above them, and that is to be a beast master of the Xuan rank. It can be said that this title is also a very embarrassing word, it's like a person has a luxurious house, but there is no suitable person to live in it.

But now that the beast tide is coming, I am afraid that there will be a shortage of others, but the number of these mysterious beasts will not be small, so these pseudo-mysterious beast masters have a chance to get their own as long as they dare to work hard. Battle pet.

"Quack, Jihuolong, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" One of the patriarchs, whose body was covered with a khaki-yellow light, looked at Jihuolong and said angrily.

After all, they were all the lowest existences in the army at the beginning, but now that Jihuo Jiaolong has grown to such a point, he feels very uncomfortable.

At the beginning, he laughed at Jihuo Jiaolong for a long time. At that time, Jihuo Jiaolong couldn't speak, but now the other party is a mysterious beast. The difference between the two can no longer be made up with time.

"Hmph, Zhixiang, you old man, you were just a high-level beast who bullied me back then. Now that the feng shui has changed, I'm back again. Let's have new and old grudges together today!" Jihuo Jiaolong looked at the earth element Patriarch Zhixiang said with a cold smile.

But the time he spoke has already spewed out a mouthful of fire. This is not a harmonious scene where old friends meet, but the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet!

"Kill, this guy is the most cunning, don't let him be too arrogant, otherwise we will be the ones who are unlucky!" Thinking of the scene of being trapped by the dragon, Zhixiang still feels hot when he thinks about it.

Fortunately, Zhixiang was not interested in mentioning the past in detail today, otherwise, he would be really ashamed today, so now that the other party is directly attacking, there is no need for him to delay any longer.

"Huh, Zhixiang, you are still the same as before, in short, you are in a hurry, so why don't you let your old friend say a few more words?" Seeing that Zhixiang had already made a move, Huo Sen, who was next to him, suddenly smiled sarcastically Said.

Among the four ancestors, he knew Zhixiang best.

It is seen that Zhixiang is the ancestor of the earth system, but his character is not as good as that of the ancestor of the fire system.

"Hahaha, don't you know that this is the enemy's current situation? If there is any conflict, kill this beast and let's talk about it!" Muzi Li, the ancestor of the wood department, also jokingly said beside him.

"I said why do you guys care so little about your image? We are the patriarchs!" Seeing the three of them chatting so happily, the water patriarch who had been silent for a while also yelled.

However, although the four ancestors were teasing each other, their speed did not relax at all.

In an instant, the four patriarchs surrounded the Jihuo Flood Dragon, and as four strands of rune power surged out of their bodies, a simple restraining formation was quickly formed.

For a moment, the four powerful forces trapped the Jihuo Jiaolong firmly in the middle, making the Jihuo Jiaolong in a passive state.

"Master City Lord, lead people to rush to kill as soon as possible, otherwise, we won't last long!" The four ancestors shouted at the same time, which shocked Huo Zhenqian's whole spirit, and at this moment, the formation of Luoyang City was fully activated , the human army immediately rushed forward with indomitable courage.

"Huo Qiang hopes you don't let me down!" Thinking that in order to cooperate with Huo Qiang's sneak attack, he even mobilized the four ancestors. It's getting worse and worse, but he is still willing to play this round, after all, he has no other better way.

"The battle has already started ahead. Let's quickly kill the enemy from behind and join them!" Lu Yang led the team to succeed again and again, which made these yellow-rank beast masters have more and more confidence in Lu Yang. Now that Lu Yang said that there is no problem in this battle, then there is absolutely no problem.

They rushed all the way, and had killed ten yellow-rank beasts, and countless under the yellow-rank beasts. Now they have finally come to the back of the main army of beasts. According to Lu Yang's plan, everything is ready now, and they will surprise the army of beasts.

"Kill!" Lu Yang took the lead and rushed into the army of beasts. All the beasts of the yellow rank were beheaded by Lu Yang for a while, and the rear of the army of beasts immediately became a mess.

"What's going on?" Jihuo Jiaolong's eyes turned cold, and he backed away in the blink of an eye. Then it looked at the location of the commotion, and saw a small group of human beast masters killing them from behind their team. The number of opponents is small, but the losses brought to the army far exceed its


It immediately ordered his men to stop it. Then I saw a yellow-ranked Dzogchen beast rushing towards the team led by Lu Yang, followed by more than forty yellow-ranked beasts.

"Okay, they have already killed them, brothers, our Yuan Jun has come, work harder, as long as the number of enemies killed today exceeds 500 points, the City Lord's Mansion will reward you a lot!" Huo Zhenqian stood at the end of the team Fang, but his voice was not low at all, and even included the entire human army.

At this moment, the team led by Lu Yang also charged up from behind, but before they were too happy, they saw dozens of fierce beasts charging towards them.

"What, so many ferocious beasts are coming towards us, we won't really give our lives here!" Seeing so many ferocious beasts of the yellow rank rushing towards us, several originally The confident Huang Jie beast master almost shortened his legs and knelt on the ground.

It's just that no matter how frightened they are at this time, they have to use 100% of their usual courage to charge forward, otherwise, they will have no way out.

"Brothers, the front is our defense zone. If we can resist the attack of this wave of beasts, we will have enough time to rush to our defense zone. When we get there, our achievements will be completely settled. Not only will we Becoming a hero of Luoyang City will bring enough honor to the family and our family, now listen to my order and follow me to fight!" Following Lu Yang's order, all the yellow rank beast masters followed him Charge up.

And Lu Yang naturally chose his target on the yellow-rank Dzogchen beast.

With a sound of "boom", this black-skinned flood dragon slapped it with one claw, and it even tied with a human beast master. The black-skinned dragon was taken aback for a moment, then looked at his claws again, and after making sure it was not a dream, he rushed towards Lu Yang again.

You must know that although its skin is black, it looks a bit ugly, but the defensive power brought by its black skin is definitely not what ordinary yellow-rank beasts can possess, and even a full-strength attack by the Jihuolong may not be able to do so. It hurt its body, let alone this human beast master.

"Quack quack, poor human race, don't be too arrogant, now that you have met grandpa, I promise to make you feel comfortable all over!"


Following the swing of the black dragon's body, a big black tail slammed fiercely at Lu Yang's body.

Just after the two forces collided, Lu Yang still only took a few steps back, while the black-skinned dragon took a big step back.

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