The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 314: The Illusion Behind the Winning Streak

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Chapter 314: The Illusion Behind the Winning Streak

Lu Yang originally didn't want to care about these people. Anyway, in a few days, or even tomorrow, the army of fierce beasts will attack in one fell swoop and beat them to death.

But he didn't expect these guys to come to his door recklessly. Lu Yang didn't mind killing them with his hands and feet. For him, these guys must die, but they didn't die by his hands.

"Caught it?" Wanting to do it and actually doing it are completely different things. Even this yellow-ranked beast master who wants to force Lu Yang's meritorious token feels that Lu Yang is not so easy to deal with, but he is just In order to show his courage in front of the two young masters, if Lu Yang dodges, he will immediately show off, not really wanting his medal of meritorious service.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and he still understands this truth. But now Lu Yang didn't dodge, but looked at him gloatingly, which made him feel a little unacceptable.

Because Lu Yang's expression is full of ridicule now, no, it's like when a cat is catching a mouse, that's playing tricks.

At this moment, Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing realized one thing, that is, they had offended someone they could not afford to offend.

Because even if his father thought that Lu Yanggong was superior, he only used a tactful way to push him a little bit higher, and even pretended to be extremely respectful on the surface.

That's not because Lu Yang made meritorious deeds, but because his strength is really strong, and he can kill the existence of a yellow-rank Dzogchen beast. It's definitely not a kitten, but a tiger.

Now they have only done a little bit of trivial things, and they are already overwhelmed. It seems that they are too overwhelmed if they want to show their strength in front of the tiger.

For a moment, the Huang rank beast master who grabbed the token of Lu Yang's meritorious service suddenly became a little scared. At this moment, his hand didn't know whether to take it away, but stayed on the token all the time, while Huo Yanjie and Huo Yan The two brothers Bing were also a little dumbfounded.

However, Lu Yang didn't seem to express anything, but a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Could he admit it?" Huo Yanjie didn't want to say more at the moment, he walked directly in front of Lu Yang and pulled the merit token off, then held it in his hand.

Seeing this token, he was suddenly furious, because he and his younger brother had been born and died so many times, and his father had never given him a token, but the trash in front of him had only done one meritorious service, and now he has this supreme glory , he was not reconciled, and he wanted to break the token of merit as he spoke.

But before he could make a move, he saw Lu Yang slowly walking towards him. Huo Yanjie was so frightened by that powerful force that he dared not speak, and the others had no intention of stepping forward to help.

Lu Yang sighed, and said: "Mr. Huo Yanjie, this token looks like it has a name engraved on it. If you want me to ask your father to destroy this token and make you a new one, why bother?" What about this stupid way?"

"Stupid?" As soon as he heard this word, Huo Yanjie's head grew bigger. He hated others to say that he was stupid, but Lu Yang just did this. This is the real stupidity.

Hearing this word, Huo Yanbing immediately looked at the dead, because he had already thought of the scene where Huo Yanjie used countless methods to torture Lu Yang to death.

"Hahaha, you say I'm stupid, okay, I'll show you my stupidity once today, someone will beat me to death!" Huo Yanjie pointed at Lu Yang and laughed loudly.

But his smile became weaker and weaker, because one of the yellow-ranked beast masters had already rushed forward, a confidant who charged up with the belief of victory, but before he ran to Lu Yang, he Being taken a step ahead by Lu Yang, he grabbed his neck and lifted him into the air, struggling helplessly like a chicken.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yang would cut off the neck of this yellow-ranked beastmaster, he just threw the yellow-ranked beastmaster on the ground like a dead dog, and then walked slowly towards Huo Yanjie.

"My lord, your behavior today seems to be wrong. Last time I remembered that I should have taught your brother a lesson, but now you two don't give up! You, don't move!" Just as a yellow rank beast master thought, When he was about to rush up to protect the lord, Lu Yang suddenly pointed, as if infinite power shot at the yellow-ranked beast master from the air. The yellow-ranked beast master couldn't bear the pressure, and suddenly fell to the ground and fainted. past.

All of a sudden, except for Huo Yanjie, everyone seemed to have seen an ancient beast. They knelt on the ground and dared not move. Only Huo Yanjie wanted to kneel down, but his knees couldn't be bent. It was very painful to be able to stand so stiffly.

Soon, Lu Yang came to Huo Yanjie with a smile, grabbed Huo Yanjie from the ground, and said, "My lord, why are you so scared so quickly? Are you very angry with me?" Dissatisfied!"

"I, I..." Huo Yanjie was almost frightened because Lu Yang's momentum had made him unable to breathe. If he hadn't been holding back, his body might be full of water. It's a stench.

"Me, what? If you don't have the guts, don't provoke me, get out!" Lu Yang sighed, thinking that something funny would happen if the two brothers came to find them, but they turned out to be two useless trash.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yang threw the two trash out with a wave of his hand. Apart from looking at Lu Yang viciously, Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing were extremely disappointed with his subordinates.

I was blowing hype before, but now it's time for the real thing, and it's not like trash

Similarly, before the enemy could kill him, he frightened himself to death. It's also my fault that I believed them so much.

Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing were really frightened to death this time, but their hatred for Lu Yang had reached the extreme.

"Brother, should we tell father about this?" Huo Yanbing became more and more breathless as he walked, and he suddenly thought of a clever plan and said to his brother.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Huo Yanjie was threatened by Lu Yang, and he wished he could cut him into minced meat and eat him. Now that Huo Yanbing had this proposal, he immediately responded.

Although Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing had already started to calculate, Lu Yang never cared about these clown-like people. After all, it is true that there are too many ants and elephants can be bitten painfully, but elephants will definitely not go to trouble with ants, not to mention that in Lu Yang's view, in the next few days, including Huo Zhenqian, Those who are eager for quick success will not end well, and even some of them will be killed by the army of fierce beasts into the trap.

Originally, Lu Yang wanted to give some advice to Huo Zhenqian, but for Huo Zhenqian, all he has to do now is to make meritorious service. Although he is also very cautious, the beast is more cunning than they imagined, otherwise, it would be too late. It is impossible to send a team of advance troops to attack Donglai City first, so as to attract the troops of Luoyang City. If Murong Qiankun hadn't detected the problem first, their casualties would have been very heavy.

"Master, how long do you think it will take for the army of murderers to reveal their true colors?" Seeing his elder brother and second brother leave, even though he felt some grudges in his heart, he actually didn't want these two people to die in vain.

However, based on what they did to his mother and their current attitude, he didn't want to make things easier for Huo Yanjie and Huo Yanbing. In short, although he would not make trouble, he would definitely not help them either.

"It should be within a few days. After all, the army of beasts is suffering more and more casualties, and they won't last long." Lu Yang sighed.

Although he probably expected the direction of things, he was still powerless to change anything. This is probably life.

However, if Huo Zhen leads his troops to defeat before, it will be good for him. If he can take over the position of city lord, perhaps, as Elder Zhan said, all the credit for this Luoyang city will be given to him, so that he will be promoted later. The opportunity for the Pavilion Master will also increase.

"I know Master!" After thinking for a while, Huo Qiang followed Lu Yang back to the mansion and practiced desperately.

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