The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 316 Turning the tide again

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Chapter 316 Turning the tide again

"Quack quack, my lovely city lord, don't think I'm a fool, I can always take advantage of your human army. You human beast masters are so naive, are we really fools when we are beasts?"

"Let me tell you, I used to play tricks to give you a little benefit, but now it's time for me to collect interest!" With a flash of Jihuolong's figure, he rushed towards Huo Zhen.

The first time Huo Zhenqian fought against Jihuolong, he broke one of his arms. The second time he fought, the shoulder blades on his back were completely shattered, and even the bones of his spine were shattered. The second time, he was killed by Jihuo Jiaolong. But at this time, he had already lost more than 60% of his combat strength, and now that he had delivered Jiaolong's third kill, what awaited him in front of Huo Zhen would be a true farewell to this world.

"Quack quack, stupid human beast master, go to hell!" Jihuo Jiaolong really loves this human race. If it weren't for his stupidity, how could there be an army of fierce beasts to win a big victory!

The 10,000-strong human army just turned into nothingness, so what if the human army comes to meet them now, can they reverse the time and bring these dead human beast masters back to life?

"Quack quack, go to hell!" At this moment, the huge tail of the anxious dragon had come to Huo Zhenqian's back.

Huo Zhenqian's heart turned cold, knowing that his life was not long, but he still took out all the rune crystals in his pocket and threw them out viciously.

Although the four or five crystal stones caused some damage to the beast master of the Xuan rank, the big eight or nine meter long tail still lashed at his body and flew him away.

"Crunch, crunch..."


At this moment, almost 80% of the bones in Huo Zhenqian's body were shattered. After spraying three or four mouthfuls of blood, he finally passed out happily. If he was sober, he would probably be bitten to death by ferocious beasts like his two sons, and fall into endless hell.

"Father!" Although Huo Zhenqian was very unfair to him, for Huo Qiang, Huo Zhenqian was also his father, and he was also his only close relative.

If Huo Zhenqian really died, then he would become an orphan without father and mother. He really didn't want to bear this feeling anymore, so when Huo Zhenqian was hit by the rushing dragon, Huo Zhenqian Qiang even rushed to Huo Zhen's front at an accelerated speed, wrapped him up, and handed him over to a yellow rank beast master behind him.

"Take good care of my father, and hand it over to the military doctor!" Lu Yang asked Duobao Pavilion to arrange for this yellow beast master to Huo Qiang to protect him. Now Huo Qiang didn't even think about it, and gave her father the chance of surviving first.

For him, if his father couldn't be sent back, it would definitely be a dead end, but at least he still had a chance to go back alive, so he didn't want to be protected anymore.

"Huh?" Lu Yang was slightly taken aback when he saw that the Huang-rank beast master who was escorting Huo Qiang was walking back with Huo Qiang's father Huo Zhen in his arms, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face.

If Huo Qiang is loyal to him but doesn't care about his father's life or death, then his loyalty can't be maintained for too long, and it will even form a psychological shadow that will accompany him throughout his life.

But now it seems that Huo Qiang should be the same or something, as long as he survives this battle, he will definitely be superior in the future.

"Kill, stop the army of beasts!" Although the momentum of the human race weakened and the morale of the army of beasts boosted, Lu Yang still rushed forward with a large number of human troops, and the four ancestors followed Lu Yang all the time. behind him to protect his safety at all times.

"Quack quack, you hateful human beast master, it's a dream to think that this can pose a threat to me. And you ignorant boy, since you choose to fight against me, then go to hell with me!" Seeing Huo Qiang rescued Huo Zhenqian, and the eyes of the anxious dragon seemed to spew fire, but for him, killing a yellow beast was like strangling an ant, let alone dealing with a high-level beast master!

At this moment, Jihuo Jiaolong's body accelerated again, and rushed towards Huo Qiang's position.

One must know that his speed far exceeds that of a yellow-ranked beast master, not to mention that Huo Qiang is only a high-level beast master. If he is hit lightly by the rushing dragon, it is enough for him to die seven or eight times. So when he felt the rushing dragon hitting him, he was not nervous, but tried to keep a distance between himself and the rushing dragon, so that he could minimize the damage done to him by the rushing dragon.

At the same time, Lu Yang had already caught up from behind.

"Hahaha, damn bug, die for me!" Said, Jihuolong was only a few tens of meters away from Huo Qiang, and as long as it took another breath, it could smash Huo Qiang to pieces.

But at this moment, Lu Yang caught up from behind.

With a sound of "Puff", as a large amount of blood gushed out from Huo Qiang's body, the Urgent Fire Dragon had already hit Huo Qiang's body, and with one tenth of his breath, Huo Qiang would be killed by the Urgent Fire Dragon die.

Huo Qiang no longer had any painful expression on his face. For him, fighting to death might be the best choice.

"Die to me!" At the last moment of his life, Huo Qiang stabbed the long sword in his hand into the body of the Jihuo Jiaolong. This was a blow with all his strength.

Just when he thought he was going to die, suddenly a spatial crack opened from the void, and Lu Yang dragged Huo Qiang into it.

In the blink of an eye, the Jihuo Jiaolong slammed into it, and unexpectedly

After hitting the ground, the four ancestors rushed up and surrounded the Jihuolong.

"Hehehe, am I going to die?" Although Huo Qiang was rescued by Lu Yang in time, and his body was not smashed to pieces, his internal organs were still greatly damaged. I am afraid that even if he survives, he may not be able to recover, so at this moment Huo Qiang lost all hope.

"Get out!" Regardless of Huo Qiang's injury, Lu Yang still slapped Huo Qiang on the face.

At this moment, Huo Qiang was spitting blood, and could only giggle.

Seeing Huo Qiang's expression now, Lu Yang's heart tightened, knowing that he should not punish him now, he immediately said to Huo Qiang, "Huo Qiang, listen to me now, you have been promoted to the yellow rank of beast master, I have There is a 90% certainty that you can be revived, but after being revived, whether your strength will suddenly become an ordinary person, or remain at the level of a yellow beast master, depends on your own efforts, let's start!"

Huo Qiang injected a large amount of energy from the beast control system into Huo Qiang's body. In an instant, Huo Qiang felt as if his body was being torn apart. The infinite energy was injected into his body with Lu Yang's hands. Injected into his wound, into the depths of his internal organs, and then he appeared in a dark world.

In this world besides him, there is another self, and that self is already seriously injured and dying, and all its wounds will be multiplied and transferred to his soul. If he can survive, then he will be able to tide over the difficulties, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!

"Send him back!" Seeing that his confidant was seriously injured by the murderer, Lu Yang was also angry.

The personnel of Duobao Pavilion listened to the order and went all out to encircle and suppress the beasts. Elder Zhan is led by you personally.

"Four patriarchs, you kill the mysterious beast with me, remember to take action when it's time to do so, you must never let this mysterious beast leave!" Lu Yang was really angry this time.

"I know Master Lu!" With the support of Duobao Pavilion, the four ancestors who would never appear in front of ordinary people have now become Lu Yang's subordinates. If this matter was put in the past, let alone It was Huo Qiang who didn't believe it, even if Huo Zhenqian heard it, he would think Lu Yang was crazy.

But now this scene has actually happened, and even these four ancestors have become assistants, and then it has become Lu Yang to kill the mysterious beast.

"Quack quack quack, poor human beast masters, are you really not good enough? Since I let a kid in the late stage of the yellow rank deal with me, it seems that today I will be forced to fight to the death with you! But it doesn't matter, I just like this kind of thing. Dangerous situations, come on, let me fight to become famous!" Jihuo Jiaolong became more and more arrogant as he spoke, and almost entered a state of madness.

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