The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 326 Changnan Mountain is crazy

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Chapter 326 Changnan Mountain is crazy

"Huh? What's going on? Is Changnanshan crazy?" Hearing Changnanshan's words, everyone including Lu Yang looked at Changnanshan as if they were watching a ghost.

After all, Changnan Mountain is the lord of Changhe City, and it is said that after Changhe City is promoted to the third-level main city in the future, it is the most likely to be promoted to the powerful existence of the Xuan-rank Beastmaster, but now he is crazy, how much pressure is needed to be able to do it? Let him become like this, is there really any unresolvable contradiction?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Hearing Chang Nanshan's words, Elder Zhan used some deduction techniques to figure out a rough idea. But he didn't dare to calculate in too much detail, otherwise the power of fate would be extremely powerful, and a little backlash would cause Elder Zhan to be severely injured.

Even so, because this matter is too important, Elder Zhan still tried it, and the result he got was unimaginably terrifying, because the final result he got was that Changhe City is likely to be slaughtered, and the time is probably about this time. In a few days, as for the others, there is no display.

"This Chang Nanshan is probably completely crazy. Even if he is not crazy, but with his current state, I am afraid he will not know anything. Besides, I think he has no control ability in his current state. It is better to send someone first. Keep him under control, it's better to put him in a cell, it's more appropriate!" Zhen Tianqing looked at Chang Nanshan alone and laughed non-stop, then his eyes straightened and he didn't say a word after a while, help me know There is really something wrong with Changnan Mountain.

Otherwise, with Chang Nanshan's identity, how could he behave so unbearably with such strength!

"Come here, send City Lord Chang away, and arrange for four elders of the Huang rank beast master to take turns to take care of them in the secret room!" Hearing Zhen Tianqing's words, Lu Yang also felt that it was very reasonable, and immediately arranged.

Soon Changnan Mountain was arranged to leave, and then Elder Zhan stood up and said in horror, "Just now, I used the deduction method and made a little calculation, and found that Changhe City turned out to be a dead end, and it is very likely that within a few days The city was massacred by a powerful force, and no chicken or dog was left inside!"

"What, then this problem is really big." Hearing Elder Zhan's words, Lu Yang also took a deep breath, because he knew very well what massacre was.

"Yes, although Changhe City has always competed with Luoyang City, if it really disappears, it will have a great impact on the entire Dongzhou City unless Dongzhou City will also be captured!" Luoyunshan thought for a while. , and finally said something even more unbelievable. After all, it is not impossible to capture a third-level city. Even after the army of beasts attacked the city of Guangming, it is not unheard of. Even some second-level main cities have been captured. From the perspective of the current situation, I am afraid that the area of ​​the entire war may still expand.

There are even many gossip rumors that the aggressive attack of the fierce beasts is because the fierce beasts discovered a certain seal node on the human continent, and they want to break the seal of the Shenlong Mountain Range to attack the human city.

Although this news has not been confirmed, judging from the current information, it may be very likely to be true. Otherwise, it is impossible for the city attacked by the army of beasts to be limited to such a small area as the Bright Capital.

Of course, when the topic comes back to Changhe City, there is a great possibility that the fierce beasts found something in Changhe City. As for why Lu Yang is looking for it, it is because Lu Yang is the only one in Dongzhou City. Because of the Space Rune Master, otherwise Elder Zhan and Zhen Tianqing would never have thought of other reasons.

Regarding this, even Luoyunshan believed that the possibility of it was as high as 60 to 70%.

"Then what about Changhe City?" The more Lu Yang thought about it, the worse things got. Even with the current situation, Changhe City has almost 90% chance of being massacred. It's a narrow escape.

But can he really solve the problem after he goes?

For Lu Yang, there is no answer to this question.

"City Lord Lu, we can't make a decision too hastily on this matter. After all, this is just my speculation, and many things have not yet been settled. If there is really a powerful force in Changhe City, even if we go, it will not help, let alone What's more, we all know that there is a powerful beast master of the Xuan rank in Changhe City. If he has nothing to do and lets the city lord go, is it really possible? What's more, the city lord still has a lot of things to deal with in Luoyang City. There is really no need to be distracted by the affairs of the Great River City."

"However, this matter must be reported to Dongzhou City as soon as possible with the flying beast, and wait for the city lord of Dongzhou City to make a decision. Otherwise, things will only become more and more troublesome, and even our Luoyang City will take responsibility for it. "Elder Zhan, as the great elder of Duobao Pavilion, could have imagined that if Duobao Pavilion in Changhe City was destroyed, then Duobao Pavilion in Luoyang City would also be severely punished if he knew what was going on.

"Okay, I'll do this right away!" Lu Yang is now the lord of the city, so Luoyunshan will naturally become a celebrity around the lord, and every move represents Duo Luyang's decision, and his current position is also The deputy city lord of Luoyang City can decide many things in Luoyang City to a certain extent.

"Uncle Luo, then I will leave this matter to you." Lu Yang nodded.

Then Elder Zhan also left, because he also wanted to report this matter to Duobao Pavilion in Dongzhou City as soon as possible.

Now there are only Zhen Tianqing and Lu Yang left in the entire conference hall.

"Lu Yang, what are your plans for this matter, do you want to go or not?" Zhen Tianqing asked after the others walked away.

In fact, such a problem is not

He came to ask, after all, this has already involved Lu Yang's privacy. Now that Zhentianqing can ask such a question, it means that he has treated Lu Yang as one of his own. At least if Lu Yang is really in danger, he will He will definitely try to find a way to rescue Lu Yang first, and if he can contribute, he will spare no effort.

"I can't go to this matter. It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that the strength of the existence that appeared in Changhe City this time is too terrifying. Even if I go, it won't help, and it may even catch up with me. Life. What's more, I am the Lord of Luoyang City, and now I want to go to Changhe City to help them solve their problems, which is a bit unreasonable both emotionally and rationally."

"Well, what you said is indeed good. Since this is the case, then I understand your choice. Lu Yang, don't worry, no matter what the outcome of this matter is, I will stand on your side and support you."

"But you can rest assured about one thing. After all, Changhe City is very likely to be promoted to a third-level main city in the future. Therefore, in the Duobao Pavilion of Changhe City, there must be such a formation that can quickly transmit messages. As long as you activate this formation The news must be sent to the Duobao Pavilion headquarters within a day, I believe my father will definitely make a decision on this matter, and it is even very likely that he has already sent a Xuan-rank beast master of the same strength to Changchanghe City." Zhen Tianqing could see that Lu Yang was still very concerned about the situation of Changhe City, so he comforted him.

Just judging from the current situation in Changnan Mountain, the situation in Changhe City may be even worse than expected.

While Lu Yang and Zhen Tianqing were discussing things, Changhe City was a miserable scene on the other side.

Dozens of yellow-ranked beast masters who wanted to resist were burned off by the firebird in an instant, and even the flesh and blood on the surface of their bodies were hung on the city gate.

Originally, some families wanted to resist on their own, but after Huo Niao's suppression, those big families that were about to make trouble returned to calm.

In addition, Firebird summoned a large number of fierce beasts with flame attributes from nowhere, guarding the four directions, trapping the entire Changhe City inside, and the originally depressing atmosphere in Changhe City became even more heavy for a while. In order to control the situation, some big families even began to exclude the disciples of the family to suppress them, causing casualties in Changhe City almost every day.

Originally, these families sometimes wanted to be perfunctory, but after the Firebird made a move that almost turned the residents within a kilometer of the scene of the incident into ashes along with everything else, these big families dared not say anything.

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