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Chapter 334 Wood Spar

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that we would finally enter this world. What we wanted at the beginning will now become a reality!" As this group of teams entered this secret realm, suddenly a group of teams broke out. Incomparably carefree dripping voice.

With the arrival of this team, Lu Yang frowned slightly. He didn't know about other teams, but this team was definitely an aggressive team, and even this team was the most threatening to him. of.

As the sound spread, seven or eight yellow-rank beast masters, led by a Xuan-rank beast master, began to search this area on a large scale. The time they searched was almost the same as when Lu Yang arrived. .

But Lu Yang knew in his heart that he was completely unknown to this area, but this group of people seemed to know a lot more about it than him, and even the people who could come here were probably third-level main cities, or even second-level main cities. The pride of the city.

Even if they weren't, they were all real geniuses in some big forces, so Lu Yang didn't want to meet these people yet, but chose to come to them to explore the unknown in the opposite direction to them.

Rather than saying that this is a world independent from the outside world, it is better to say that the life here is different from the outside world, almost in different forms, and even their existence is also different.

Because the life in the outside world almost depends on devouring other life to survive, at least that is the case for fierce beasts, and the human beast master needs to consume spar, but the creatures here seem to be able to continue to eat only by swallowing the aura of heaven and earth here. Survive, and their strength doesn't seem to be bad. Even when Lu Yang was just exploring, he had already seen some yellow-rank beasts.

Of course, the creatures here never take the initiative to attack other existences, so that Lu Yang doesn't know whether they are actively aggressive, or even have a certain degree of intelligence.

However, Lu Yang would not be a guinea pig for these people, and he has been in a hidden state, observing the reactions of these people in the dark, as if he had never appeared here.

Lu Yang has always had high confidence in himself.

He has been following these people, just to see what they can find.

However, as soon as these people entered this secret realm, they didn't seem to want to find anything, but set up formations here. At the beginning, the speed of the formation was relatively slow, but when the speed of the formation was As it got faster and faster, Lu Yang already noticed that something strange happened.

Because he found that there is a light green thing slowly forming in the formation, and this kind of thing has a very strong aura of heaven and earth, like a spar that is gradually compressed.

"Could it be that there is a river of spiritual energy here?" Lu Yang's heart trembled slightly, as if he had thought of something.

You must know that in the legend, there are some great powers that can really compress the aura in the world and finally turn it into a liquid. Once the amount of these liquids reaches a certain level, they can become crystals. This is the spar.

However, in comparison, the concentrated aura is a great tonic for the beast master, but it is relatively difficult to store, while the spar is just the opposite. Although it is very easy to store, it is difficult to be truly used by the beast master. The body absorbs it.

If the beast master wants to absorb this step of energy, he must use his skills to do so, but if he wants to switch between the two, he needs to use the corresponding formation to turn the thick aura into spar , but it is almost impossible to turn the spar into a thick aura, even if there is such a method, it can only be seen in some big families above the second-level main city.

Now that Lu Yang saw that these people could arrange this kind of formation, he knew that the opponent was definitely a beast master from a big city, and it was very likely that he was from a second-level main city or above.


With the formation of the first green crystal, the expectant eyes of these beast masters immediately turned into fanaticism.

"What, wood spar can be condensed here?" It is good to know that among the many property spars, wood spar is called the resurrection god pill. In fact, resurrection is a bit exaggerated, but once injured, wood spar can be used It is definitely a holy medicine for healing. The premise is that they must have the wood-born rune, or have a rune master who has mastered the wood-born rune by their side. Therefore, the beast master who has mastered the wood-born rune has sages in the team. The title means that they can bring the dead back to life.

"Hahaha, what the ancestor said is indeed correct. This place used to be the place of the great power, and the large amount of wood-born aura here is sealed here by the great power. Speaking of which, we The family still has some connection with that great power!" The beast master of the Xuan rank looked at the spar that had been condensed in the formation, and said proudly with a proud smile on his face.

Hearing the words of the Xuanjie beast master, the other young beast masters were all extremely proud.

Indeed, they are a big family in the second-tier main city. If it wasn't for the wood spar this time, how could they come to this remote village?

"Senior brother, what should we do now, do we just stay here and guard these crystals?" Suddenly a yellow rank beast master asked with some regret.

Because there may be huge treasures here, if they just guard these wood-born crystals, it is like picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons. Such things are absolutely impossible for them. It is to let the ancestor feel disappointed.

"Hahaha, don't worry, junior brother, we only need to be around here

By arranging some simple formations, the reason can be blinded. What's more, we have a total of fifty people here this time, and each team has a total of ten people. Our family alone has twenty people here, and ten people from other families have not come. Such a big place, it is not easy to find here, let alone take away these wood crystals. "

"But just in case, we still have to make some preparations." After finishing speaking, the Xuan-rank beast master took out his younger sister's Huang-rank spar from his pocket, took out some tools for arranging formations, and arranged them nearby. A psychedelic array.

The so-called psychedelic array is to project the nearby scenery here, so that the things here look the same as those nearby, so as to hide the array here.

Lu Yang somewhat understood this. He has only just been in this world for less than two years, even if he wants to, it is difficult to learn the formations in such a short period of time, but he saw the number of formations arranged by these sect disciples, and the number of formations. He was indeed a little tempted by the various powers that appeared after the arrangement.

After all, being able to master the formation is equivalent to having a life-saving means, and it can even play a role in reversing occupation at critical moments, just like the defense formation in Changhe City. It's not the existence of the Great Perfection of the Mystic Rank like Huo Niao, it's just a fierce beast of the middle or late Mystic Rank, I'm afraid it's impossible for it to get out of trouble so easily. This is the powerful effect of formations.

Just after they finished setting up the formation, the small formation that was still in Lu Yang's sight had disappeared, replaced by an extremely ordinary scenery. If Lu Yang hadn't witnessed the process just now, he would never have believed that there was even a small formation here. A small formation that is always condensed with raw wood yellow order spar.

As for the value of the attribute spar, although it is not as high as the value of the black-rank spar, it is definitely many times more expensive than the ordinary yellow-rank spar.

Because the attribute spar can not only stimulate the powerful attack power of rune masters, but also allow some beast masters who can possibly comprehend the relevant attributes to have a greater chance of becoming rune masters. However, the consumption involved is not something that ordinary families can afford. For example, if you want to become a rune master of the flame attribute, if you don't rely on chance and coincidence, you need at least a thousand attribute crystals in the process of comprehension.

According to the one-to-fifty comparison between attribute spars and yellow-rank spars, the minimum cost to train a rune master is about 50,000 yellow-rank spars. This kind of expenditure is almost the sum of the annual income of Luoyang City Lord's Mansion.

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