The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 338: Dark Devouring Beast

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Chapter 338: Dark Devouring Beast

We must know that a ground-level beast master possesses not only powerful strength, but more importantly, if they can be promoted to the ground level, they must master a kind of rune power to the point of proficiency. Such power can communicate between heaven and earth His aura became their right-hand man, and even deduced the void, knowing some things that ordinary people don't know, especially the subordinates who have been hit by him with the seeds of spiritual consciousness, and their every move is under the control of the beast master. This is where the beast master of the earth rank is really powerful.

It is said that if the strength reaches the heavenly level, then even if it is deduction of fate, it is not impossible to change the fortune.

Of course, these things are just legends for Huang rank beast masters like them, and even Xuan rank beast masters.


As all the yellow beast masters began to close their nets, the black mouse felt that there was less and less space for him to live in, and he even clearly felt that he was going to die.

At this moment, suddenly a black light flashed out from not far away, and directly entered the team of these yellow rank beast masters.

With a "bang", a beast master who dared to stop the black shadow was punched by the black shadow, and then the black shadow came to the black mouse in the blink of an eye.

Although it does not have a strong sense of mind, it can also feel the power of dark runes flowing on this black shadow, and is even familiar with this feeling, so it followed this black shadow out of these yellow steps without even thinking about it. Even it didn't realize how it got out of the beast master's encirclement.

After the black shadow took the black mouse away, Huang Lizhu came to his senses and immediately shouted in the direction where the black shadow was escaping, "Damn, you bastards, hurry up and chase me, otherwise, let them run away!" We're all going to be unlucky!"

It's no wonder that the beast master of the Xuan rank didn't react. The whole process just now seemed very long. In fact, it only took three breaths, almost just a blink of an eye. The black shadow had already rescued the black mouse from them. up.

Although Huang Lizhu was also a little worried, but after careful consideration, he understood that if this existence was really a powerful person, there would be no need for such a trick to escape, and it would be enough to kill them directly, so he was sure that the other party would definitely He was playing tricks, that's why he chased after him without hesitation.

More importantly, the ancestors are also determined to win this black teacher. Even if they want to enter the tomb of Da Neng for this black mouse, as long as the place is not too dangerous and there is a treasure given to them by the ancestors, there is still a high chance Those who survived will return to the sect when the time comes, and the rewards given by the ancestors will be endless for their entire lives.


Although the black mouse hadn't evolved to the point where it could speak human words, it could communicate with Lu Yang through its spiritual sense, which made Lu Yang roughly understand its origin.

It turned out that the real origin of this mouse was a Dark Devourer, which fell from a very distant void. When it first came to this world, it was its parents. Now its parents have disappeared, and even it is imprisoned here by its master.

But its owner told him that there will be someone who is destined to come here to save it, otherwise, no matter how much it wants to leave here, it will just obediently follow Lu Yang for such a long distance.

"Dark Devouring Beast?" Hearing the name, King Flame Jinyan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly became thoughtful.

In fact, the ancestors of King Flame Jinyi were also powerful with holy blood. It is said that it was an ancient war. Countless holy blood beasts fell one after another. This continent is the continent with the richest resources left over from the ancient war.

At that time, the human race and the beast race were still living on the same fragment of the continent, but later the war between the human race and the beast race became more and more fierce, and the power of the human race killed a dragon and turned it into a seal, separating the human race from the beast race. .

But that was already tens of thousands of years ago, even the King of Flaming Jinyi was only able to get memory fragments according to the bloodline inheritance, so as to know some of them.

And this dark devouring beast seems to have fallen from a mysterious space at that time. After countless generations of reproduction, their power seems to be getting weaker and weaker now.

Otherwise, just by the name of the Darkness Devouring Beast, I'm afraid it would be able to scare to death a whole bunch of Heavenly Beastmasters.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me, I will definitely let you return to your homeland in the future, but now you'd better become my battle pet obediently and stay in the pet space." Lu Yang didn't care about this dark swallowing dog. No matter what the beast thinks, he directly surrenders it and grabs it into the pet space.

Speaking of it, it was because this mysterious monster was still in its infancy and had great trust in Lu Yang. Otherwise, how could it be possible to subdue a mysterious beast so easily, and through the beast control system, Lu Yang could tell The upgraded bloodline strength of this mysterious beast has almost reached 40%.

What is the concept of 40%? It is almost 100% able to become a celestial beast, and the time will not be too long. It will take decades at the longest, and it may only take a few years at the shortest. As long as there is a coincidence, this mysterious beast The future growth space is doomed to be unlimited.

"No wonder even the ancestors of the Great Sect want to get this little guy, it is simply a huge treasure." When Lu Yang put the Dark Devourer into his pet space, he was still amazed, but now I couldn't close my mouth from ear to ear.


Seeing Lu Yang's degraded appearance, not only the Flaming Jinyi King, the Blue Feather Bird King, but also the three-headed hellhound who had been following him all the time felt a little speechless.

But no matter what, they couldn't deny that with this dark devouring beast, Lu Yang's future would definitely be infinitely bright, of course, the premise was that he could grow to that point.

"No matter what you are, you stop. As long as you hand over that big mouse, we will let you go, otherwise, the Heavenly Beast Sect will definitely crush you!" After chasing for an unknown amount of time, Even Huang Lizhu felt a little powerless, but Lu Yang always easily left them behind, which finally made Huang Lizhu a little hoarse.

"Hmph, you guys want it, and my young master wants it too, but that's only if you can find me." Lu Yang sighed, tearing open the void again and getting in directly.

Thinking back when he was playing escape with a Xuan-level Dzogchen monster, the other party had nothing to do with him, not to mention that it was just a group of ordinary human beast masters, so Lu Yang drove these people away in less than a quarter of an hour. Far away.

However, just as he kept on his way, an extremely huge palace suddenly appeared in front of him. This palace was a hundred meters high. Perseverance was there like a huge tomb. heavy.

Yes, this is a tomb, and it is even very likely to be the tomb of the Almighty.

However, according to those beast masters, it seems that this powerful man is not dead, but is hiding inside to practice his skills, and wants to break through the limit of the beast masters of the earth rank and be promoted to the heaven rank.

However, this step is also very difficult. In history, there are almost very few beast masters who can achieve the heavenly rank. Even if the human race is the base camp, how many can there be in the ancestral city.

On the one hand, Lu Yang was worried about the beast master who was chasing him, but what he was even more afraid of was the mysterious monster that had gone mad. On the one hand, he also wants to enter this tomb and look for opportunities related to himself. Maybe by chance, he will be able to comprehend the power of some runes, instead of using the power of the demon in the body like just now. He used the magic energy to cover up his real aura, and fled under the illusion that it was the power of the dark rune.

To put it bluntly, when he entered this powerful tomb, he still wanted to inherit the power of the runes. He also believed that since this place can be opened to the outside world and he can come in, then even if he has no great relationship with the owner of this tomb. I am afraid that the other party will not harbor malice towards him.

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