The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 340: Breaking the Seal

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Chapter 340: Breaking the Seal

Among the ten basic rune powers, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth belong to ordinary rune powers, while the five rune powers of lightning, thunder, darkness and light, and space are rune powers with special attributes.

The reason why they are special is not because of their special energy, but because these five runes are rare in power, but they are so powerful that even the most powerful rune master in this world may not be able to grasp the essence of them.

Of course, there are some differences between rune power and rune power, and it is impossible to judge which rune power is stronger based on the type of rune.

Now when Lu Yang touched the seal and judged the properties of the seal, he had already guessed what was inside. If there is no accident, the rune power existing on that lighting stone should belong to a kind of inheritance.

If Lu Yang can break the seal, he is very likely to get this kind of inheritance. This is definitely an opportunity, an opportunity given to them by the master here.

Otherwise, when they came to this huge tomb, the stone gate should not have appeared, but they should be suppressed by a stronger force.


Lu Yang gradually penetrated the power of the space rune into the seal, and felt that the gap in the seal was getting bigger and bigger, and even a crack visible to the naked eye had appeared.

You must know that the most powerful part of space runes is not attack, but that it can use the advantages of space to create more convenient conditions for rune masters. The power of space runes, especially in breaking seals, is almost all rune powers. The most tyrannical one among them is also the one that consumes the least.

So in less than ten breaths, Lu Yang had already torn a crack in the positive seal, allowing his body to enter instantly, and then the seal was closed again.


Although Lu Yang had already thought of the situation when he entered the seal, when he actually entered the seal, he found that he still underestimated the opponent's strength.

After all, this is the place where a powerful earth-level beast master lives and lives. Although it is extremely simple, and the items inside have become decayed due to the long time, every item reveals the power of that powerful person. A powerful aura, so when entering it, Lu Yang felt that his whole body was completely suppressed by a powerful force.

Then a phantom appeared in front of Lu Yang. Although this phantom was entirely an energy object composed of the powerful aura emanating from the body of the big man every day, it was so vivid in front of Lu Yang at this moment that it When Lu Yang wanted to get close to this powerful being, his whole body trembled, and even the depths of his soul felt a stabbing pain. This was just the influence of the coercion normally released by this powerful figure on him. .

If this big man stood in front of him, I'm afraid his current situation would be even worse.

But at this moment, Lu Yang suddenly saw the figure of the big man walking towards the lighting stone, and then the big man put his hand on the lighting stone.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful raw wood rune power spread out from the big man's injury, and his eyes fell on the lighting stone.

Originally, the power of ordinary runes could not be displayed with simple runes, but at this moment, in Lu Yang's eyes, he saw a scene where a large number of raw wood runes were grabbed out of the void by a big man, and then These raw wood runes were all injected into this lighting stone, restoring the original somewhat damaged lighting stone.

The actions of this big man really shocked Lu Yang.

Because before Lu Yang just thought that the power of runes could only benefit the beast master, but now it seems that the power of runes can actually be applied to other objects, such as this lighting stone.

"I seem to understand something, but I don't seem to understand anything." Lu Yang felt that besides these raw wood runes, something strange seemed to appear in his mind at this moment.

Those things flashed in front of him, it was very strange, as if they wanted to tell him something, but he couldn't grasp this feeling. However, his intuition tells Lu Yang that this is the so-called epiphany, and once he loses it, he doesn't know when he will meet it. If he can catch it, I'm afraid he will improve his control of rune power to a higher level.

Just when Lu Yang had an epiphany, on the other road of the huge tomb, Huo Niao met some other beast masters unexpectedly.

There are more than 50 rune masters who entered the secret realm this time, and they come from three families of the Heavenly Beast Sect. The relationship between these three families is not very high, but it is not very bad. Their ancestors had some friendship with each other, so they planned to let the disciples of their family enter this secret realm to find the legendary treasures, or the rune inheritance that this mighty might leave behind.

However, this powerful man only allows talented young beast masters to enter his territory. For those older generations who have been famous for many years or have no talent, anyone who dares to enter may end badly. The biggest possibility is As soon as you enter the secret realm, you will be restricted by Da Neng, or the formation will kill you with one hit.

It is precisely because of this that only a few people from the Heavenly Beast Sect came in this time, otherwise, the entire secret realm might be filled with people from the Heavenly Beast Sect.

But now they actually saw an outsider here, which made these people from the Heavenly Beast Sect feel a little uncomfortable.

But when they saw that this outsider was a young and beautiful beauty, their eyes

All of a sudden they lit up.

Not only that, this beauty's clothes are revealing, and her every move reveals a natural beauty. As soon as you see her, you will be completely attracted by her temperament, and even want to jump on her impulsively.

At this time, one of the handsome young disciples came out of the crowd with a playful smile. He looked at the fire bird and said very politely, "This fairy, although I don't know how you got here Yes, but I can tell you that it is very dangerous inside, why not ask the fairy to go with us, maybe I can protect your safety!"

The status of this young man in the team is even more honorable than the elders who lead the team, and he is the direct descendant of the ancestor of the sect.

However, although this man looks handsome, he likes to hook up with young girls, even other people's wives. In short, his reputation in the sect is not very good, so when he talks to migratory birds, some other sects The disciples all showed expressions as if they were watching a play.

They thought that such a thing did not happen once, and the people they faced were completely different, but the result was that the handsome young man was never out of control, and there were even a few times when the results far exceeded their expectations.

"Get out!" Sure enough, upon hearing these slightly frivolous words, the woman showed a disgusted expression, and the more disgusted she was, the easier it was for the handsome young man to feel excited.

"Hahaha, what a pungent beauty, but if you meet me, Sun Changkong, you are doomed to be unable to run away." As Sun Changkong took a step forward, a pale pink disgust spewed out of his mouth , pink disgust seems to be insignificant, but in fact, after spraying out of Sun Changkong's mouth, it seems to have eyes and gathers towards the woman.

It can be said that in the blink of an eye, the woman's body was completely surrounded by the powder.

According to the normal situation, Sun Changkong would have to wait for this woman to burn with desire, waiting for him to rescue her.

It's a pity that after one breath, two breaths, and three breaths passed, the woman didn't seem to respond at all, which surprised Sun Changkong immediately.

Just when he was a little disappointed, the woman actually stopped, and then the woman's face showed a large rosy face, which was exactly the same as the reaction after eating aphrodisiac powder.

"It seems that this woman should be a beast master who is not weak. Otherwise, it would be impossible to persist for such a long time without responding. But it doesn't matter. Even if you can bear it, so what, isn't it my woman?"

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