The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 343: The Application of Raw Wood Runes

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Chapter 343: The Application of Raw Wood Runes

Among the five basic runes, the role of the flame rune is to provide sufficient energy support for the beast master. Simply put, it is to allow the beast master to have an extremely durable fighting power. It can even be said that as long as the power of the flame rune is cultivated to the extreme, it will It can have an inexhaustible source of power, so it was a very stupid way to trap the Firebird with a formation.

This is the most basic value of the five basic runes.

Of course, runes are the material basis of the entire world. Each of the five most basic runes has its own unique value, and the five special runes are the basis of the laws of the material world. Almost life, old age, sickness and death are inseparable from special runes .

It can be said that if one can comprehend all the runes to the extreme, it may be no problem to create an independent world.

The inheritance among the four puppets, in addition to explaining some basic issues about runes, also explained the specific use of runes, such as flame runes.

The power of the fire rune is more oriented towards durability than attack power.

For example, if a powerful flame rune master can cultivate the flame rune to the extreme, he can communicate with the energy existing in the world, so that he can fight with all his strength even in the face of the most powerful enemy, without worrying about the power consumption. Too much physical strength, and unable to fight anymore.

Similarly, the other four runes also have many variations, such as gold and stone runes. The golden stone rune is for killing. As long as the golden stone rune can be cultivated well, any object can be turned into a sharp weapon as long as it is held in the hand. Even a pile of water can be turned into a sharp weapon.

Another example is that raw wood runes can manipulate tens of thousands of plants, and they can even create life out of thin air if they are cultivated to the extreme. As long as the spiritual power in the rune master's body is not exhausted, then his combat power will always exist, especially the raw wood rune master. When holding some powerful plant seeds, his combat effectiveness can be said to be almost dozens of times improved.

And now Lu Yang has mastered three basic runes, including raw wood runes, soft water runes, and fire runes. But it's a pity that the raw wood rune is the one he knows the most about these runes.

"Crunch, crunch..."

After Lu Yang knew this, he began to feel it on the spot, and suddenly he felt that there seemed to be some grass seeds under the ground, and he immediately stirred up these grass seeds.

Sure enough, after these grass seeds were injected with the power of the raw wood rune, they exploded with a power ten times stronger than their original power. Although some seeds did not overcome the difficulties and drilled up from the ground, there were still some grass seeds that were extremely crazy. The speed grows above the ground.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As the bricks were crushed, these weeds seemed to appear beside Lu Yang out of thin air.

"I didn't expect the raw wood rune to have such a powerful effect." Lu Yang saw these grass seeds that could kill the beast master, and he had a better understanding of the power of the rune.

After he solved these puppets, he continued to walk forward, and found that there were a lot of piranhas in front of him. These piranhas had obviously lived here for more than ten generations, and some piranhas even had their seeds on their bodies. Ten piranhas blocked Lu Yang's way forward.

Now Lu Yang has only one choice, that is to go over and kill all the piranhas, and get their seeds, otherwise he has no choice but to be trapped here to death.

"Is this a test?" Lu Yang looked at the large piece of piranhas in front of him, and suddenly became very interested.

Because he can feel that these piranhas are not a means for the powerful man to kill him, but a small way to cultivate him, and he can even feel that if he can get out of here smoothly, Then his comprehension of raw wood runes will increase to an unprecedented level.

"Okay, here I come!" Saying that, Lu Yang has slowly walked towards dozens of piranhas.

Each of these piranhas is three to four meters high, and the tallest one has reached more than six meters high. Inside the flower bone of the piranha is a big mouth with a row of sharp teeth. Seeing these piranhas With such big mouths, Lu Yang had no doubt what would happen if he was bitten by them.

It can be said that being bitten to death on the spot is almost always lucky. The worst thing is being cut into pieces and turned into a pile of minced meat.

But that kind of situation could only happen in the past, when Lu Yang didn't comprehend the raw wood rune, now he has comprehended the raw wood rune and entered this flower bush to save him, which is completely different.

You must know that the raw wood rune can not only help him stimulate the growth of any plant, but also allow it to control those plants that have been controlled by the raw wood rune, such as these piranhas.

However, not all plants can be stimulated. Before they can be activated, they need to be nourished with the power of the birth mother's rune. Otherwise, let alone he cannot communicate with these plants, even if he can communicate, it will be difficult for them to emit any power. Action, otherwise, wouldn't a living wood rune master be able to command the entire forest.

Now that Lu Yang is gradually walking towards this piece of piranhas, he saw that each of these piranhas became active after feeling Lu Yang's breath, and at the same time, they also felt a strong raw wood rune on their bodies the power of.

You must know that once something has obvious rune power involved, then the power of this thing can increase exponentially, just like the weeds and weeds manipulated by Lu Yang just now.

Although those grass seeds were nourished by that great man with the power of raw rice runes, they are stronger than ordinary seeds, but if there are no runes

It is impossible to burst out such a great potential when the power is placed in ordinary soil.

Now these piranhas are proof. You must know that they are several times larger than ordinary piranhas.


Just as Lu Yang was walking towards the first piranha, suddenly the piranha, which was still slightly swaying, shot directly at Lu Yang's body like a flying arrow off the string.

Let's not talk about how fast it is, let's talk about that big mouth that looks like a flower bone holding a mouthful of sharp teeth. I am afraid that even a big stone can be chewed and crushed by it in front of it at this moment, let alone It is said that Lu Yang is only a body of flesh and blood.

But even so, Lu Yang still avoided its attack. There is not just one piranha on this piece of land, but dozens of piranhas. There seems to be some kind of unknown tacit understanding among the humans and flowers. They seem to know how to cooperate with each other when attacking together.

Now after the first piranha flew into the air, the second piranha flew behind Lu Yang in an instant.

Lu Yang was also unambiguous, he stretched out his hand, and a wave of raw wood rune power spread out from his hand like a wave of water, and the raw wood rune turned into a shield to block the big mouth of the piranha.

Lu Yang didn't talk nonsense. After the piranha flew into the air, he jumped up and walked, stepping on the piranha's body and jumping on top of the piranha's head.

He could feel that the source of the raw wood rune power of each piranha was on their huge heads. As long as he could defeat the raw wood rune power here, then he would be sure to completely destroy this piranha. master.

"Refine it for me!"

When Lu Yang stood on top of the piranha's head, he suddenly felt that the dozens of extremely active living wood runes on the piranha's head seemed to be absorbing spiritual energy from the surroundings again. This is the source of its strength.

Now Lu Yang injected the power of his raw wood rune into it, and in an instant, this piranha was completely smashed to pieces.

You must know that these plants do not have any offensive power, even if they have them, they are aimed at ordinary people. Their power is completely supported by the power of raw wood runes. Once the runes are absorbed, each of them, these piranhas, will become A bunch of crap.

"Puff puff……"

Once Lu Yang grasped the key, dozens of piranhas became a piece of cake. In the end, Lu Yang got all fifty seeds of them and put them in the storage space. With the nourishment of the power of the upper wood rune, the power will increase.

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