The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 346 Stolen our things

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Chapter 346 Stolen our things

"What did you say, tell me again if you have the ability?" Hearing Lu Yang's words, the team of yellow-ranked beast masters were about to go mad.

Once upon a time, none of them was a genius disciple in the family, but now they are ridiculed by a young boy, and it is not enough to vent their hatred if this boy is not hacked into pieces.

"Let me say it again? Now I feel that the people of the Heavenly Beast Sect are not thick-skinned, and even their ears are not working well. Could it be that the Heavenly Beast Sect is now in such a miserable state that it wants to recruit elderly people over a hundred years old?" Don't look at Lu Yang who is usually very gentle, it's because others didn't offend him, now these people blocked his way of life as soon as they appeared, even if the sages were present, they wouldn't give them good looks, not to mention that Lu Yang was originally a There are those who have revenge and those who complain.

"Ahhh, damn it! Elder, this kid insulted our Heavenly Beast Sect so much, this disciple begged the elder to cut him into pieces!" The yellow rank beast master almost jumped out of anger when he heard what Lu Yang said. Woke up.

But the words of this yellow-ranked beastmaster's ears sounded like a needle prick. If Lu Yang wasn't in front of him now, he might really want to kick this idiot.

Doesn't he know it's the breath of death? If there is no raw wood rune power, or other more powerful rune power protection, let alone him, even if he is a more powerful beast master, he will be eroded by the air of death.

Once that kind of power is touched, the flesh and blood will rot at the slightest, and the lifespan will be shortened at the worst. It's like playing for a year or two. If it doesn't happen, the lifespan will be exhausted in an instant. This is the most terrible thing.

However, with so many sect disciples in front of him, if he can't show strength, I'm afraid his position in the sect will also drop in the future.

Fortunately, he could see that Lu Yang couldn't stay on the rattan for too long, he would come down sooner or later, wouldn't it be their territory by then?

"Shut up first, this matter is up to the old man to decide." The beast master of the Xuan rank looked at the beast master of the yellow rank next to him, with a haughty expression on his face, as if he didn't bother to act when Lu Yang was in danger. Seeing that the elder was so upright, some yellow rank beast masters sighed again and again.

But Lu Yang knew it well, the other party was clearly concerned about the air of death. After all, the aura of death here is so tyrannical, not to mention an ordinary Xuan-rank beast master, even a middle-stage or even late-stage existence of the Xuan-rank, without the assistance of rune power, it is impossible to escape the aura of death erosion.

However, it is impossible for Lu Yang to stay between the cliffs for a long time. After all, the other party is so scared, and he also doesn't want to stay here for too long, but if he goes ashore, how should he deal with all this?

Just when Lu Yang looked at the Dark Devouring Beast, he suddenly had an idea.

"Haha, I know how I should deal with you!" Lu Yang wanted to understand this, his speed was getting faster and faster, and just as he was about to go ashore, suddenly the Dark Devourer rushed forward, causing a large number of deaths Although the power of the Dark Devouring Beast is not very strong, it is even the last existence among many mysterious monsters.

But it has a very strong ability, that is, its body can accommodate many poisonous, yin and cold things. This ability is prepared for the hand of darkness. Otherwise, what if it stole so many things? It is possible to preserve those powerful things.

And now these death breaths exist in its body, if it doesn't have such ability, I am afraid that these death breaths alone are enough to save it from dying countless times.

"Quickly retreat, this guy actually released the air of death, quickly retreat!" Although some yellow-rank beast masters didn't know how powerful the death breath was, they were not fools. How could these yellow rank beast masters be slower than the Xuan rank beast masters?

In this way, Lu Yang bought a lot of time.

In less than a breath, he came to the top of the cliff, and the Dark Devourer stood beside Lu Yang, as if offering treasure, as if telling Lu Yang that he could repel all the yellow rank beast masters. to its credit.

Seeing that the Dark Devouring Beast, which was obviously a mysterious monster, looked like a child, Lu Yang felt a little bit emotional, and said, "Everyone, I don't seem to have any enmity with you, are you not afraid of me now that you are targeting me so much? Publicize your affairs?"

At this moment, in front of Lu Yang is a mountain peak, which is also a cliff. Under his feet, there is only a passage less than five meters extending to the distance. Now these yellow rank beast masters are preparing to enter the depths of the tomb through this passage. Only then did they meet Lu Yang, so as long as they sealed off this passage, Lu Yang could only turn back along the way they came in.

It's a pity that there is a dead end there, and there is no way to go back. If you want to go, you can only go straight forward, so these yellow-rank beast masters have no fear at all.

In terms of strength, they are Huang-rank beast masters, and 50% of them are Huang-rank Dzogchen, the worst is the late Huang-rank, and even the elders of Xuan-rank beast masters lead the team. And although Lu Yang is also Huang Jie Dzogchen, but he is alone, eleven one-on-one, if this battle is fought, there will be no suspense at all.

It was precisely because of this that they did not take Lu Yang seriously.

It's just that Lu Yang's performance really surprised them, and they even wanted to trample Lu Yang under their feet and knead it into dough.

"Hahaha, my friend, you snatched our Heavenly Beast Sect's battle pet, and you said you didn't offend our Heavenly Beast Sect. I think you are really ignorant and fearless. Now you put

We exchanged the battle pets of our Heavenly Beast Sect, and we might spare you, otherwise, you little bastard would not even try to pass in front of us! Seeing that Lu Yang seemed to be scared, one of the yellow-ranked beast masters suddenly shouted. In his opinion, Lu Yang was just a fluke. Now that there are so many people around him alone, will he still let him go? Can't fly to the sky?

"Oh? You Heavenly Beast Sect really want to target me?" Lu Yang took the Dark Devouring Beast back to the pet space, and then looked at these extremely arrogant sect disciples. In his opinion, the strength of these people was nothing more than that That's all, if he wants to make a move, I'm afraid it's not impossible.

"Aiming at you, of course it is impossible. You are just a little person who doesn't know the depth. What we need to do now is to let you return what belongs to us, and because of your ignorance, our conditions have been changed. .” Seeing the large number of people on his side, the disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect all began to feel proud.

"Now we not only ask you to return this beast, but also ask you to kowtow to us on the ground. If you don't satisfy us, you will be punished!"

This Huang-rank beast master spoke with confidence, and didn't take him seriously at all.

In his opinion, not to mention that Lu Yang is just a Dzogchen existence of Huang rank, so what if he is a beast master of Xuan rank, isn't he just waiting to be crushed in front of them?

"Why are you still not convinced?" Seeing the growing murderous look in Lu Yang's eyes, a yellow rank beast master stood up from the team and shouted.

Although their strength is not very strong, but each of them is the best in the family. Usually, whoever sees them is not begging for mercy, and when they are scolded by others, but now they want to say such things to an ignorant kid. What nonsense.

If it wasn't for the fact that this was the tomb of a powerful man, they would have hung up Lu Yang and beat him up.

But this breath cannot be swallowed absolutely.

"I'm not unconvinced, I just think you guys are going too far. But I have a better proposal here!" Lu Yang looked at the disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect, and felt that although their talents were very good, there was nothing in their heads. There is no brain at all, but a pile of shit, so he doesn't mind teaching these ignorant people a lesson.

Although he may be in some danger, and may even pay some price, if he does nothing, the loss will be even greater.

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