The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 351: The Righteous Lord Appears

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Chapter 351: The Righteous Lord Appears


Just when Lu Yang entered the house, he felt an extremely powerful force coming up from the direction of entry.

It's a pity that this formation was constructed by an earth-level power. It's a bit early because she is a mysterious beast that has not touched the earth level.

It's just that with Lu Yang's current strength, if he wants to compete with her, he is also overthinking his capabilities.

"Little beast, I don't believe that you will never come out for the rest of your life. What's more, I can feel that there is a big fierce god inside. If you are caught by it, I'm afraid it will be countless times worse than in my hands. Heck, when the time comes, I will Just wait for me to save you, after all, you still have a little use for me." The more Firebird said, the more proud she became, but what Lu Yang couldn't see was that her expression was almost distorted and hideous, I'm afraid She was really going to be pissed off by Lu Yang, but she showed two completely different situations in it. I am afraid that if this acting skill is put in Lu Yang's previous life, even if she is a movie star, she will have no problem.

"Then you come in, don't be a mother-in-law outside. Let me tell you, I'm a Xuan-rank beast master now. It's not that I'm afraid of you, but that you dared to be too shameless just now and sneak up on me as soon as you came up. After I recover from my injuries, I must let you be my little warm-up girl when I go out." After saying this, Lu Yang's heart thumped, not because what he said was too evocative, but because he felt that he would definitely be criticized after saying this. Firebird bears grudges, maybe the other party will fight to the death as soon as they come up.

"Little bastard, believe it or not, I'm going to skin you right now!" Sure enough, just as Lu Yang finished speaking, he heard bursts of extremely powerful bombardment formations from over there, shaking the formations in the entire house. It seems that the world has been turned upside down by the Firebird.

Lu Yang's face twitched, and he thought that he had teased you a while ago, and you had been chasing me for so long before.

But he didn't want to be caught by the fire bird breaking the formation, so Lu Yang quickly covered his body with raw wood runes, and walked towards the depths of the courtyard.

The moment he went inside, a scream came from outside the formation, and just outside the formation, the fire bird was finally backlashed by the powerful force of the formation. If she hadn't escaped quickly, she might have been killed by a wave of death. The air penetrated the body and died.

Only at this time did she realize that the formation hadn't lost control, and even the mighty man hadn't really died. It was very likely that he was trapped in this house, but now Lu Yang walked in. I don't know What will happen inside, Huo Niao really wants to enter and kill Lu Yang immediately, but is afraid of that powerful person.

But now that she can't even break through the formation, how can she enter the formation to look for Lu Yang.


At this moment, a gap was opened in the formation, and a door of convenience was opened for Huo Bird.

Firebird hesitated for a moment, then broke in.

A flame defense rose up on her body. This defense method is the same as Lu Yang's method of using raw wood runes, except that the raw wood runes used by Lu Yang have a restraining effect on the air of death itself, while the flame runes At best, strength and death energy just cancel each other out.

"There is a door here!" Lu Yang walked into the courtyard and found a main hall in front of him. But this main hall is very strange, because instead of chairs, there is an extremely huge statue, and a coffin is impressively placed in front of the statue.

The whole body of the coffin was pitch black, with purple patterns flashing on the black lines. As the patterns flickered, circles of flames came out from above, and the entire coffin was immediately dyed red by the flames.

But this flame is not an ordinary fiery red, but with a little bit of purple light.

Then a person appeared in front of Lu Yang.

If it's just an ordinary soul, it's probably nothing, but when this soul appears, it's like a mountain pressing on Lu Yang's soul. Obviously there is no power, but this mountain will bend Lu Yang's body continuously, and finally Almost fell to his knees.

Lu Yang gritted his teeth desperately, and finally persisted, but when he got out of bed, there were countless cracks in the bones of his legs. If it wasn't for the fast repairing effect of the beast control system on his body, he might have been killed by this An oppressive force knelt down.

Seeing Lu Yang's stubbornness, a sigh came out of the void, and then Lu Yang stood up and underestimated the soul in front of him.

But judging from the screen, this soul is probably far away from him, and there are more than a dozen black iron chains on this soul, and there is an infinite death air around him. , but this person was unmoved at all, as if the air of death was nothing but air around him.

Soul sighed softly, and then said to Lu Yang, "I originally wanted you to be my apprentice and inherit my mantle. But now it seems that you should have a lot of background, although I can guess a little bit, but It's not worth mentioning. Well, I won't say much. Since you have my inheritance, you should know who I am."

Soul looked at Lu Yang very calmly and put on an appearance of being an elder.

"You should be the owner of this tomb, right?" Lu Yang confirmed after hearing what the soul said.

"Yeah, at first I thought I could die, but I didn't expect to survive. It's a pity that you have also seen that I have been trapped by myself. Although I survived, it is no better than death." The soul took a deep breath took a sip

Angry, said very helplessly.

"Senior, do you have anything to tell me when you called me here?" Lu Yang knew that what Soul really wanted to say began now.

"Haha, boy, you're so smart. I asked you to let me out of this formation. But don't worry, your benefits will be indispensable afterwards!" The soul seemed to have seen through Lu Yang's little thoughts, and was very proud Said.

"Impossible, you clearly want to use me. If I let you out, wouldn't I be causing trouble for myself?" Lu Yang waved his hand, indicating that he has no intention of taking over this mess. What's more, he doesn't have the strength to save an earth-level beast master now, what's more, he always feels that this soul has dug a hole for him to jump into.

"How could I be using you? We are mutually beneficial. You also got the inheritance I gave you. If you get my inheritance, you are already my registered disciple. By the way, I forgot to tell you, Your little lover seems to have chased in from the outside. Shall I let you catch up on the old days?" When the soul grabbed Void, a picture appeared. In the picture, the fire bird seemed to have just walked in from the outside, looking annoyed The observers around him probably came here to find Lu Yang.

"I didn't expect such a big man like you to plot against me, a small man?" Seeing Huo Niao walking in from the outside, Lu Yang was a little annoyed. But he just couldn't do anything to the soul, not to mention he really didn't know who the owner of this tomb was.

"Hahaha, you little guy is very interesting, otherwise you would think why I would save you, because you are useful. Now I will give you two options, the first one is to hide in, and the second one is to be killed by you Kill the little lover, choose!" As he said, a passage appeared under the coffin, and at the end of the passage was endless darkness, and there were even countless breaths of death permeating the surroundings.

At this moment, a powerful flame rune power was shot in the air, the door behind Lu Yang was smashed, and the fire bird appeared in front of Lu Yang in an instant.

"I promise you!" Lu Yang felt that a ball of flames behind him was about to hit his back, and immediately tore the void. Although the distance he could teleport was very short, he definitely didn't want to be caught by the fire bird just like that. Understand to kill.

"Hehe, little girl, are you so violent?" After Lu Yang disappeared, Huo Niao's punch was aimed at this soul.

It's a pity that the fire bird's flame could no longer be retracted, and he watched helplessly as his fist hit the soul.

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