The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 363: Chance of the Heavenly Beast Sect

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Chapter 363: Chance of the Heavenly Beast Sect

This time Qingyuan was the elder who led the team, so all the yellow rank beast masters, even Lu Yang, had to follow him into the Heavenly Beast Sect, otherwise they would be punished according to the sect's rules.

You must know that Yanhai City and Guangdu City are adjacent first-level main cities. Now that Guangdu City is attacked by an army of fierce beasts, Yanhai City has also been affected to some extent. Even the owner of Guangdu City sent troops to support Guangdu City.

The Glory City they went to before was the first-level main city, Donglin City, and the third-level main city. There are more borders between Donglin City and Guangdu City, and the army of beasts even had some friction with Donglin City. .

But even so, the Heavenly Beast Sect specially ordered that in order to prevent ferocious beasts that can change into human form from entering the Heavenly Beast City, not only the disciples of the sect, but also the big and small forces living in the Heavenly Beast Sect, in short, as long as they enter the city, they must undergo strict interrogation. Otherwise, they will be deported.

This kind of punishment can be described as a severe punishment in the chaos of war. If in the other second-level main cities, some big forces have already intervened, but in the Heavenly Beast City, there is no force that dares to contend with the Heavenly Beast Sect. Even if there are big families from other first-level main cities, they don't dare to have too many conflicts with the Heavenly Beast Sect at the moment of the war.

Lu Yang and others were brought back to the sect by Qing Yuan before they began to accept money. After some inspections, Lu Yang and others were put in the sect.

But this is just the beginning for them, because a total of fifty-five of them entered the secret realm, and now only eleven have returned, and the other forty-four people have been left in the secret realm. For the sect, This was a huge loss, and even some core disciples of the big families were kept inside. Now that they have returned safely, they must face tremendous pressure.

Of course, the things here are complicated and complicated, and they are not complicated or complicated.

It is complicated because most of the forty-four people lost have backgrounds. Once they are interrogated, they will face overwhelming interrogation. If there are some weak-willed disciples among them, it is likely that because of this Things and lax will, crazy.

Of course, in the face of such a great pressure, if he can get over it and even cheer up after this incident, then his future will be extremely bright.

It can be said that this matter has both advantages and disadvantages.

If this matter is not complicated, it can only be said that their team did not have much ambition. When the other four teams entered the tomb, they just walked around the tomb. It's not too deep, so when the secret realm is about to collapse, they can still leave smoothly, which is also their huge advantage.

It can be said that as long as this matter is clarified, it is their own fault that those people did not leave, so Qing Yuan was recruited into the meeting hall by the deputy suzerain as soon as he returned to the sect, and was questioned by a group of elders.

Although Qing Yuan has no ability and low combat effectiveness, he has his own unique insights in describing things, and even after his explanation, all favorable conditions have already favored them.

This is also because the whole matter is not enough for them to be witnesses. If there are a few more survivors, I am afraid that the matter will not be so easy to solve.

"So that's what happened! But this matter does involve the interests of many families. Even if you did the right thing, there is no need to really offend them on the cusp of the storm, so in the next few months , none of you can leave the sect." Hearing Qing Yuan's words, several deputy sect masters made a decision immediately after going to the court.

In the Heavenly Beast Sect, the status of the suzerain is comparable to the two ancestors, and they are both supreme existences. Generally, all affairs in the sect are handled by the deputy suzerain, unless there are some problems that cannot be solved, there will be The suzerain came forward to solve it.

"Your subordinates know!" Hearing the words of the deputy sect masters, Elder Qi Qingyuan sighed in his heart. Although it said it was a few months on the surface, who knows what will happen in a few months.

According to common sense, as long as the Zongmen does not touch their foot ban, they may be locked in the Zongmen for the rest of their lives.

To put it bluntly, it means being grounded, but to put it bluntly, it is house arrest.

What's more, the yellow rank beast masters led by Qingyuan have already reached the threshold of being promoted to the Xuan rank beast masters. Let them stay in the sect to try their luck, it is better to kill them, so they are likely to be banned this time. It ruined the future of a group of people who were promoted to the Xuan rank beast master.

As for Lu Yang, he has no worries about this at all.

Leaving aside the fact that his back is not to be underestimated even by the Heavenly Beast Sect, it is said that he got the opportunity to enter the secret realm, and his talent of being promoted to the Xuan rank Beast Master is enough to be highly recognized by the Heavenly Beast Sect.

But now that the limelight is in full swing, it is impossible for the sect to protect Lu Tianming alone. If this matter is known to some families, it will definitely lead to assassination and revenge. Even if the Lu family and the Heavenly Beast Sect don't care, there is no need to take such a risk.

After seeing the deputy suzerain tell himself about the great gains and losses and leave, Lu Yang just nodded helplessly.

If he was still the same Lu Tianming in the past, he would definitely be ecstatic when he encountered such a thing. After all, his status in the family will surely be as high as the sky when he is promoted to the Xuan rank beast master, and his future prospects are also limitless.

Even if they are grounded, other people may face several years, or even more than ten years of house arrest, but for him, such house arrest will not exceed a few months at most.

But for Lu Yang, his entry into the Heavenly Beast Sect this time is purely a

It is to leave the secret realm.

If it wasn't because of Zhu Zhitong's deduction that he would have an adventure in the Heavenly Beast Sect, I am afraid that Lu Yang would not go to the Heavenly Beast Sect to clean up his crimes, but would choose to leave halfway.

Of course, after he left, the Heavenly Beast Sect would definitely investigate him in various ways, and many things and possibilities would gradually surface, but Lu Yang was most concerned about the situation in Luoyang City.

It's just that these things have come to naught now, which makes him feel a little anxious.

Of course, although Zhu Zhitong is now Lu Yang's favorite, he still has some admiration for this young man in his heart.

Even in his opinion, if this young man does not perish in the future, it is very likely that he will leave this continent and ascend to another world. Although that is the dream of countless beast masters, since that battle, this continent That kind of situation has never happened again, so that ascension to another world has become a legend.

This is why Zhu Zhitong is also called Lu Yang's master.

Now that he sees that Lu Yang is somewhat anxious, and he can feel Lu Yang's worry about his disciples and friends, he speaks to comfort him, "Lu Yang, it is your responsibility to enter the Heavenly Beast Sect this time." Luck is also your fate, maybe somewhere, there is a big hand that arranges for you to come here to find your chance, maybe it is some good luck, or maybe some rune power that should belong is calling you!"

"Rune power?" Hearing Zhu Zhitong's words, Lu Yang remembered that he had only used the five runes of water, fire, wood, and dark space, and it seemed that he had not obtained five runes.

After such a calculation, he was still a long way from the almighty rune master. Thinking of this, he immediately cheered up.

After all, after the incident of Huo Niao's pursuit, he realized how important strong strength is.

Even, if he hadn't broken through and been promoted to the Xuan rank beast master, if he hadn't possessed the beast master system, which allowed him to use space tearing countless times, and escaped from the clutches of the firebird many times, then he would be a dead man now.

And not only he will die, even all ordinary residents and beast masters in Luoyang City and Changhe City will be buried with him.

So this escape was not only a narrow escape for Lu Yang, but also an unforgettable lesson for him to always remember his own weakness.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to become stronger as soon as possible, so becoming an all-round rune master is the shortest shortcut for him to become a strong man.

And the Heavenly Beast Sect is his chance.

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