The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 367 Locking the Breath

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Chapter 367 Locking the Breath

I didn't expect this golden stone secret realm to be so dangerous. Fortunately, I have been promoted to the Xuan rank, otherwise there would be some troubles here. After Lu Yang killed the metal cheetah, he killed several yellow beasts one after another, but among these yellow beasts, the metal cheetah was the strongest no matter what.

Indeed, based on the power of Lu Yang's bombardment on the metal cheetah, the power of that metal cheetah is at least more than 500,000, which is almost equivalent to his level in the past when he was a yellow-ranked beast master. Coupled with its unexpected attack, If you are not prepared, it is really possible to be succeeded by it.

But now that Lu Yang has been promoted to the Xuan rank beast master, no matter how powerful these yellow rank beasts are, they cannot possibly pose a threat to him.


Just after Lu Yang beheaded the metal cheetah, another metal poisonous snake came from nearby upon hearing the news.

This venomous snake is wrapped in golden light, and it looks like it is covered by a circle of light. It is more than ten meters long and one meter thick. When it is moving, there are some illusory rune marks on its body. Flashing past, it can be seen that it has been able to actively absorb metal runes, and its strength is close to the Xuan level, reaching the level of the Xuan level Dzogchen.

"That's right, finally here comes a ferocious yellow beast that can give me a lot of fun. I want to see whether you are the best or me!" Lu Yang has become more and more courageous at this moment, and he can feel this. The metal poisonous snake should be the leader of the beasts in this area, and now he has killed the younger brother of the metal poisonous snake, and now their leader has come to seek revenge on him.


After the metal poisonous snake appeared in front of the road show, it rubbed against the ground and made sharp and piercing sounds.

In the blink of an eye, it pounced on Lu Yang, almost faster than the metal cheetah before, and it seemed that it had the potential to be promoted to a mysterious monster.

"Spiritual attack?" Lu Yang thought that the piercing sound was unintentionally produced by the metal poisonous snake, but when he saw that there were metal runes in the sound, he knew that it was also an attack by the metal poisonous snake means.

Even when it attacks, it can still see a faint wave of mental attack released from its mind.

It can be said that this powerful attack wave is getting stronger and stronger, and even makes a more piercing scream in mid-air, like a golden light shooting into Lu Yang's mind.

"Suck it!" Although the metal poisonous snake has strong attack power and even mastered the means of mental attack, in front of Lu Yang, this kind of attack is just a drizzle.

If the opponent is a mysterious monster, it may still be able to make Lu Yang afraid, but if it is only a yellow beast, I am afraid that no matter how powerful the rune power is, it will not be able to have a substantial impact on Lu Yang, even if it is The released mental attack plan entered Lu Yang's mind and would be fully absorbed by the beast control system.

"Tearing space!" Although Lu Yang was not very afraid of the metal poisonous snake, he would not underestimate it. After all, no matter how weak the strength of the beast living in the Golden Stone Secret Realm, once it has a relationship with the runes, its attack power will be multiplied. Lu Yang doesn't want his ship to capsize in the gutter.

So when the metal poisonous snake appeared in front of him, Lu Yang turned around and got behind the metal poisonous snake.

At this time, he had already taken out the brand new Dragon Slaying Sword.

Although the Dragon Slaying Sword at this moment has not been completely repaired, but a small part of the formation pattern on the Dragon Slaying Sword has been restored. Now that Lu Yang took out the Dragon Slaying Sword, there was a faint voice of a dragon chant, When Lu Yang slashed down with his sword, even the metal poisonous snake, which has always been vicious, felt the power of the dragon, and was slightly suppressed.


Just in such a moment of trance, the dragon-slaying sword in Lu Yang's hand had already slashed on the metal poisonous snake, and an extremely deep scar immediately appeared on the metal poisonous snake's body.

This was the result of Lu Yang not using all his strength, otherwise, his sword would be enough to cut off the metal poisonous snake in the middle.


Even so, the metal poisonous snake screamed in pain when Lu Yang's body was slashed.

It's a pity that Lu Yang won't give it any escape at all. With another sword fall, the power of the flame rune immediately soars, directly splitting the metal poisonous snake into two sections from head to tail, and then a more slender metal rune Wen entered Lu Yang's body and became a part of his mind.

Although Lu Yang has not yet mastered the power of metal runes, after these metal runes entered his mind, they were quickly used by Xiaomei. Combining with raw wood runes, Lu Yang was still a little unstable. The mental world, with the addition of metal runes, immediately changed into another look.

Even after the raw wood rune was combined with the metal rune, the originally soft trees were much better than before, not to mention that after the flame rune was integrated into the metal rune, the originally raging fire turned into a sword. Feng's feeling.

As for the news condensed from the soft water rune, after the metal rune was integrated, pieces of light began to appear, which was somewhat similar to the stream in reality.

"There are still a lot of metal runes missing!" Lu Yang felt that he still hadn't mastered the metal runes after killing another beast that was infinitely close to the black rank, and he was somewhat frustrated.

But he also knows that if the rune power can be mastered so easily, it cannot be regarded as a powerful power, but becomes a street stall that can be seen everywhere

So he didn't give up his plan after fusing many metal runes into his mind, but rushed towards the depths of the metal secret realm.

You must know that in addition to countless metal runes in the metal secret realm, there are many more terrifying existences, and that is the other six disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect.

Especially Zhu Chi, who had murderous intentions towards Lu Yang, could summon Lu Yang's figure as soon as he entered the Golden Stone Secret Realm.

However, his strength is much stronger than the previous Lu Tianming. Originally, the Zhu family and the Luo family are well-matched, and his talent is much stronger than Lu Tianming's, but the Romance language is not good for him at all. I feel that, coupled with his bad reputation outside, the Zhu family has not heard from the Zhu family many times in advance.

Later, Zhu Chicao knew that Roman Yu actually had a heart, but he didn't expect that the one she liked turned out to be a trash.

If this trash has been hiding in the sect for the rest of his life, it might be fine, but now he dares to enter the Golden Stone Secret Realm in front of his face, then don't blame him for being rude.

"Destroy it!" Zhu Chi grabbed it, and a huge flaming palm crushed a metal murderer, and he sucked many metal runes into his body.

Although his strength and talent are not weak, so far, he has only grabbed less than fifty metal runes. Some of the metal runes were directly crushed into powder by his power and turned into pure energy when he killed the metal beast, and some of the metal runes were missed by him and he didn't catch it.

Although Zhu Chi's cultivation level is much higher than that of Lu Yang, but if he wants to master the power of metal runes, he may actually be twice as slow as Lu Yang.

This is the great effect of the power of space runes.

However, Zhu Chi didn't have this kind of awareness. In his opinion, even if Lu Tianming had some luck and was promoted to the Xuan rank beast master in the secret realm, his strength was not enough to be afraid of.

What's more, he entered the Jinshi secret realm this time, but he came prepared, and he also prepared some magic weapons, just because he was afraid that he would not be able to kill Lu Tianming. So as long as Lu Tianming dared to appear in front of him, then don't blame him for being too cruel.

"Hmph, Lu Tianming, I have to say that you are also a genius of our Heavenly Beast Sect. If you grow up, you may also be an earth-level beast master in the future. But it is a pity that the growth path of a true genius is too long. Sad, even if I give you a chance, other people may not be able to see you become stronger. Instead of letting others take advantage of you, it is better to let me do it!" Zhu Chi did not know where to take out a treasure, followed by the treasure Turning around, he felt that he was gradually approaching where Lu Yang was.

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