The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Chapter 375: Zhu Family Patriarch

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Chapter 375: Zhu Family Patriarch

But from the beginning to the end, Zhu Kangjie didn't care about Zhu Chi who was always in Lu Yang's hands.

Zhu Kangjie pushed back the people around him, and then asked with concern, "Both of you, you have a letter from the ancestor. I don't know what is the relationship between you and the ancestor?"

"Sovereign, this matter is a long story. Senior Zhu originally wanted to use a treasure land to break through and be promoted to the Heaven Rank Beastmaster, but he never thought that he would be trapped by the formation he set up and could not escape. I happened to have a treasure in this area, so I brought the senior out from there." Said Lu Yang released Zhu Zhitong's spiritual consciousness from his mind.

Although Zhu Zhitong no longer has a physical body, after being transformed by the raw wood rune, although his current strength is not as good as a quarter of his original peak strength, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary earth-level beast masters.

When Zhu Kangjie saw his benefactor again, he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to his benefactor.

Seeing Zhu Kangjie's performance, he didn't think about his current status at all. He only thought of the kindness that the teacher had shown him back then. Zhu Zhitong nodded again and again, "Kangjie, I really didn't misunderstand you at the beginning. I think it's been a hundred years. Time has passed, and the person who can do this to me now is probably only you."

Zhu Zhitong sighed. It is not groundless for him to say these words. After all, his current strength is not as good as before, and his status in the sect is gradually declining. Maybe he will not appear again in another hundred or two hundred years. However, the entire Heavenly Beast Sect only knew his name, not his appearance. In the end, it could only become a spiritual sustenance of the Heavenly Beast Sect, existing in the knowledge of the Heavenly Beast Sect.

"Teacher, if it weren't for your cultivation at the beginning, I wouldn't be who I am now. But what the students don't understand is, since the teacher is out of customs, why do you want to drift outside?" Zhu Kangjie is not a fool, he can see that Zhu Zhitong The fact that he didn't go to seize the house meant that he wanted to stay by Lu Yang's side all the time.

If Lu Yang is an earth-level beast master, it is understandable. After all, although Zhu Zhitong's strength has dropped a lot, he still has the strength of an earth-level beast master. Based on his past experience, he can even attract many earth-level beast masters. The first-rank beast master came to help him, but why did he choose a Xuan-rank beast master?

But of course he wouldn't say these words directly, but shifted to other topics, but the real meaning would not change.

"Kang Jie, I didn't say it. The situation in the entire continent is getting more and more chaotic. If I guess correctly, the real purpose of the beast army occupying Guangdu City this time is not to occupy the gambling city of the human race, but to find the original The formation that seals the Shenlong Mountain Range, once the formation is destroyed, all the beasts on the other side of the mountain will follow the Shenlong Mountain Range to the Human Race Continent, and the number of beasts that will appear at that time will be at least as high as now Dozens of times more, so we must prevent this from happening."

"But now one of the opportunities is in this young man's body." Zhu Zhitong pointed to Lu Yang's body and said.

"Then what does the ancestor want me to do?" Hearing what the ancestor said, Zhu Kangjie asked a little strangely. After all, everything is born of interests, so once interests are involved, there must be a reason for it. Now Zhu Kangjie wants to ask Zhu Zhitong why he did this, and how he can help Zhu Zhitong accomplish these things.

"Smart, I came to you this time, on the one hand, I want you to find me a reasonable reason for existence, and on the other hand, let him have access to the real core interests of our Zhu family. The position is passed to him. But at that time, it is not clear whether he will accept it or not."

"On the other hand, I also want to take advantage of this return to set up a situation for the Zhu family. If my prediction is not wrong, in the next few decades, there will inevitably be a more intense battle between the human race and the beast race. At that time, the fierce beast clan will probably join forces with the demons to suppress our human race, so some casualties are inevitable." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Zhu Zhitong once again said something that Zhu Kangjie couldn't accept. However, he did not refute Zhu Zhitong. After all, the other party was an elder, so even if he refused, he would not make it so obvious.

Just asking him to give Lu Yang the status accumulated by the Zhu family over the years, he still couldn't accept it for a while.

Seeing Zhu Kangjie's extremely embarrassed expression, Zhu Zhitong knew that it was too early for him to say these words.

If the person in front of him was not Zhu Kangjie, but someone else, I'm afraid his words would be enough to kill Lu Yang.

"I know teacher, I will do all these things according to what you said." Zhu Kangjie has always known the character of his teacher, so he will never refute Zhu Zhitong on these matters.

But if it was Lu Yang who spoke, it would not be as easy as it is now. At least he, Zhu Kangjie, would never give Lu Yang any face.

"Is this what this kid means?" I don't know why Zhu Zhitong had such an idea.

"Kang Jie, I know he's here too, so let Zhu Dingjie come over too." Zhu Zhitong looked at Zhu Kangjie and smiled.

"I got it, teacher." Zhu Zhitong knew that he couldn't hide it from the teacher, so he didn't intend to hide it from the beginning. What's more, this is also a test for him. If he can't find out this little thing, then He really had to think carefully about whether the person standing in front of him was his former teacher.

But now, in his opinion, Zhu Zhitong is somewhat interesting.

With Zhu Kangjie's opinion, Zhu Dingjie was quickly called into the living room by Zhu Kangjie.

In the living room, when Zhu Dingjie saw Lu Yang and Lu Jiuyang, the expression on his face was quite strange. He didn't know why Zhu Kangjie suddenly called him to meet with these two Xuan-level beast masters, and they were still two little guys from the Lu family.

"Kang Jie, who is this?" Zhu Dingjie finally couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

"Junior brother, I actually called you here because I have something good to tell you." Zhu Kangjie thought for a while, and felt a little stubborn no matter what he said, but he decided to say it directly.

"Good news?" Zhu Dingjie, who was still a little confused at first, became even more confused after hearing Zhu Kangjie's words.

He really didn't expect any good news to be connected with the Lu family.

Just in his doubts, a phantom gradually appeared in front of him, and then this phantom condensed into the appearance of Zhu Zhitong.

Zhu Zhitong looked at Zhu Dingjie, whom he had grown up with since he was a child, and he also had a more amiable expression on his face. This is the true love of elders for younger generations.

"Zhu Dingjie, why don't you see this old man all these years, how do you feel now?"

"Grandfather?" Zhu Dingjie hurried over to salute Zhu Zhitong, but his performance was still far behind Zhu Kangjie.

"Of course it's me, I'm not dead yet!" Zhu Kangjie kept nodding while standing there facing Zhu Dingjie.

"I don't know what grandfather has to do this time?" Zhu Dingjie asked a little strangely.

But as soon as he said such words, Zhu Zhitong's face changed a little ugly. He didn't expect that the little guy who had always regarded him as an idol and a target in the past would dare to actively interfere with his thinking, and even wanted to supervise him.

Could it be that after so many years, have I really lost the prestige of the year?

Or after so many years in the Zhu family, people in the family have lost their vigilance, and they can even say such outrageous words. Doesn't he know that disaster comes from his mouth?

However, Zhu Zhitong would not say these words directly in front of so many people. After all, Zhu Dingjie is now the head of the Zhu family.

Not to mention anything else, his identity can be seen from the token of the head of the Zhu family hanging on his request.

"Is there anything to do? What I have to do is to see if you have given me peace of mind before I die completely. Tell me, how is the development of Zhu's family recently? It will take a few years to be completely in heaven. The Beast Sect is in charge of the overall situation?" Zhu Zhitong's words now sound a bit reproachful.

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