The Strongest Beast Guarding System

Three hundred and eightieth chapter Hong Ming capital

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Three hundred and eightieth chapter Hong Ming capital

In Zhu Zhitong's body, not to mention the number of runes he has mastered, it is said that there are three types of fusion runes.

Each fusion rune has its own most powerful power, and as far as fusion runes are concerned, its greatest advantage is special power.

Now that Zhu Zhitong can appear behind Zhu Dingjie, the video screen has received the powerful effect of the Mizuki rune.

You must know that now Zhu Zhitong, his body is the raw wood rune, and the soft water rune has the power to absorb and contain everything, while the raw wood rune can regenerate infinitely, so that his body can be instantly decomposed , and finally reorganized in a certain place instantly, so that Zhu Zhitong could appear behind Zhu Dingjie in an instant.

Of course, he dared to do this not because he was bold, but because he could master the power of the runes to a fine-grained level. Otherwise, if there was a slight mistake in this ability, he might face a life-and-death crisis. But once successful, it can also bring him extremely powerful combat results.

Now Zhu Zhitong is running towards the phantom of the Heart Demon General behind Zhu Dingjie, so naturally he won't give Zhu Dingjie any chance to dodge.


Following Zhu Zhitong's attack, a long blade that was completely covered by the ice crystal rune burst out from Zhu Zhitong's hand in an instant, and slashed straight at Zhu Dingjie's back.

"What, what are you doing?" Zhu Dingjie didn't expect that Zhu Zhitong could perform teleportation without comprehending the power of space runes, and he was shocked.

But when he wanted to turn around and return to defense, it was already too late.

At this moment, the Heart Slayer General, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a sharp whistling sound, "Quack, Zhu Zhitong, we haven't seen you for a long time, but I'm really sorry that you weren't killed in that battle Those companions who died, don’t worry if you don’t pass by, we will see you again soon.”

"Crunch, crunch..."

As the Heart Slayer Demon grabbed his big hand, the ice crystal sword light that was supposed to strike Zhu Dingjie was instantly pinched violently, and then the Heart Slayer Demon immediately turned into a cloud of black energy, and took Zhu Dingjie away from Zhu Zhitong's house. The attack ranges, and finally soars into the sky and disappears into the midst of their realization.

Seeing Zhu Dingjie fleeing, Zhu Kangjie immediately knelt on the ground, "Teacher, I failed your hope of me. I failed to watch Zhu Dingjie and let him betray the family!"

Although Zhu Kangjie and Zhu Dingjie seem to have a good relationship on the surface, in fact Zhu Kangjie was sent by Zhu Zhitong to monitor Zhu Dingjie. Because Zhu Zhitong had a premonition that with Zhu Zhitong's talent in the future, he would definitely have a chance to become the head of the Zhu family. If no one looked at Zhu Dingjie, with his character of vengeance, it would definitely be detrimental to the Zhu family.

Sure enough, after Zhu Zhitong left the Zhu family, Zhu Dingjie had opportunities one after another, and his strength improved step by step, and it was precisely because of this that Zhu Dingjie had the opportunity to become the current head of the Zhu family.

Sure enough, Zhu Zhitong guessed correctly, Zhu Dingjie actually betrayed the family.

"I don't blame you for this matter. Get up. I came to you this time to tell you that the world is about to be in chaos, and the army of beasts attacking Guangdu City is probably just the beginning of the chaos of the human race. And He is not Lu Tianming, but a man of great luck. As for who he is, I will tell you later. Go back now and bring Zhu Dingjie's head back. Here is a letter from me, I think he should know how to deal with the elder who was handed over to the Zhu family." After Zhu Zhitong repulsed Zhu Dingjie, his body became weaker countless times in an instant, and now he could even speak weakly.

If it wasn't for his spiritual consciousness not being damaged at all, Lu Yangkong would have thought that Zhu Zhitong would die at any moment.

"I see, teacher. What about you?" Zhu Kangjie said with some regret after hearing what Adou Zhu Zhitong said.

"If there is no accident, we may go to Guangdu City first, and then go to the Cult of the Evil God. As for more things, you don't need to know. Remember, the Heavenly Beast Sect and Yanhai City must be merged so that the Heavenly Beast Sect and the Yanhai City can be merged. Beast Sect becomes the new king city. Otherwise, once the human race is in chaos, only the king city can survive, go!" Zhu Zhitong didn't want to say anything, and drove Zhu Kangjie away.

"Master, you won't blame me for driving you away from Tianshou City, so that you can't see your little Roman language?" Seeing Zhu Kangjie walking away, Zhu Zhitong seemed to have recovered and looked at Lu Yang with a slightly teasing expression Said.

One must know that Romanyu fell in love with Lu Yang as soon as he saw him. Although he was staring at Lu Tianming's identity, his temperament could not be changed.

"Hmph, it's best not to mention this matter in the future. I think you'd better take care of yourself first. If I guessed right, 90% of the raw wood runes in your body have been consumed. Although I helped you last time , but this time it is up to you, and you absorb a hundred runes from the virtual world, I will take at least 40% of them as the rent for you to live in my mind!" Lu Yang didn't even ask, just Throwing Zhu Zhitong into the Beast Familiar System, there is a pet space inside, and it will be the best place for him to heal his wounds for a while, otherwise, Lu Yang can't guarantee that he will die.

After leaving Tianshou City, the next place Lu Yang rushed to was Luoyang City.

However, he won't stay there for too long when he returns to Luoyang City this time. Instead, he needs to look for news about the Cult of the Evil God based on some information that Firebird may provide her.

After finding the Cult of the Cthulhu, he would also have to infiltrate the Cult of the Cthulhu, find out information about the Cult of the Cthulhu's plan, and even follow the clues to understand the conspiracy of the beast clan and the demons.

After obtaining these, Lu Yang can take the information

Go to Wangcheng, and then go to see an old friend of Zhu Zhitong's past, and get enough resources from him. A friend of Zhu Zhitong can also directly allocate a third-level main city to Lu Yang by virtue of his own power, and let him Re-establish the Tianyi Gate.

Of course, all of these require a certain degree of dedication from Lu Yang, otherwise, even if this third-level main city is in ruins, it will not be given to him for no reason.

Because now it is rumored that Lu Yang was chased and killed by a mysterious beast in order to protect Changhe City, and finally entered an extremely mysterious place, and never appeared again. Now in Changhe City and Luoyang City, large-scale A commemorative ceremony was held to commemorate the hero who died in the war. Even Tianyimen was listed as a key protected sect in Changhe City. A branch could be established in Changhe City, while the headquarters was established in Luoyang City.

As for the more generous benefits given by Duobao Pavilion, that is, as long as the disciples of Tianyi Sect go to Duobao Pavilion to perform tasks in the future, they will be given double rewards. Many discounts can be obtained, which has increased the number of Tianyimen's disciples several times in a few days, so that in Luoyang City and Changhe City, whenever Tianyimen is mentioned, they will give thumbs up.

This surprised Lu Yang after returning to Luoyang City.

But his death was a trauma to him and his family. This time Lu Yang returned to Luoyang City to tell Luoyunshan that he was still alive, so that he could develop Tianyi Gate as much as possible and stabilize everything in Luoyang City.

In addition, he has to go to Zhen Tianqing, the acting master of Duobao Pavilion, to ask him to take care of Tianyimen as much as possible, so as to bring more powerful support for his next strong comeback.

After dealing with all this, he left Luoyang City with peace of mind and rushed to the next destination, the capital of Hongming.

It is said that Hongming City is the first-tier city closest to the Shenlong Mountains among many first-tier cities, and it is also one of the birthplaces of the Heretic God Sect.

In order to eradicate the Cult of the Evil God, Zucheng also repeatedly excluded the beast masters of the Xuan rank to be responsible for the security of Hongming City. But even so, the activities of the Cultists in the Hongming City are still extremely frequent, and there are even rumors that the witch envoys of the beast clan are hiding in the Hongming City.

For this reason, the ancestral city even sent several low-level beast masters to Hongming City to investigate, but they all returned in vain. On the contrary, the battle in Guangdu City has been going on. It was engulfed, and even some of the surrounding first-tier main cities were not spared.

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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